Bernie supporter here.
Please explain the unjustified hate the most of you have against Bernie. Most of the arguments i have seen so far are idiotic. Go!
Bernie supporter here.
Please explain the unjustified hate the most of you have against Bernie. Most of the arguments i have seen so far are idiotic. Go!
he's a communist
He's going to sell out and support Hillary just in time for all of his sane supporters to get massively red-pilled and join us on Team Trump. Get ready, faggot.
>Qualifies opposing arguments instead of actually hashing them out and addressing them.
You're obviously not here for a debate. If you want the red pill then ask for it instead of lying to yourself.
Bernie is old, if he can't take endless criticism without dying of old age, he is not fit to be POTUS.
He doesn't have good policies. In particular, he is economically illiterate.
fucking danskjävel with ur irrelevant bullshit go eat some wiener bröd and drop dead
If he really wanted to shake up the system that bad, he would have gone hard after Hillary and would run third party so that the dems would be hostage to progressives next election.
>Enough about the damn emails
>Will sponsor Hillary
He's a cuck, plain and simple.
He supports black lives matter and he isn't presidential material (no track record, absolutely beta)
>literal commie
>just a faux-alternative to Hillary, never intended to win
In all honesty, it's not even Bernie. I dislike his policies.
You bernouts are the fucking problem. Self righteous faggots that believe progressive ideology is the only valid form of government.
Social Marxist niggers that deserve to be exterminated.
> Most of the arguments i have seen so far are idiotic. Go!
I can already tell how dismissive you are of what other people think by calling peoples' arguments 'idiotic'. It's one thing if they're like, "LE LE LE LE COMMIE FAGET xDDDDD", but you haven't really alluded to this at all. First off, before anybody even tells you why he isn't an exemplary candidate, you should probably become a little more open minded.
The dude just sold all of his people out to Shillary and Obongo.
>supporting a loser
I'm so sorry
I hate his supporters.
I don't hate bernie, i think he's a nice guy. but i dont think any of his policies will work. he wants to make the minimum wage $15/hour while at the same time ending all deportation from the US. those 2 things just dont go together. his whole campaign is about muh feelings and political correctness and its the current year.
>worked for a literal party ran by Ruskie spies before
Really makes you think huh
>bernie supporters
I think they are so cucked that they'll go to Hillary because why wouldn't they want to be cucked??
Why do we hate the socialist independent who tried to hijack the democratic party with his extremely old and extremely counter-productive, un-American ideology, threw a tantrum when he lost (telling the media "j-just wait until they count the remaining 0.5% of the vote in California." so sad), threatening to take his followers with him if the DNC don't cater to his every whim? Gee, I don't know.
You get nothing. You lose. Good day, sir.
Sanders actually believes that he is responsible for young people being progressive. How very very sad.
> Socialism
> Brazil
The End.
youre foreign why would you care enough to full on support a candidate from a foreign country
He's a socialist.
End of argument.
Gotta hate him for using the bs "trump is hateful xenophobic bigot" line and being soft with hillary/basically endorsing her
He is a weak pushover that will bend over for niggers. At least Clinton isn't sincere when she panders.
I don't think most of hia supporters are cucks. I think they're just genuinely ignorant of politics. Youth vote and all that jazz.
lol KEK
everybody running is like 65+ man. why are you on Sup Forums
He's not Donald Trump. I really don't see him getting that much hate if the Trumpster were anyone else.
I graduated college a year ago and got a great job in software engineering.
I pay more in taxes than rent, utilities AND student loans combined. Yet he wants to raise my taxes? [Yes he does]
On top of that, I use citiBank for my checking and savings account because the atm is right next door. So I also use them for investing. Bernard wants to ban my retirment account because I use citi for banking also! The use a FTT to tax the funds I would have to move from my banned account. Just to give more shit to his faggot ass supporters.
Fuck him and all the people that support him. He is evil.
His policy positions make no fucking sense and they are diametrically opposed to each other.
>Minimum wage should be $15 an hour
>All illegal immigrants should be able to stay and have a pathway to citizenship (further flooding the job market with excess labor as if there aren't enough jobs to go around to begin with)
He also pisses me off because he is just scamming poor stupid kids for their pocket change, he's a vile piece of shit.
If he ran 3rd party, he'd split the left vote and Trump would win way easier than he already has
I don't hate Bernie. At least he has principles. Putting him against Trump makes the choice hard for me; I have a lot of student debt.Wish he went as hard on the Hilldawg as he has the God-Emperor. Maybe if he did, he'd be the nominee.
Obviously, but in the long term it's in progressive's best interests. If Trump is the loose cannon Sanders claims he is, then congress won't cooperate and he can't do real damage. Meanwhile, democrat fear will ensure that Progressives have an actual platform rather than lip service.
He talks the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk Sanders has failed to deliver his entire life, plain and simple.
Sanders is just an extension of the Clinton campaign, a thorough attempt to engage millennial voters, the group that Clinton polls lowest with, and get them registered as Democrats and seeded with the idea that Clinton is the closest thing to what they want.
You will see two things soon. Firstly, Sanders will loudly and visibly support Clinton. Secondly, all of the money that Sanders took in donations will be given to Clinton.
Clinton represents everything that Sanders is supposedly against, if he were for real he would not compromise. He is a patsy, and you are a retard for falling for it. But then again you believe in Communism, so it's to be expected.
He is mad at the right things.
He has no clue how to fix them.
I don't think anyone on this board hates him as much as Hillary. You can't take a satire board at face value.
socialism = authoritarianism
for every free thing he gave away he would have to enslave someone else in taxes to make it happen
Who cares at this point. He's done and all of the money he got is going to Hillary.
This is what we danes do best, napoleon, hitler.
Britain should probably be worried that we like the thought of brexit.
deporting all those fucking people is going to cost us millions. They take low level jobs that no one wants anyways because they cant speak english and almost zero skills. tell me more, white man, what jobs are they taking? 15 minimum wage isnt far fetch'd. Prices for everything has risen and wages havent went up zilch.
The kids that sent Bernie cash are going to be SUPERMAD if he gives their NEETbux to the Hilldawg.
>I support Bernie
>Foreign flag
wow its fucking nothing
You want handouts? Bernie convinced you that other people owe you something. No one owes you shit nigger.
> bernie supporter from denmark
if you give bernie a single euro, youre violating american campaign laws
you dont get a vote, your preference for a leftist socialist cuck is irrelevant
the ways bernie sucks:
panderer to niggers
weak willed faggot
old as fuck and totally out of touch
actually stupid, with no understanding of economics
never had a real job in his life
says retarded shit on his twatter feed constantly
blames america for all the world's ills
supports the 2nd amamndment when he is campaigning in pro-gun rural vermant, sponsors and votes for anti-gun legisllation
sponsored a bill to tump vermont's radioactive waste in a poor chicano barrio in texas.
keeps blabbering about "the rich" when anyone with an ounce of fiscal sense would be a millionaire in his position by now (pulling down a 6 figure salary + perks on the govt tit for 40 years) but he has a shitty balance sheet.
You're Danish who cares who you support? You don't matter, fuck off.
You're white, you can still live fine under a trump presidency. Minorities dont have this choice of capsizing the election.
He wants to centralize more power to the government. Also more dependency on the government. The government does not have our best interests in mind. He also wants global government to take power over us. This is evident by his inclination to "solve the global warming problem". Basically, all his positions seem to enable the corruption he claims to be fighting by giving them a more powerful vehicle.
What minorities are you talking about?
Illegal Immigrants? They don't come from a single race
Muslims? A religion, not a race.
As expensive as the deportations will be, they are necessary. Our immigration laws are laughed at. That has to stop. People respect force.You'd be surprised who wants what job when they've been unemployed for 6 months. Sucking dick starts to sound like a good career path when your car is about to be repossessed.
Could depressing wages have anything to do with the border invasion since the 1970's flooding the job market with cheap labor?
Christ almighty you people have no self awareness whatsoever.
Because reddit
>Good Quote
shit im twisted here.
Protip: Illegal immigrants cannot vote.
>deporting all those fucking people is going to cost us milllions
You do know that illegal immigrants costs the US over 85 billion dollars a year right? It's called spending money to save money in the long run you retard, go shill somewhere else
Muslims are minorities, regardless of race or ethnicity. Hate crimes on latinos have risen dramatically in the last 10 years because of right wing ideologies on immigration. mind you, this brown people period being victims of violence. regardless of citizenship
Only appeal to Sanders is that he isn't Clinton and really that makes him the better Candidate.
you're being extreme. the jobs they take dont even offer liveable wages. Its 10 people in one house all working to keep that one house. The kids drop out of highschool to support the family.
And this is why we hate you and didn't support you...You say its about the 1% but deep down its just another brand of identity politics
i lived under socialism for most of my life (venezuela) and it left me with perpetual hate for anything related to it
No because your shitty call center jobs still get shipped off to india even under these crappy 7.50 minimum wage. Nobody gives a fuck about cheap labor from mexico besides agriculture industry.
This, also more jobs open = healthier economy for legals
Muslims are all ready all but banned for migrating to the US...Thats why they are 2% of the population..As for hate crimes..You just pulled this shit out of your ass
If 1 mexican was attack because of Trump it would be on all the news channels 24/7
But in reality its white Trump supporters who are openly beaten in the streets.
I'd say Bernie has been thoroughly BTFO in this thread. It's almost hard to read.
>They take low level jobs that no one wants anyways
I hate this fucking meme
And before those immigrants piled and piled up to what you currently have, WHO THE FUCK worked those "shit" jobs? And keep in mind that we're talking about the timeframe where the US was at its economic peak. Please, enlighten me, before the shitskins invaded Europe for "cheap labor", who the fuck worked those jobs too?
It's nothing but a meme marxists keep spouting to justify importing skilless sub-90 IQ shitskins
Mexicans pay billions in dollars in payroll taxes for services they can never receive like welfare and retirement. UNdocumented immigrants arent get a cent from the goverment
I have family who lived in east germany and have met countless people who lived in warsaw pact nations. Everyone I have met who lived under socialism hated it. Not one single exception.
And then there are those rich spoiled brats raised with a silver spoon in their mouth and they love it.
Really makes you think.
$85 billion net negative. Mexico makes more money on remittance payments (money sent back to Mexico which is illegally earned in the US) than their entire oil industry. They contribute peanuts in taxes, use more welfare than the average US citizen, and send money back to Mexico.
>economically illiterate
elaborate pls
His campaign was a microcosm of his entire life. He was unemployed until he was 40 and the only thing he has to show after 30 years in the senate is two renamed post offices.
Here's what you are getting for your $200 million.
Its like living in a nightmare man you dont know how many friends and family i lost thanks to the shortage of food and products
der mensch ist böse
Trump's policies will make the USA a safer and better place for Americans.
Bernie's economic policies are just unsustainable and his limp dick approach to issues will not benefit the country.
The second post is pretty elaborate bro
I didnt make it up you dolt. There's a growing trend of anti-latino hate crimes. maybe just because you're white, and dont experience it. doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Ideologies period are driving this trend.
>most of the arguments i have seen so far are idiotic.
"Oh look I can't refute so I'll just call it idiotic and move on"
Don't you have a mudslime man to let inside you, Bork?
Nobody out here wants to pick cherries in the heat, especially you white people who get sun burn. Stop being so fragile, idiot.
he overall total of nonfatal and property hate crime victimizations for the entire study, 293,800, isn’t statistically >different to 2004 (the first year for which there is data), however. In other words: the number of hate crimes hasn’t changed—the targets have.
The fastest growing and largest minority group has more hate crimes now than 2004...Are you fucking illiterate
that post lists no economic policies whatsover
pls i want to have a good chuckle before I hit the hay
The funny thing is that east germany was among the 10 strongest economies at it's heyday and it was still a shithole.
And the interesting thing I have noticed from accounts of european socialism is that you, in some weeks, worked yourself to the bone trying to fill the quota while in most other weeks half the workers stand outside smoking, because the plant is running at capacity so low there weren't enough active workstations to accommodate everyone. Which is what you should expect if you fall for the planned economy meme.
I'll smack the shit out of you dense motherfucker. Why do you think they're victims? I serisously want you to get your fat ass off the at computer and breathe some fresh air. you dumb bitch
>hates progress
>emotional response
>thinks people who disagree should be killed
I think you summed up your position quite well.
Another wonderful driveby posting. Why the hell do people do this all day long on Sup Forums??
Why do Sanders supporters always try tolook open minded "please show me your opinion," etc, then always make sure to denote that reminding the person of how stupid they are?
Socialists always do this. Why ?
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery
> Suggested reparations.
> Refused to call on supporters to tone violence and intimidation down.
> Has no backbone when dealing with fanatics.
I would be for him otherwise. But he wanted to be a "righteous" cult leader instead of a president.
> You should probably state what you found idiotic and not lead with phrases like "Please explain the unjustified" (that really is idiotic)
when a man literally declares that in another time he would have made Lenin his godfather and biggest supporter then have to admit that I don't see such an individual as a viable candidate for these free states
I don't support Sanders, but some of his economic policies have sound reasoning, just like some of Trump's policies. I'm just curious why y'all protest so much when you know so little.
Australia raised their minimum wage to $15 at a point when USD and dollarydoos were at parity. Currencies fluctuate, but people still make out okay over there.
The reason they want to raise minimum wage is because it's impossible to make a living on a minimum wage job.
Also, you know from Donald's negotiations that you don't start at the number you really want, you start high and find a place to meet in the middle. If Bernie says $15 and the current number is $7.25, then $10 or $12 would be good progress.
I don't hate Bernie OP, I hate you.
Did you know that not everyone has a great job and a savings account?
Save money now. You will be automated in the next 10 years.
Hate crime victims have not increased at all in the last 12 years....But the hispanic population....In the 2000 census whites were 70% of the population hispanics were 12% of the population
Today whites are 60% and hispanics are 17%
All that article is doing is blaming the hispanic increase in hate crime victimization on whites instead of the fact that their population skyrocketed in 16 years
Dude thinks a federal judge is incompetent because of his race. He doesn't care about checks and balances, Trump will rule by decree. I would rather 4 more years of GW Bush than 4 years of Trump.
1 post and a dane.
You could say that Trump is just playing the heel.
Yeah yeah we get it, Democrats still love slave labor. You don't need to bring it up every time illegal immigration comes up.
Yeah lets pretend a member of la raza is being fair to a person who wants to deport 11 million people of the race...fucking blow me
I want this "living wage" meme to end.
Not everybody needs, much less deserves one.
If your job can just as easily be done by someone with severe aspergers or an iPad with a credit card reader, an hour's work probably isn't worth $7, much less $15.
>He's a cuck, plain and simple.
Says the beta neckbeard who will never achieve 1/1 millionth of what Sanders has