What the fuck, Jews are willingly identifying themselves with (((echo))).
Dumb kikes
Not like he could hide it with that last name
This is a good thing.
He is one neurotic kike. The jew echo is like the finger quotes like when you say Hillary Clinton is a "woman".
Except it applies to a kike or kike-like person trying to scam you. Like...
(((judeo-christian america)))
(((white privilege)))
(((talented actress)))
(((rape culture)))
(((fat acceptance)))
(((society's responsibility)))
Their hubris will be their undoing.
Always has been always will be
Is there a new extension now that coincidence detector got deleted?
The big question is, will they have anywhere to run this time when (((another))) holocaust happens?
I don't even know how to use twatter, but I've noticed as part of my job function that the echo curves are catching on even for non-jews. It's pretty funny.
Yeah, what /if/ Jews outed themselves, turned from hiding themselves to boasting that they rule the world, openly uniting, openly fighting whites? Speeding up the poz, but being open about it?
Would that be good, or bad? Would we catch on in time, turn 'K' in time (see the blog of the 'Anonymous Conservative' - no I'm not him), or would they crush us since they're smarter and could move faster, once in the open?
Good question if I do say so myself.
poor disney walt would be ashamed
they're laughing at you
If only hitter used echos and not gold stars
No, that's bad - that's effective, against us, that's what the Jews want - to make the ((())) meaningless. We just have to be like the Star-Bellied Sneetches and move faster.
Shill. Possibly we should start reporting this.
This has already been discussed backwards and forwards, and the main point of discussion is that this is not us, this was a Jew creation. This is like that hysterically anti-Semitic Muslim protester with the sign about Kill The Juice who turned out to be a Chabad guy, or look up Adam Gadahn. This is what they do: they put on your shirt and walk around pretending to be a retard, but also pretending to be you. Then they take your shirt off and give themselves credit for having defeated your retarded argument.
They need something, ANYTHING to autisticly latch onto to pretend like they're victims while running everything into the fucking ground.
So wait - do holocausts kill Jews or do they not? Straight answers only, please.
I wonder how they would all look with a bad case of Typhus.
Yes, I don't know where it is though, sorry. (serious). Ask around on TRS (therightstuff.biz)
>Using coincidence detector
>Not changing it to replace the () with Jewish stars
Nah this wasn't created by jews or sjws or whatever.
The flashy goys over at the daily shoah created it. The app that out them in parantheses was around for 1 year before outlets picked up on it and now the Jews themselves are doing it as a form of protest (?).
Found this for everyone that needs it
(((Jew))) here. I have nothing to hide, unlike Soros.
But they are trying to take ot over, to control the narrative.
Oh no what am I going to do other then add that word to the filter so it's gets stars too? Dumbshit.
How is it that Goldberg was never cast in a movie about Samson? Missed opportunity for (((Hollywood))).
>(((Jew))) here. I have nothing to hide, unlike Soros.
I'm sure you are user.
meme magic is real, for the past 100 years they have been hiding themselves, but now they are exposing themselves after all their hard work
their hubris and over confidence will be their downfall
just like the emperor, the first time he showed himself he caused his own destruction
What's the significance of the multiple parenthesis? Why that instead of anything elsem like brackets?
Why on earth did they start identifying themselves like this? Or did it not start voluntarily with them?
yes over a billion jews died during the holocaust and you should feel bad for them
>ask them where are the proofs
>"wow i can't believe you're this insensitive and perverted"
why not just show proofs?
It's a kind of joke anyway, nobody needs an extra symbol to recognize that names lile Brooks, Cohen, Covan, Feith, Goldberg, Medved, Perle, Pollard, Wolfowitz, Kristol and Krauthammer have something in common.
like that?
>It's a kind of joke anyway, nobody needs an extra symbol to recognize that names lile Brooks, Cohen, Covan, Feith, Goldberg, Medved, Perle, Pollard, Wolfowitz, Kristol and Krauthammer have something in common.
Apparentely you do, user.
gimme that luther quote about the fact that jews haven't mastered the art of lying
They'll be running scared from it sooner rather then than later.
>What's the significance of the multiple parenthesis? Why that instead of anything elsem like brackets?
It's supposed to be an echo effect. Audio examples here:
9 minutes:
>Merchant Minute - Daily Shoah Episode 88
Their schemes only work when SWPL types think it's their fellow whites chastizing them and acting as the moral police. They absolutely rely on (((blending in))) to push their agenda.
The last thing they want is people having a real discussion about (((immigration policy since 1965))) or (((media control))) or (((white privilege))) and who's behind it.
The leaf was making a wrestling reference.
If/when they start coming for us in our homes, they have already lost.
The scumbag Leo Laporte does it to
I remember a few months ago I told some cuck a few months ago that Germany was in the best shape it had been in in decades under Hitler and he told me "Not cool, I know a Jewish girl who's grandmother survived the holocaust." and I got looks of disgust from my co-workers.
I was supposed to feel bad because someone was offended on behalf of the grandmother of a Jewish girl he knows.
No U
>SPLC openly admitting that they're run by Marxist kikes