Every culture had up and down periods throughout history. You have been on the rise side since late renaissance. Now you have come to an end. Sexual reproduction is beyond top of anything human made. This is the basic law and goal of all biological existence. Your civ failed at this point. Embrace the truth admit you have no future as a group. This makes you free.
White/Western civilization is falling apart. What is hard to accept?
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We need more like these two.
nice to see that transwoman finding love
Since when is scarlet jo getting blacked?
Turkroach meme is silly and dont make me even little mad. This is serious discussion.
Never say never, fellow roach!
squash roach
I can't wait. A Fallen America is gonna be a complete shitshow and I plan to come out on top.
lol that's definitely a dude
Without whites there is no future for the planet
Despite having higher IQ jews can only survive and thrive in white nations and asians have proven to only thrive in connection with the West.
I know that, I'm just sitting and watching all burn.
The only white coal burner I've ever personally known was a British tranny
The whole planet could be plunged into darkness and as long as there as 1 white guy, he'd be on top.
kill turks
We always win in the end Ali, Europe has faced worse and overcome, the same will happen in the near future.
this is a DIRECT consequence of the welfare state.
when her relationship fails, who has to pay for the consequences? the fucking tax payer.
when an elderly man gets divorce raped by his russian/thai or another bimbo bride, no one sheds a tear for him. "OBVIOUS dude, now youre paying". women should be held similarly accountable for their retarded choices.
who the fuck cares if she has children? they are niggers with a bimbo brain anyway.
Wrong. High iq doesnt give you more advantage for reproduction over low iq groups nowadays.
We have to bring back personal responsibility in the Western world.
Yes but this time it's for all the cards.
Non Hispanic Whites are currently 8% of the world's population, down from 28% in the 1950's.
It's game over soon..
So then, think of a world without white contribution. How would that world look.
Be realistic.. how would it work ? how would it function ?
The world will revert BACK to that world when white's are gone.
Just look at any post colonial region in the world. How's it doing ?
Look at Zimbabwee... from bread basket of Africa where over 90% of their harvest was sold to starvation and pending cannibalism.
The former US colony of Liberia is already experiencing cannibalism,
>Serious discussion
Majority of white women are not breeding with blacks. The population of europe is growing it's just that non whites have children while we barely have any
This is why race doctrine is retarded. Why wouldn't all the various minorities and whatever slurry white people have become not just adapt to the social machinery in place?
Why does everyone think that blacks mixing with white women is the end of civilization. I've got news for you, there's going to be sexual competition no matter who you're around and if you can't beat the competition it doesn't make them evil, it just means you lost. Sure blacks have "bigger dicks" but whites make more money and are less likely to leave you prego with little Jibari. We all have our advantages.
Beyond top of anything human made?
Has anyone even been as far as?
Because the lesson of history is not being able to get the jungle out of the ape.
This. Sup Forums can make any fucking excuse it wants but if a girl picks someone else to fuck, that's on you hombre. She's the slut or whatever she is. Maybe you should have manned the fuck up.
>Sure blacks have "bigger dicks"
lol, they don't.
Man, I've read a lot of history, and personally I've seen no differences as far as potential savagery goes between any group of people. Europe is a shitshow from beginning to end.
>blacks have "bigger dicks"
The you must have read how some societies grow out of the savagery stage..
See much necklacing or cannibalism or infant rape going on in the US or Japan ?
No, I'm not pretending Western civilization isn't the shit. But Japan makes my point for me. They're not white but they act like an ultra-efficient model of America because it's social machinery, not race, that dictates behavior.
>Europe is a shitshow from beginning to end.
Competition is the source of progress, child. You walked on the moon because the Russians floated in space.
I meant literal shitshow, Kermit. The only good things about Europe now are what they took from American culture. But of course, France couldn't even get that right on the first attempt.
What will happen?
The single most important continent in History was shit show to you, huh? I see american education is still on point.
No it's IQ that dictates behavior
The only important facts about Europe are
>birthed America
>generated the international banks that rule us all
And they pretty much cancel each other out, so enjoy irrelevance.
Probably both. Nobody's has use for a math genius in a hunter-gatherer tribe.
>The only good things about Europe now are what they took from American culture
the opposite of true
but the math genius is why they are no longer hunter gatherers
>Cuck thread
>check flag
You wont believe me but I had sex with a good looking polish girl last summer who was in istanbul for internship. We met in a club then went to my place and I banged her very hard in her all ways for two days nonstop. So your goatfucker meme is wrong unless you call polish girls as goats...
So you'd prefer your Reptilian monarch?
Okay, so six of one, half dozen of the other.
You have some audacity to call anyone else a failed state you fucking joke.
nah i just don't like white guilt, vapid consumerism, mcdonalds, retardation, nigger music and everything else europe has the usa to thank for.
Yea sure whatever you say ahmed, keep on dreaming.
Yeah sorry our bad.
>The only important facts about Europe
That you know of. Hit the library, kid. You need it.
I just dislike delivering the world into slavery to the Jews.
I guess that kind of generosity is precisely why we are dying though.
>generated the international banks that rule us all
>he just arrived to Sup Forums
2 shekels has been deposited courtesy of Soros Foundation
Lol i wish i had picture with her but dont worry it is very easy for me to get1 laid any eastern european girl. Just keep watching pol i will definitely post pictures after this summer. I know it is hard to admit for you but polish and ukrainian girls are crazy for turkish guys and they are easier than swedish or german girls. You want to think i am lying i feel pity for you
In every culture and country there are sluts without future who have no respects among their family and friends ahmed, you just happened to find one of them and i must say thank you for highlighting her so we can aviod her.
Keep projecting ahmed.
Mate, the only thing that lying roach happened to find was a goat slow enough to fuck.
Ok so name one Low IQ country that is at Western Standards...
You see high IQ leads to better societies which leads to better outcomes.. Color has nothing to do with it.. It just happens that certain color people have low IQ's. If they had higher IQ's they would have a better chance of having developed societies.
Of course there are women who will fuck anyone not only foreigners, but literally anyone. They are in every country, even Muslim girls do this shit. That's why they shouldn't be allowed to vote and decide about society.
Your denial is really funny :) besides polish girl i have also had relations with many other east euro girls. it is pretty common here. You sound very naive. Your girls go crazy when they get out of your country once.
This is true. For example secular turkish girls want white even blond hairless guys more than us. Bit it doesnt really bother me as long as i can get white chicks.
>Your denial is really funny
It is your projection that is funny, you claim to fuck a white girl yet do not provide evidence, like every basement dweller roach. kys
And I don't really give a fuck about "muh white wymyn", already have girlfriend, it took me a while to subdue her but it was worth it. Didn't have any foreign girl in my life but I have some experience with polish grills so I could finally come to conclusion that one night stand is pointless.
These dubs will save the white race!
yeah, "natasha" prostitutes are very common in roachland, but it doesn't count if you pay for it.
Unlike other so called manly polish guys here, you sound like honest mature and wise. I respect that.
I dont pay for sex and i didnt mean pros these i mention are just average college girls.
Okay Turk roach, The only reason Asian, and European cultures have flurished, and developed societies is alot darker than anyone thinks ..
It comes down to suicide. White, & Asians lack melanin, & in cold environments sometimes do not get enough vitamin D, or Sunlight to keep moods at positive. The Suicidal risks, and careless behavior lead to discovery, science, purpose, and evolution.
Light Skin is usually exclusive to the suicide problem. Why are Darkies more ignorant? Blissful? ? It's the melanine, it keeps them ignorant, and simple ....
At this point in our history, i don't know how to feel about mixed children, since they won't share the same depressed feelings myself, or our ancestors felt. With pain comes gains, but why would anyone willingly want to suffer.
>in before getting called Jew, i am just a Conflicted Roman Catholic, and White Latin
People just don't understand how does women work. There are sluts created only to be fucked by anyone and there are wife material girls. We shouldn't care for first group and protect second one.