Give me ONE reason why Italian's shouldn't be sent off to death camps and get wiped off the face of the earth.
>You can't.
Give me ONE reason why Italian's shouldn't be sent off to death camps and get wiped off the face of the earth.
>You can't.
Other urls found in this thread:
We have to send the niggers there first.
>not good looking and still able to catch lot of women
>healthy skin
>great strength gained trough hard work instead of excuses
>red eyes: supernatural powers
who's the real master race?
nobody rally hates Italians, u know?
they have no real rivalries here or hatred from a colonial past
Sure, u can make fun of them, but all in all it is a very beloved country
Without italians your wife won't get a proper fuck
daily reminder
Actual Italians from Italy are ok lads. Italian Americans are trash
La mia bandiera ha i 4 mori tu odi la mia city tanto domani muori
su gunnu e mamma rua
pezz'e merda
They make good food.
They're good company.
Ahahah. Sono sardo pure io
I got nothing.... you think they any weapons of mass destruction? I bet they do. We should liberate thier people....
Stop trying to divide and conquer us.
I am White English/German and Italians are white.
I am very very suspicious of all this divide the white race shit on this board. It's either from coming from housebound autists or something more ((sinister))
Really? Hmmm you sure they don't need some freedom?
This board is satire remember?
They all look like STD ridden male whores
Sicilians are part black, niggers.
Not an argument
We invented porco dio and mafia how can you hate us
You idiot American. You've never met a real Italian... New Jersey doens't count.
New Jersey should be wiped out and repopulated, but that's a different issue.
Italy is not Sicilia sunav a bagassa, weak curruru
Sicilian nigger detected.
Shut up, nigger.
Quanti Sardi ci sono a Sup Forums?
Since Italians are/have
>shit language
>shit economy
>shit warfare skills
yeah I can't think of any reason
butthurt murifag no amout of hate can get your foreskin back
If Sup Forums was around 120 years ago purebreds would be lamenting the race mixing of English and German stock and demanding the end of nasty German immigrants.
On the up side they are easily defeated by chasing them with a bar of soap and a razor.
>Non di Cagliari
we have been the cumdumpsters of Europe for centuries. Yet we do not complain 24/7 like niggers.
Said by:
> cucks who let rapefugees in their women
> cucks who have the fashion style of a nigger
> the language of cucks
> great economy so that they can invite rapefugees in
> start two world wars and lose them both becoming Supreme Cuck King
Plus: can't cook and wear socks with sandals.
Germans should all die.
The moors are niggers
>Extremely inbred, ape-like American ethnic group descended from particularly insular Italians
Pick one, idiot.
niggers have way better fashion
I can't. Fuck those faggots. I always wondered who in the hell bought those "Extenze" packets behind the counter at gas stations...and then I watched 6 greasy New Jersey dago wop faggots buy the whole goddamn supply at a 7/11 next to my old apartment.
around hanzs
never relax
You can't understand bro, I live in Trentino and it's full of Germancucks who don't wash, who wear pink polos and green wool trousers and white socks, it kills my eyes.
Yet they spend a lot of money here so welcome Krauts.
Ma sono di Cagliari
Are they really? Italy looks like a nice place, I was thinking of learning italian and visiting some day.
Google gives some nice results too. "American men" on the other hand gave me a bunch of niggers. I laughed but then I felt bad for you gringos.
A ha
tu lo sai cos'è
tutto quello che io faccio lo faccio grande
A ha parlano di niente
ma quando entro nel locale parlando di me
Scrivo di C A la città dove sono nato
rosso e blu, rosso e blu, rosso rosso rosso rosso e blu
Minorenni sul mio cazzo e spaccio sotto il mio palazzo
rosso e blu
rosso e blu
rosso rosso rosso e blu
dio boia put some pussy juice in their breakfast wurstel, they will die of anaphylactic shock
>tfw no italian qt gf from roma
How much olive oil you got in your hair, you little nappy headed nigger?
Miu Nieddu
enough to lube my head into your mom's pussy, nigger
r a er
Italians have no style. They stink. They smell like dirty ass. Their ancestors are niggers. Enough said! {wop skank accent} "Cabs are here"!
everytime this gets posted by some fucking retarded autist that watches too many movies
Leonardo Da vinci was the smartest human being to every live, his IQ was estimated to be over 230,
Napoleon was italian as well
so many genius's
OH yeah and that roman empire thingy, that kinda controlled the world for nearly a millennium
n e w f a g
>negro fauna settles in America
>become the subhuman chimping mass of shit that's currently burning down America
>Italian go to America
>become nigger-tier guidos
Could America be the catalyst for all the worst inside of us?
>Mfw I don't know that feel
>cucks who let rapefugees in their women
köln is a shithole
>cucks who have the fashion style of a nigger
what is this supposed to mean?
>great economy so that they can invite rapefugees in
at least we have a good economy
>start two world wars and lose them both becoming Supreme Cuck King
We didn't start the wars and that title belong to sweden
We cook better food than you since we aren't tiny oily manlets. All you are good for is pizza and pasta and americans do that better than you.
>Germans should all die.
Why not start a war with us and try it?
>Be a bunch of swarthy, sullen, ill-bred rejects
>Piss off all the other Italians
>Get chased off across the pond to America
>Reject American culture and the neighbors in particular
>Fuck cousins and siblings
>Chimp out if actual Italians pass by
>Generations pass
>Be the nigger
>Replace watermelons with pasta
>Replace cocoa butter with olive oil
>Replace chromosomes with twine
There you have it. A bunch of weird-looking criminals that still refuse to adapt.
how did you meet one off of the boat? grad school?
My best friend married her sister, I met her at the wedding.
based, hook a nigga up
>The research is published in scientific journal Personality and Individual Differences.
Average penis size by country:
Republic of Congo, 7.1
Ecuador, 7
Ghana, 6.8
Colombia 6.7
Iceland 6.5
Italy 6.2
South Africa 6
Sweden 5.9
Greece 5.8
Germany 5.7
New Zealand 5.5
UK 5.5
Canada 5.5
Spain 5.5
France 5.3
Australia 5.2
Russia 5.2
USA 5.1
Ireland 5
Romania 5
China 4.3
India 4
Thailand 4
South Korea 3.8
North Korea 3.8
I don't know about outright extermination but we should definitely kick their spaghetti twirling asses back to Milan if they continue to sully our shores.
Those fucking greaseballs don't belong here.
Couple of niggers pretending like they're even relevant anymore. WE WUZ ROMANS AND SHIIIEEET
>posts dago jersey style faggots
go to italy. its great. the people are very nice.
my wife is of italian descent and shes great.
fuck yourself faggot.
my grandmother is 100% Sicilian does that make me black?
Best you can get are from the south, especially countryside. Can get any more traditional, conservative, Catholic, nationalistic and housewife - like than that
Cant refute it cock sucker
All humans come the same common ancestor, its just at that specific place in time, my ancestors were killing and crucifying yours
>my wife
>shes great
Why do you have to point that out?
I don't know. I just like calling people niggers.
I'm not for anybody's genocide. Separation, preferably by choice; I'm all for that. Seems like we CAN'T "all just get along", so we should go to our own yards.
Jersey Douchebags are not Italian.
very true, are there italians that arent catholic? isn't that like blasphemy
hang yourself nigger
>New Jersey guidos = all murrican Italians
- Pizza
- Mussolini
- Gelato
- Mozzarella
- Rocky
That's all I got, famalam.
yeah, basically 120% nigger
your brain is like your dick: small, defective and mutilated
Romans were queers that later got enriched by niggers and they worship a jewish man. You lose again, nigger.
I've actually met a few people from Jersey that don't act like absolute Yankee faggots.
Italians can be the best and the worst.
The average italian is worst than the average american.
The alpha italian (not talking about alpha as getting lot of biches etc...) is better than the alpha america.
Also, the most of the bad reputation of italians comes when you look to the southern ones, they are barbarians compared to the northern.
Lombardy master aryan race.
E non sono nemmeno leghista.
if i say it enough it makes it true
Yes, and it smells like beef tallow!
Let's be real. They may live in New Jersey but they're not *from* New Jersey.
it's not jersey, it's all of the niggers from jew york who go down to jersey
Speak for yourself Luigi.
I'm white unlike your linguini sucking black ass.
>jersey fag detected
>are there italians that arent catholic?
Most are only religious on paper, in the younger generations you pretty much can't find anyone who's been to a church in the last years
ha ha ha score one for Italy
Everyone is Catholic. Then again, many may not practice, but they will still maintain they're Catholic, and in public they will be and will be considered Catholic.
You may be looked upon the same way niggers and slimes get looked upon, if you don't at least pretend to be Catholic, even with your family. Especially with your family.
Your grandmother will literally die inside if you let her know you're not Catholic, even if she will never show it.
>Don't know whether they want to be NEW YAWGUHZ or white trash "pineys"
>N-nuh uh! It's not us!
The river in Egypt, you're motor-boating all over it with a V12 turbodiesel engine.
>A german making fun if the italian language
all your burgers are obsolete when in comparison with that delicious housemade pasta
t. half italian
makes sense, are liberal italian girls bad? should i avoid them like shitty western women?
dunno how that when got there
signing off with the weak bait
he is mad that no one else speaks cuck runes
only south is somewhat religious, north doesnt give much of a fuck
of course you should avoid women, faggots fits way better with bbc
>hating italians
>posting italian-americana