I hope the Russia ban on Sup Forums is made permanent. The entire country should be genocided tbh fam.
Russians confirmed for not being able to handle the bantz
Russians are genetically only 60% white. They belong to the same group as white-looking jews and gypsies.
Kill yourself, subhuman.
LMAO assblasted Anglo OP
The Brits fully deserves to be beat up
They had rioted already prior to this against the police
The Russians were just cleaning the mess
way to prove my point Ivan.
Whatever you say toothpaste junior. Anglos stick together.
>whatever you say
Not an argument
/pol has been overflowing with buttwreck lately. Good times.
>They had rioted already prior to this against the police
Looks like you don't get banter either.
Do frog eaters even have a word for banter in their language?
It's just ol fashioned beating
Mericans wouldn't understand
As if you understand euro bantz
You wouldn't have made this thread to begin with
Raillerie, taillage, plaisanterie, to name a few.
Triple dubs checked
I'll take that as a no.
According to Google translate the word for banter is the same in frog languages as the word for joking.
Russians are the niggers of Europe
>says sweden
What about repartie?
It's in the list as well. But all our banter is usually done amongst ourselves, north vs south, west vs east. We don't really care about neighbours.
Are you black/semitic/asian? Don't be a fag. This is just what happens when a warrior aristocracy breeds for thousands of years. We get in fights for fun, we get bloodied, sometimes someone dies.
Pic related: While Americans play hand-egg, Austrian and German Right Wing student circles (Burschenschaften) have rapier duels. They wear their face wounds with pride.
That's just scare stories. Didn't happen.
It's only all a bit of harmless craic
Fucking ruskie savages, wait till they meet polish fans, they will make ruskies remember the battle of Klushino.
That's Sturridge you idiot
Cucks getting beaten for being cucks, I see nothing wrong with this
Firstly, Forster is white.
Secondly, that's a cherry picked squad and you know it.
That wasn't even the starting lineup.
anti-russia shills in full force today
Russia is a continent you stupid fuck
>start a fight
>get your shit pushed in
>"HURR DURR can't handle bantz"
>"HURR DURR niggers of Europe"
>"HURR DURR Hitler should have won"
Stay mad,feminine faggots,and get out of the way,real men are in the town.
>Real men
My friend here has a very good point
UK fans are notorious for breaking shit and fucking shit up, they're considered the worst football fans by everyone.
Try to fuck up Russians, gets fucked up, complains
top kek.
>russian fans are notorious for breaking shit and fucking shit up, they're considered the worst football fans by everyone.
there you go, fixed it for ya
here in germany the english hooligans are also knowen for being ugly annoying faggots, just saying
i'm not denying that,
but it doesn't change the fact that those russian subhumans are the worst
>whites are smart
>asians are smart
>slavs are dumb
How does work??
>bongs dindu nuffin
>frogs also dindu nuffin
They can all kill eachother as much as they want. All of em are on the same tree, just different apples.
Why do cunts get so worked up over who is better at kicking a ball around a field? England really is worthless.
a projecting swede.
Dont worry olaf, the russians will come and help you with your muslim problem.
>Ahmeds shrekt by Vodka niggers