What do americans mean by this?
What do americans mean by this?
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Stupid fucking white men are all voting for Drumpf cause they ruin everything
It means thegroundwork.com and the Illuminati are going to help her cheat.
If she cheats within 10% like she did many times with Berniebros, exit polling was always 10%-15% off for her winning states.
She will cheat.
It means Trump needs to win BIG.
If she wasn't married to a white man named bill clinton she'd just be another worn out cunthole that no one would give a fuck about. She owes everything she has to a white man named Bill clinton. There's a reason she left him cuck her and cheat on her all the time because without him she is nothing. She's a fucking joke like all women.
Take a guess goy
Two faggots.
One who uses the word "drumpf" and the other who thinks he's trolling by starting a stupid thread with "what did he mean by this?"
Another is a tripfag
The fact she is even running is thanks to a white man.
Haha, I think they should be called "americans" as OP stated.
Imagine the possibilities
White men are 1/3 of the US population (roughly), and regardless of what idiotic leftists say, not all minorities regard the party of jim crow as their saviors.
So it means that they're fucking delusional.
>try to win white male vote
>can't win the white male vote
>"Hillary Clinton doesn't need white men"
If whites turn out to vote we still outnumber.
If they assume massive female support and highly abnormal minority voter participation, they think they can outnumber a passive majority.
In a year with record primary turnout.
it means "making snarky headlines about WHITE MALES is trendy right now, right? yeah, let's do that"
Well, obviously. Just look at her marriage.
It's been trendy since the mid 80 isn't it?
It just became way more common since the mid-2000's
>It means Trump needs to win BIG.
>shills been repeating this since october
Top kek
Same thing the UKcucks mean by this I think
Cater to the smallest minorities since cucks will vote for you anyway.
it's not the same. why do you think he could win by a large margin in a general election?
pure coincidence
I really hope trump wins instead of this bitch
she's talking demographics, she doesn't need white male votes because most white males voting for Trump.
she does however have the support of pretty much all the females in the country, which outnumber men, so in a way, we are fucked.
they love picking on white men.
If you can't get white guys to vote for you, Washington,Oregon,Michigan,PA,Wisconsin,Minnesota,Maine all flip red.
She's going to pick a minority/ woman Veep. I will be back when it happens to watch pol shit dicks.
Good, I hope she says so loudly and often. It'll be really funny when the people of Michigan and Pennsylvania correct her.
I agree with you 100%, Obama was clever enough to pick Biden and I think that's a choice that often gets overlooked. Hillary and her team are full on tumblr/SRS and they're trying to promote Warren right now which would be absolutely amazing for Trump.
>What could be worse than a withered privilege checking old woman?
>TWO withered privilege checking old women!