If racism is real, why should it change the way people are treated?

If racism is real, why should it change the way people are treated?

I believe a policy of equality is best for everyone regardless of race or ethnicity.

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A policy of equality is in direct opposition to a fact of unequal races

But if everyone is treated the same under the law, with no race getting any advantages or disadvantages over any other race, then wouldn't the end result be that every race gets exactly what it deserves?


This tbqh

Equal opportunity, not equal outcome

Because niggers fucking suck

>dude the law discriminates against people
>has black president

If you have equality before the law then sure, but that's not generally what people are talknig about when they say 'equality'

equality of opportunity/effort is fair, forcing an equality of outcome is what is absurd and doesn't work yet is forced upon us.

But that's not what Sup Forums wants. They want white people to get everything good regardless of their status in society and every other race to starve or get the scraps

b-but muh institutional raysism

They tried that in Rhodeisa...

Equality leads to failed states.. Happening RIGHT NOW in South Africa.. Next stop Europe than the US..


>I believe a policy of equality is best for everyone

We had that already in nature. All races started at the same point and whites emerged on top. Now a bunch of regressive fucktards are demanding we compensate for the failings of non whites. The only reason "white privilege" exists is because whites built the best civilizations.

because nigs gonna nog

That's not what I said at all. Read the post I was responding to.

I agree. The biological existence of races is just an academic matter for me.

But how can racism be real if out eyes arent real?

thought your id was ops

>If racism is real, why should it change the way people are treated?

it shouldn't, you should still treat individuals the same.

Poll for

we already tried that it didn't work hence programs like affirmative action

It won't work because we're not equal.
Not in intelligence, stature, or history.

The only thing we can hold people in equal respects is the law. That's why blacks commit more crimes, they're not equal.

How can racism be real if race is a just a social construct?

Checkmate liberals.