Share your unpopular opinions here.
And to answer the question, it's opinions that are unpopular on Sup Forums.
Unpopular Opinions Thread
Not EVERYONE is Canada is a total POS.
Whites would be creating and pushing just as much degeneracy within their society if it wasn't for the jews. The problem with the west is the internet and wealth.
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
I don't give two shits about hitler, the nazi's or the holocaust, I just want all the non whites in my country deported, and the liberal white slave mentality destroyed.
This is an unpopular opinion thread not a denial of facts thread.
I don't mind gay people.
You're right, this is an unpopular opinion thread.
And saying that there is nothing wrong with being Jewish is an unpopular opinion.
Christ is Lord
I wouldn't focus on Internet but on wealth and welfare at the first place. Just compare two countries: rich Sweden and poor Poland or Belarus
>the holocaust happened
>there's no Jewish conspiracy
>national socialism is just as bad as communism
>the twin towers were brought down by two airplanes
>there's no reason to hate women as a whole
>The refugee crisis is a short term issue that won't result in Europe turning Muslim, and the vast majority of them will go back once the war is over.
>I don't hate black people.
>Donald Trump will be one of the worst presidents we've ever had if elected
OP is NOT a faggot
"Cultural Marxism" isn't real, and anyone who seriously thinks Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin were anything close to SJWs is fucking deluded.
John Titor was real
The Jews are are used as a scapegoat by the Germanic "people" who've tried to destroy Europe 2 times in the last 100 years via war and now trying to destroy it via forcefully importing mud races.
Get a load of these goys.
Despite all the infographs posted here, I believe Hitler started WW2 and was rightfully beaten.
Reunification of East and West Germany was an error.
Whoever claim there is a difference between blacks and niggers is a bbc lover.
Not all jews are worthy of being an alternative fuel source.
I know a few jews that are cool.
The internet is responsible for tons of degeneracy. Wealth creates complacency which encourages degeneracy.
The vast majority of people voting to leave the EU are either;
a) clueless working class bums who have no idea how the EU works
b) old sad sacks of shit who hate immigrants
c) le edgey alt-right losers
I'm a moderate and extremists on both the right and left are edgy children. That includes most of you Sup Forums.
This hyper-reactionary sharia-conservatism that you adhere to is fucking pathetic. Get your shit together or get a girlfriend.
Why do you go on here?
Fuck off Potatoless nigger.
For the memes.
What in the fuck truly made you believe this? All the evidence went the other way.
This obviously isn't the thread for you.
Rich people are more degenerate than poor people. Middle class are the most worthy.
Crisis like the immigrant one are good because it provides society something to fight against
Countries that stay at peace for too long become weak
Sup Forums is blind about certain subjects
The goal of Jews isn't the death of the white race
Multiculturism is ultimately good because personal experience instills deep xenophobia in disparate cultures.
There's nothing degenerate about being an atheist
i like the jews and believe they are the master race, unlike what the nordics claim
there is a jewish "conspiracy," and natsoc is closer to capitalism than communism.
So true. I grew up in a wealthy white neighborhood in America. The shit that people her do makes niggers look civilized.
>once the war is over
Name a time in Human history when the war has ever been over...
Name a good time of long lasting peace in the middle east for that matter.
What is the goal of the jews?
Fair enough.
Earth is pretty cool. Leaving earth to go live inside a building your whole life on a barren planet is depressing.
what did they do?
>master race
But that instilment isn't completely efficient, as there are some black people who are genuinely friends with a lot of Asians and Hispanics, which means that it only creates conflict.
Sup Forums is an example of a successful multicultural and multiracial society
It ultimately fosters mutual understanding and respect between different peoples.
The amount of excessive drinking and drug use by people as young as 13. The sexual degeneracy of white girls. Again as young as 13. Most of the women here are trophy wife alcoholics who encourage said sexual degeneracy.
Trump has a slim chance of winning the presidency. He faces a steep uphill battle.
Stronger human race that's capable of space travel and complete genetic manipulation.
The war in Syria is far worse than the majority of conflicts in the Middle East. Even a return to the previous status quo would allow most of the refugees to return.
pretty damn sure that the punic wars has been over, bro. wtf are you talking about?
mixing races is best to get a stronger breed and will ultimately lead to better human
guns should be banned
faggots dont have any mental disorder
nuking isnt a solution
I agree with these. The current refugee crisis and other happenings are nature's way of telling us that we've become soft, decadent, and disconnected from reality. She figures that we need to be reminded why you don't mix races and why degeneracy is a problem in the long run. Society forgets without periodic reminders.
whats that hard times, soft people quote?
We should embrace gays. They're one of the most powerful and redpilled group in society. And aside from fagging out, most are pretty conservative and based.
I can't help but not believe in God ):
Racism is bad and race realism is modern nihilistic junk
Muslim > atheists
Mexican Catholics > WASPs
Marxism is bad but so is capitalism
t. Orthodox
There's no way you're this delusional. I've been a liberal on Sup Forums for its entire existence and the majority of people meme, insult me or use strawmen rather than arguments. No one is interested in debate or discussion, they'd rather just circlejerk the same dumbass opinions.
Because it's the only logical outcome to manipulative subversive people.
I think avocado is fucking gross
I like Bernie Sanders.
test post please ignore
also I don't care about Trump. even if he somehow turns out to be a great president, society is fucked regardless.
This refugee crisis is in no way natural, it's the jew's way of doing so that EU wakes up before it dies off.
Literally 0/4, plebeian pastanigger. This coming from a person who's on a coffee-and-fikabröd-break from prepping the bull.
mixing races might create physically stronger people, but would impact intelligence. guns are necessary for self protection and are nice for hunting and fun, bur the real reason is to prevent tyranny. i bet america could have (another) revolution at any time. i don't know if fags are fags cause fags are fags, or if our degenerate culture turns people gay. it doesn't really matter because they're degenerate either way. nuking is a solution, but a pretty shitty one usually.
Immigration is, in general, a good thing. Not baiting you, I do think so, provided it is done right. Where I live, immigrants, blacks and white and slavs, some came as regugees, some as EU workers, have saved loads of local businesses, created jobs and started some great restaurants.
The problems are down to shit society planning (like they have in Sweden) and too generous benefits. Now, Sweden has taken too many regugees, but if they were better at society planning, it wouldn't have been that bad.
Christ is not God
>Muslim > atheists
>Mexican Catholics > WASPs
i live in seattle and i can tell you i've never met a fag who wasn't a liberal
You know that people normally grow out of hating gay people because they're different right? It's a phase when you're a faggot teenager.
>there should be an IQ requirement of 100 to have the right to vote
>9/11 was committed by an American organization unbeknownst to all who did it for the good of the country (tighter borders, more militarization, staying white, 1100% increase in firearm purchases, anti-islam etc.). Kill a few thousand to save 315 million.
>there is nothing wrong with being gay, its just that 90%+ homosexuals are degenerate lefties with mental illness.
>women as a whole are fucked, but never give up hope because there really are great women out there, because there are great men/fathers who raised them right
>if a man can't hunt, butcher, start a fire and survive in the cold starting with nothing he deserves to die like the majority of those men died in the great depression, 1926.
>Aussies are trying so hard to become "little America" so much we're forsaking our own culture.
There's no good reason why whites would allow such a dangerous and parasitical group into their societies and we didn't for most of history. There's no good reason why people should be ignorant of what die ewigen Juden are up to but we used to know this. What changed since then?
pastaniggers are already half-arab
kek enjoy the little time you have left before you get full nigger sweden tic tac tic tac
the average sandnigger has a very low iq
Abortion is great.
user thinks all gay people are like milo. Gays are not red-pilled. Even milo is degenerate.
>Italian intellectual
I think the NSA should keep spying on everyone.
Fuck you if you got something to hide.
If you're scared go to church.
Earth is flat, space program and satellites are a hoax, mandela effect is real.
I only like Poland because there's no strong right wing country in western Europe.
i don't hate gays for being gay, or nigs for being nigs. i know quite a few nice gay people, but i still believe they're degenerate.
>racemixing isn't bad
unpopular opinion sequel: the gun obsession of usa has nothing to do with tiranny prevention, just some kind of phallic add (not meant to flame, it's common wherever but with different stuff, big car etc)
i doubt any culture can make people gay, maybe make it easier
It's on average only 10-15 points lower. Which isn't that bad considering how much poorer and less educated sand countries are too ice countries. Once they catch up economically their iq's will be on par
Iq is sort of bullshit. It's essentially like the Myers Briggs test. We just label a bunch of stuff that makes you successful and call that iq. Africa and the middle east given enough time will catch up in Average IQ to the west.
Orbán is not that great as you think
this. You cant blame a crocodile for eating someone swimming in its pond. Its in its nature. You can however exterminate all crocodiles in the area if they piss you off enough.
Shit opinion.
yeah, murifags always get very triggered
no, because they promote incest which lowers iq, and we don't really know the iq of most middle eastern countries
Ever thought that maybe you're just unlikeable?
>unpopular opinion
I like trannies and do not believe all Turks are bad.
You live in a liberal shit hole. As a fag I can confirm a lot of us hate liberals and thing those flaming bastards make the rest of us look bad. There's nothing bad about being a fag, but this should be a private matter and not something to be paraded around.
Also there's nothing wrong with gay marriage since it can secure rights like pensions and other basic things for those in committed relationships. And straight people abuse this as well, as I've seen friends or even strangers marry just to take advantage of the system.
I'm not sure how good or bad it might be for a child to be adopted by a gay couple, but this has more to do with the fact that they will likely be left leaning. But it's better than just having the kid rot in the system or being passed along foster homes.
i don't own guns for showing off. i live in a liberal area where gun owners are portrayed as dumb rednecks.
So did most of europe until like the last 100 years.
Knowing God > godlessness
Piety > impiety
Capitalism causes mass immigration, it needs to go
The EU is a capitalist institution (why so many think it's remotely left wing is beyond me and goes against reality)
The USSR was good
Most of the "degeneracy" Sup Forums rants against was created by capitalism to increase profit and consumerism
Low birth rates was making it so that at some point EU wouldn't have enough young men to supply their armies, at which point a war against islamic countries would be a certain loss. Besides of course the fact that society would collapse without enough young men to do the tough work.
Jews aren't as much as a parasitical people as much as they are immoral manipulative people, it's literally in their blood. They can't become a majority because there would be backstabbing all the time (think of the sith from SW). So they need to be a minority and let the tough work, they dirty work and the bulk of the science advancement come from the white race. And they know the only worthy race is the white race, because all others are either too dumb, too violent or both.