How is porn economically sustainable?

Free porn is readily accessible everywhere, in huge quantities. You can find most fetishes for free. Most of the ads on porn sites are ads for other porn sites. Or penis enlargement pills.
My question is how is this model economically feasible? Either many people subscribe to pay sites, even though they can get the same thing for free or many people pay for penis enlargement tools. Both possibilities seem unreasonable.

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People get addicted, that's when they start buying the premium packages from the producers and companies

People do both the things you call "unreasonable" and they do it very often

The alternative is that porn is not economically sustainable, and is actually being subsidized by external factors. Do you think this is the case? Is pornography purposely free, even though it leads to money loss, in order for it to be accessible to more people? To undermine the morals of society?

Are there any available statistics for the number of people buying penis enlargement pills? It is not just unreasonable, it is dangerous.

Currently people are retarded and will still subscribe to porn sites, join those fake dating sites and buy peni pills. In the near future some cheap porn sites might sell their sites "security" to hackers who will use those sites to access more people's personal info while large sites like pornhub will just data mine the shit out of users. In the future as porn is less, taboo advertisers will be more normal things like movies and games.

Why are you asking here? Do you think anyone here in Sup Forums works in the pornography industry?

You could have gone to some forum with people that work in the industry and asked them on how do they make money.

Pornography is like...cohabitation with a demon.

In exchange for pleasure, you lose some of your willpower, your control. Little things about you change, but you keep getting pleasure.

Premium porn sites are like...for people who can't enjoy regular sex anymore. People who are addicted to HD porn. Or Full Scenes. Or specialized fetishes. Porn is like feeding a hunger you can't satiate. There is never enough content you want. You want increasingly erotic things because your mind is always focused on sex all the time.

If drug dealers give out shitty little hits of free drugs, how do people go broke and insane buying drugs? Surely those little free hits...there is plenty to go around...

Just go to your local synagogue.

wait for them to die out so we can enter the jew free amateur porn golden age

They wouldn't be selling them if it weren't profitable and they've been around for a while now.

Idiots that are too stupid or lazy to look for free porn on the internet. I'm not a socialist but when it comes to porn, I think everybody should have access to it for free. Kinda like public school education.

A bunch of retarded middle aged men with disposable income to spend

It's not.

kill all the kike producers and the Jews already won because Internet "freedom" turns everyone into porn producers and distributors. We already lost.

Sup Forums itself is a MAJOR source of porn and degeneracy and yet people seem to support "internet privacy" and anonymity as if it's gospel

Only a controlled, real-identity internet will EVER fix this degeneracy and you know it. Your precious Sup Forums pervert hiding hole can't be part of it.

The problem with that is there really is so much good quality free pornography, to say nothing of piracy. The cohabitation with a demon is a good analogy though.

Actually, the whole of the Internet, and really technology ownership in general is like cohabitation with a demon. Think about it.

Sup Forums is basically the same way. It's just like porn for conversation and information.

Most modern technologies work like a demonic contract. Even with electricity and mass production technologies, we gave up our physical strength and masculinity intro the industrial machine. With transportation we gave up close communities (not to mention many deaths in accidents).

What you say about porn extends to most modern technology.

Porn is more of a portfolio for high price escorts, user.

People in amateur porn aren't aware of this.

There are people that can afford to pay for it.
Plus not all of it is so easily free, and people don't want to be bothered pirating it from shady sites.

Also a lot of porn is connected to laundering money IIRC.

You own an smartphone. You're letting the (forbidden fruit) Apple or Jewgle spirit into your head, it becomes a part of you, your possessions possess you. Soon you can't imagine living without them, it's like your computer is already embedded in your body spiritually. They don't even need transhumanism. They don't need to shove a chip in your brain, because the Net is already inside your head.

this. pay for sex and it is illegal.

pay for a self-starring porn movie that has no chance of making money, and it is legal.

If it wasn't for porn, every escort would have to go to the middle-east for their prince orgies.

Check things like Pierre Woodman's forum, he has a lot of paying followers

I wonder how much is subsidised, if I had the money and could have access to eastern european pussy I would definitely invest even if I ended in a loss

people continually underestimate the profitability of internet advertising. two of the biggest companies in the world (google and Facebook) generate almost all of their billions every year from selling advertising.

advertisers on porn sites pay on a CPM model (meaning they pay a certain amount for 1,000 people to "see" their ad). besides ad revenue, many of the large clip sites nowadays are directly sponsored by the studios who make the films, which is why you only see a 8-10 min preview of a 20-40 minute scene.

and you would be surprised how many people actually buy shitty penis pills and subscriptions to "casual dating" sites. the adult industry has enough genuine cashflow to not require "subsidies" from the jews (at least now)

Fetishization requires specific acts or actors and novelty. Studios can provide content in hd and novelty to whales that will support it.

Money making people don't want to trawl free sites if they want something specific.

you're saying that technology makes us weak or altered in certain areas...and where we are weak or different, another entity is stronger or has power over us.

If I am not my own master, who is my master? If to experience sexual pleasure I have to go to porn, porn is my master? And who owns porn...Jews? And who owns Jews...demons? Do we sit here and wait for demonic content to manifest in order to fulfill our altered, compromised sexuality?

We pay for electricity to power washing machines and dishwashers and televisions and lightbulbs in order to avoid work. In order that women can avoid the work of maintaining a they get bored and cheat on us and invite jamal over or go get jobs and realize they don't need a single man if they are their own "man".

What is it we are even paying for?
Food we don't grow
Clothes we don't make
Land we don't own
Businesses we don't run
So we can take home a paycheck
so we can pay for our electricity
to mimic the lost wife around the home (porn)
to mimic the friends we don't have (internet)
to mimic the community and nation we don't have (Sup Forums)

If we didn't have internet or electricity what the fuck would we do??!! I don't know what I would do.

Welcome to Uncle Ted's wild ride user.

I understand why some people would pay for niche fetishes. But why is there so much free "vanilla" porn being produced? Why would you subscribe for vanilla porn?

it's mostly ad revenue

go as /ic/ how easily porn commissions come rolling in if you're good enough

monetary value of porn is in it's rarity, which is why all the degenerate far out fetishes along side with highest quality mainstream porn rake in most of the money and the market slowly moves in more and more extreme directions or into higher quality production

who would have the money to subsidize porn and be willing to do it

Masturbating to too much porn ruined my erections.

i think that's a little bit naive. Why do people like legos so much? Who would pay for little plastic bricks?

Why do people like anime so much, who would pay for dumb shows about fake moon stories?

Why do people like warcraft so much? who pay five thousands dollars for a fake lich king sword

who would pay ten thousand dollars for a real doll

who would pay for meth, if a good beer, while much lesser, felt good too?

>paid porn sites offer 10 minute previews on free porn sites
>it only takes me a couple minutes

I think you guys have it wrong. A lot of people are saying that porn is addicting and people lose control of themselves over it. While that may be true, I don't think that's fueling the industry entirely.

Look at other mediums like television and video games. Instead of appealing to the niche consumer and producing highly specialized entertainment that their target demographics will really enjoy, they widen their demographics to include any and everyone on the chance that thousands of casual consumers will buy one or two of their products instead of building a market that one or two dedicated fans will continually subscribe.

Most of the porn producers are just boring middle of the road stuff like lesbianism, vaginal intercourse, blowjobs, and cumshots, because those genres appeal to the most people and lots of people. The further away you branch from those generic genres the smaller the industry gets. It gets to the point where there is no market for specific things like "Asian girl wearing cotton on the side of a 14 story building singing lullabies to their FtM partner standing on the ground while they insert a Mercury thermometer into their brothers penis while a midget clown dances the stanky leg" so people will pay $1000 for a request company to make it because they know they'll never get that good of porn again.

Plus, most porn websites make their money from advertising. Some free websites get millions of unique visitors per day, and if they had just one pop up it could be worth a lot of money. Take Mless for example. Every time you go to their website an advert for LiveJasmin pops up, that in itself is a profitable site because it's hundreds of women on webcams touching themselves and people directly pay them to say their name or do certain acts for their amusement, all the webhost has to do is skim a little bit off the top and they do almost no work at all.

The porn industry is extremely profitable. Lots of free porn doesn't mean no money is made.

If you even just stop to the point of only doing it once every 1-2 weeks you will fix this problem. Better yet use your imagination, and NEVER edge, get it done in a few minutes. Best change I ever made to my life. Eventually I plan on cutting it out completely though.

>tfw no succubus gf

>download 1080p 50 minute gangbang
>cum during the initial interview

Some interesting conspiracy theories here but its fairly simple.

There is a monopoly: the tube sites and the pay sites are owned by the same people.

They do fine and have basically won at internet commerce.

They killed their competitors, took their content for pennies, crashed the 'going rate' throughout the industry.

If you want to get into the industry, you've got to do a deal with them.

Now they sell advertising and subscriptions depending on what sort of customer you are (and therefore effectively they sell it to you twice).

It only works if you own it all and they mostly do with a couple of exceptions (note who nearly always have their copyrights respected and who ostensibly doesn't).

Gigantic betas with too much money in India and Saudi Arabia pay for it.


Idiots just don't realize that you can torrent pretty much any video from any network. That's basically why the industry is still on its feet.

I don't want to spend time searching for torrents or some SD quality video of my favourite porn. Just pay 100 dollars for 6 months, and jerk off to white women getting blacked by big dark dingus all day long. It comes down to 0.55 bucks per day, so why not?

What is wrong with edging vs a quickie? I've often edged for a couple hours or played cock hero.

A few people pay a lot and provide for everyone else basically.

Also it's only profitable for a couple of people really.

edging fucks your brain's reward system far more and is most likely what conditions you to not be able to cum in real sex. Not to mention the physical desensitization if you grip hard.


The genius part of it is how fucking lazy they are.

In every other industry if you approached monopoly status you'd start merging and interfering.

They can't be bothered, they just let everyone get on with it and scoop the profit off the top.

So you have an "ecosystem" of porn so to speak that responds to the market.

Compare that to disastrous state of the normal movie industry. The incompetence and stupidity in Sonyleaks has to be read to be believed. They have less idea how to make films than you do.

Porn is always at the forefront of new business models, I expect the likes of Google to start going more this way themselves in future.

I've been fapping ever since I could and I haven't stooped low enough to pay for my porn. There's an infinite sea of the free stuff, and someone always streams the new videos mere days after they come out on the shekel sites.

They sell user data.

darude sick meme

See, that's where you and me draw the line. I value freedom and anonymity more than a "degeneracy-free" internet, whatever the fuck that means.

I hate time.

It's not. There was an article written up by a porn actress about how porn doesn't make anywhere near as much money as it used to precisely because of all the free shit already on the Internet. Thus a lot of other stars have outright left the business. Only the big names and sites are still around.


You're both forgetting one factor:

The fact that it's a semi-glamorous lifestyle that people desperately want to be a part of.

Folks are 100% willing to sleep on couches and live in poverty if they can run a porn business. And there are a lot of porn startups.

Even if the business is unsustainable, as long as there's guys willing to try their hand at starting up a company so they can get a crack at pussy and seemingly 'easy' money, and a bunch of dumb girls willing to choke on dick for peanuts, there will be a never-ending flood of pornography as people cycle in and out of the industry.

Most of the guys who run these businesses also take turns doing cameras or starring, or doing some other kind of production.

Many of them have side jobs or businesses that ACTUALLY keep them fed.

Some of them really do live in vans or the houses they film in.

You raise a good point. There was a story somewhere about the porn studios realizing how much free distribution there was and getting angry, trying to sue Youtube equivalent sites, and then changing their minds and actually embracing the model.
Like they were getting their money from somewhere else and were happy to distribute for free, because the main thing for them is that the public stay asleep.

Shit i never knew. How long does recovery take? I take endocrine medication.

Like something from a Din Delillo novel.

>and NEVER edge, get it done in a few minutes
I don't know about you, but I'm not some faggot who likes to sit in his own sweat and spray cum all over his body like a hentai. I prefer to get it over with and go to bed. Helps me get out the extra energy and go to sleep.

Half the people who go on about edging probably have a dildo in their ass.

People are cheap commodities. Something pimps have known for centuries.

Fuck you for being right about absolutely everything.

No idea, for me I was able to get hard and have almost hands-free orgasms after taking 2 weeks off. But I'll never know if this is even the case in real sex.

From some people's reports (redditors though so idk) it can take 30-90 days of complete nofap. And I have no clue about your meds

No wonder the Jews are so butthurt about net neutrality. Pedowood movies? Pirated and streamed. Porn? Pirated and streamed. Jew media telling you what to do? Fact check is just a click away. Secret Jew government secrets? Wikileaks. Goyim criticizing the Holohoax online? Too bad Chaim, you can't do shit if they're anonymous.

It's like a digital shoah. Nothing terrifies them more than the idea of free expression.

>pervert hiding hole



Lasting more than 5 minutes is a meme.

Frigid and blown out women tricked you guys into thinking that the actual penetrative part of sex needs to last longer than 5-10 minutes at most.

>If we didn't have internet or electricity what the fuck would we do??!! I don't know what I would do.
Probably kill people. But yeah, society's fucked but technology isn't the culprit. It's society itself that's sick. Everything else is just a means to escape.

It goes both ways though. Kikes support restricting the net when it suits them ("hate speech" laws) but also support "freedom" when it suits them more (especially when it comes to obscenity and CHILDREN's access).

>Hurr durr how is bottled water economically sustainable? Free water is readily accessible everywhere, in huge quantities. You can find most water for free.
OP, free porn is for plebs, you dumb nigger. Pay porn is a whole different level of porn, something you'll never get to experience.

Really bitter about being told to edge by this website desu.


I work at ATT/Directv and people totally call in to order porn esp in the evening. When you find someone who does order they tend to have like 20+ orders in their history.

logic of your post
>fact: porn studios wanted to sue streamers
>fact: they changed their minded and embraced the model
>fact: they have to get their money through a different business model
>wtf: they do it to keep people asleep?

this is pol level thinking right here. All is make sense until the conclusion.

I can last as long as I want, I just don't want to last too long. Fapping after 40 minutes doesn't feel any different than fapping after 10. The only factors that affect it is how long between faps and the quality of the fapping material chosen.

Porn does, however, ruin expectations of sex. It's like watching professional wrestling. Everything's fake, and you'll screw yourself over if you don't realize that.

That's why a lot of the time I'll fap to shit that's straight up animated. Because my brain can tell the difference much easier.

It's a catch-22. Technology is the symptom and the problem at the same time, back and forth until the happening happens (or doesn't)

The goyim wants to destroy net neutrality too and for the same profiting reasons. Fucking even alex jones wasn't too nice about DMCAing other people.

It's a two way street but one that's heavily in our favor. Unlimited freedom trumps Jew-controlled "freedom" any day. Truth always wins in the end.

>20+ orders in history
Its funny that people to this day don't know that history exists on ondemand video services
My cousins cousin slept over and ordered porn on cable thinking nobody would know top kek

Poor analogy, you can sustain a porn addiction easily with the massive amount of free porn, which does not mirror at all getting addicted to drugs.

I've paid for 1 month to a couple of sites and basically stripped them before.

I'm into fetish stuff though and certain people are very active in seeking out popular porn boards and getting hosted files deleted.

>lady tasha
>bianca beauchamp
>bondage cafe/jim weathers stuff

And some sites are so niche that literally fucking no one posts their sets.

That said, I've only done it for like 3 sites.

You mean it takes months to get an erection? Dammit, that explains the lack of testosterone. Should there be any signs like my testes not fully descended? 7 years of this ruined me. I can't even orgasm anymore. The blood flow or nerves trigger from the brain absent.

>lasting more than 5 minutes is a meme

How sad for you.

Edging is bad, yes, but shit son, lasting more than 5 minutes during actual sex is pretty easy.

>tfw you have entire websites dedicated to your fetish that update regularly
Ahh, thank you ashemaletube

The only way to find HD porn or "full scenes" is by paying?

Are you one of those people who think porn begins and ends with Pornhub and other shitty stream sites and has never heard of torrents?

Pay sites wouldn't still exist if they weren't economically sustainable.

Not at all. I'm saying for some people it may take months to be able to get a full erection AND be able to come from a vagina. You might have no trouble at all getting one to porn or on your own.

The worst part about edging is if you outlast the video, and don't have another one to continue, it just kinda sits there, and then when you finally start up again, it's harder to finish.

Fuck torrents, most streaming sites have HD nowadays. He's right about "full scenes" - which are useless anyway. The "free samples" are normally 8 minutes long and include everything important, even the climax.

I paid for a bunch of subscriptions to sites because I was watching ungodly amounts of porn. I liked the how easy it was to search and find exactly what I wanted with which performers I wanted and be able to stream or download in 1080p. And it eventually got to the point where I felt that I was watching so much and deriving so much pleasure that I had might as well be paying these people for the service they were providing. Like how you might pirate some movie you have a vague interest in watching but will pay to watch soon something that you really want to see by one of your favorite directors. Sometimes when you subscribe to a big site like brazzers they will expect you not to go over what you're signing up for and will automatically subscribe you to a smaller shittier site that keeps charging you monthly if you don't opt out. Also brazzers in particular let me sign up for like $120/yr which I thought was ok and once you are in that porn "network" you can subscribe to other "good" sites in the network with good deals. But after that first year my membership automatically renewed, which I was ok with, until i saw they were charging like $25/mo so I then cancelled that one. Also on these sites they have surprisingly good customer service and cater scenes to the fans and allow you to interact with the performers sometimes if that's your thing. It's like being part of a perverted community.

I don't have many huge expenses so I could afford to go this and not really notice an effect on my bank account. But now that I have all these subscriptions I still go back to the free sites on occasion. I have them just to have them, like a collection or something. Also have a gf now somehow and don't watch as much porn. I suspect I will cancel them all or let them each expire and not renew, except for evil angel.

You shouldn't listen to any sex advice here.

>Should there be any signs like my testes not fully descended?
If that's the case I think something's wrong with your dick.

user, you're crossing the line as soon as you start treating the industry like it's a person. Don't humanize your porn.

Fucking streaming noobs with no taste or standards.

As long as it's 720p, at least 2 minutes long, and has a dick in it it's good enough for you.

>dick in porno

I'm surprised no one has mentioned cam girl services, which are virtually effortless to run and extremely profitable.

Yes it is, and I don't have to pay a cent or risk getting a virus.

>no dick in porno
What is even the fucking point then? If I wanted to watch dumb sluts touch themselves on camera I'd go to chat roulette

>he will be cucked because he can't give his girlfriend multiple vaginal orgasms in one session
wew lad

It runs at a net loss because it promotes degeneracy.

You don't get viruses from video files you retard, you get viruses from malicious ads on sites like fucking youporn.

And what porn torrent site ever required a subscription fee? The ones I use are free, well-moderated, and actually have a community (which I don't participate in because holy fuck that's sad).

Anyway, here's a 7 hour cumshot compilation. This should be all the porn you need until you're 40. You're welcome.

Porn in general will continue to be produced by individuals and smaller groups via commission (i.e paying someone on DeviantArt to draw furry porn), and even without money plenty of people will fuck on camera because it's hot, or draw porn because artists need to practice.

The larger-scale porn industry is probably gonna collapse, though, it's a relic of an era where you couldn't just search for pics or clips of your highly specific fetish. Full-length porn movies are dead, and nobody mourns the loss.

>If drug dealers give out shitty little hits of free drugs
confirmed for not ever interacting with a drug dealer. "The first hit is always free" is a movie trope. Street level dealers are poor and even small amounts of drugs are expensive. You always have to pay for drugs unless you're good friends with the guy.

Well looking at porn or hentai doesn't get me aroused anymore. I just edge or stroke rather get an erection. Ugh, what did i do? I can see my testes, but one is smaller and not hanging further unlike the left. Dopamine? Medicine? The tip if my penis looks bigger than the shaft depending on thickness and whenever I poop afterwards, my balls have this reddish color.

Free to the 20% of people smart enough to find it. The bottom 80% of humanity is plenty dumb enough to pay for it. Also there are plenty of straight up addicts who will never get enough.

Porn is degenerate. Porn is slut culture in it's final stage. It allows female sluts and whores to ruin the social fabric of society so they can be fucking cunts on camera and even get paid for it, although they don't get paid for the truly "homemade" stuff.

It's economically viable because a large amount of people still subscribe with money to it somehow. Look at pornhub. Also, even if you don't subscribe, those sites are still loaded with ads, and they make money from those.