Can we bring the Guillotine and public executions back in the US?

Can we bring the Guillotine and public executions back in the US?

First we'll behead the illegals and make an example out of them in front of their families.

Then we'll go to washington and execute left wing degenerates.

We'll have ticket sales to the executions, as well as merchandise and live streams.

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>letting their families live

Sure thing ! why not It send a clear message to the Elite the last time..They dont lisent to the multiple other warning we send them every day since ..

>we need to become ISIS
>63% "white"

Makes sense.

Either it could be in the people's hands and they can use it to put the spoiled rich's heads in baskets. Go up to martha's vineyard and round up all the Vineyard Vines and Black Dog wearing wealthy elite and put their head on the block.

Or we could use it to round up all the illegals and behead them. It's a lot cheaper than a mass deportation program. We can grind their bodies as fertilizer.

When I was a child I was obsessed with the guillotine.

I can't think of a more beautiful or elegant solution to excecuting someone while also instilling fear into the hearts of people who will be next if they don't shape up.

Just beautiful.

You think the french revolution was like ISIS?

This isn't religiously motivated you fuck

Just nuke DC desu, noone there is worth saving.

fuck off faggot if anything we should bring back gladiators

What the fuck is wrong with you

that too

The left constantly says they would kill us

it's actually rare to see people on the right threaten violence outside of Sup Forums and not mean it

I help you in the process of making this world a better place for you and me

It's a beautiful way to die.

Less humiliating than the electric chair. More glorious than injection

LOL Dream On !

How about a guillotine platform right smack in the middle of wall street? Nervous business execs and NYU students can look on in fear while their colleagues and fellow students are dismembered and their blood spills on the street.

Round up all the terrible musicians in random basements in Brooklyn, the Williamsburg kids who live off of their parents trust funds, the hip Moleskine buying ad executives who will get blood on their dolce and gabanna dress shirts as their head falls into the basket.

Amazing idea

Guillotines are surprisingly affordable

And you don't have to buy ammo for them, just sharpen the blade once in a while

that's a miniature though

Doesn't matter, we can guillotine their dicks if we have to


>miniature model

You're right though, guillotines are simple and easy to build. Can be built from things at Home Depot

>guillotine for babby

The caption said 26' tall

That means twenty six FEET not inches

just get a large downy man, hand him an axe, put a potato sack on his head, and tell him to swing the axe on the necks of bad guys you put on the stump and he'll be rewarded.


Hang niggers and degenerates, guillotine is for aristocracy only

Yeah let's do like those sandniggers in the desert, kill all people I disagree with, in public !
Even if the left is bad, killing then is worse, just let them drown in their stupidity. AND IT'S 2016 SHEPPLE !!!!!/!/!!! 1111
Killing people in public is just barbaric, only niggers do that.
>huurrr but french did that too!!
And La Terreur was barbaric, a massacre, it wasn't something to remember as great.

If you're being executed for treason it's honorable in eyes of your followers if the state does it publicly.

murica fails again to realize it's closer to sandniggers logic than ever
start a youtube channel for that you dick-mutilated jews

But the left is just dumb, it's not trahisons a la Robespierre. They dont know what they're doing and they're in a phase. And their friends won't be like "hey mate he died with honor" they dont care about that.
Wash them up with huge load of propaganda and they'll be back on track.