Look what one of the people I know on kikebook just posted.
Also literal liberal cringe thread.
Look what one of the people I know on kikebook just posted
Other urls found in this thread:
Hillary is a product of the most transparent, and disgusting nepotism in politics today.
The only thing she's accomplished is managing to stay out of prison for so long.
that seems pretty reasonable desu...
oh god
>it's been 96 years since women were given the vote
equal voting rights for all was a mistake
What a faggot. This bitch was a horrible politician and her only credibility is she was getting cucked by a great President 20 something years ago. She's the Democratic George W. Bush. My nuts with this fag.
Trump, fuck sj
I would post that in the comments but I dont want to trigger all my normie work friends.
> Hillary supporters
Are like
> Mexican intellectuals
Its a she
Ironically she also has daddy issues larger than Trumps wall.
So make that out as you will.
Send her this.
>women are 51% of the population
>could vote themselves into power overnight after they got the right to vote
And this.
Facebook is making me go crazy. I now see how many retarded friends i have. 40% love Hillary and 40% love Bernie. Time to get off facebook...
As someone from California their bitching is pointless. They want a redo because they registered independent and then couldn't vote Bernie.
I literally only use it to keep in contact with actual distant friends and family. (plus some work stuff once in a while)
Was fact checking your pic and found this, you might find it interesting.
Al-baghdadi please
>retarted liberal friends
I got invited to "point and laugh at Trump Tower on November 9th"
>giving women rights
Aye. I remember the day the strength of men failed and evil was born
Giovanni plox
Looks at Merkel
Looks at Hillary
Looks at all the Ministers of Defense in Europe (Women)
Yeah. I'm gonna pass on the estrogen.. How about we become conquerors again ?
I'd love some nice property in a nice new conquered land.
>tfw I was never alive to experience women and non-whites not being allowed to vote