Females are gaining skills and becoming engineers. Worried?
Female Engineers
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i'll engineer some interaction between her ugly face and my dick
>gaining skills
I really wish they would because with affirmative action they are becoming engineers either way apparently.
>interaction engineer
until the majority of engineers are females there is no problem. The unsound construction plans designed by females will have multiple males to make corrections long before anything get built.
If she didn't get any bonus help because she's a women, then I don't mind. Good for her.
90% of Engineers are retarded anyways.
As long as they are fucking good at their job I don't care.
Its the affirmative action BS that will make this shit terrible.
>interaction engineer
What the fuck is that?
women in STEM is still the minority.
they drop out more often, and don't want to peruse a career in the field even if graduated.
like all women, they eventually have a child, meaning they're pregnant for almost a year, and then they raise their kid for years to come, keeping them out of the workforce, losing stills and interest
having more people in STEM jobs just tends to created more STEM jobs. new inventions, and all that
>interaction engineer
She's a SOCIAL Engineer
Engineers are all retarded anyways.
yes, most women who do engineering pass because they have good book knowledge but go on to be atrocious engineers because they don't have the right mindset or an ability to think logically
>interaction engineer
Is that what they call people who sit around on social media all day?
b-but the stem meme...
Basically a retail clerk. But we cannot call it that. Because this is somehow a great acheivement for women.
Nope. If they value a career over a family it might be illogical biologically speaking but if they're career focused I find no difference between them and men. Also professional women are unattractive (to me at least) by the necessity of them having a businesslike demeanor so I don't find them distracting or anything like that
>Interaction Engineering
This is HR.
I've been an engineer for 10 years, and I both reject and accept that statement
>Interaction engineer
Might as well get a degree in arts and crafts
She's basically the person who gets all the autist men on the team to talk to each other and cooidinate.
This basically, just not concerned with hiring.
>interaction engineer
WTF?! What next? Social construct engineer? Queen engineer? Gender neutral bathrooms engineer?
Devaluation of engineering is progressing too fast for me.
t. Automatics Engineer
> implying this thing is female or an engineer
Hahahhaaha that's not even an engineering job.
Bioengineer here
What engineering did you pursue Sup Forums?
not really
at some point people are going to die and lawsuits start rolling in, I'm sure they will be able to handle it
coordinate* goddamnit.
You can call anything an engineer these days, the word has been bastardized to the point of worthless.
I bet you can get a degree as a meme engineer somewhere.
>Females are gaining skills and becoming engineers. Worried?
Nah I'm fine mate.
I'm worried for the future of mankind if idiotic females start making our machines, a lot of people will get injured or died thanks to muh equality shit
Turns out having a gender studies makes you unemployable
Now instead of calling it gender studies they call it Interaction Engineering.
Prepare for loads of new "engineering" majors to show up.
So she's just a team manager. Why not call her a manager?
"Interaction engineer"?
They deal with a lot of material science in interaction engineering?
you guys are fucking retarded. you can see on the paper she's holding the company is called "benefit focus". here is there job description for the interaction engineer position:
yes, the title is fucking retarded because all she is doing is making easy to use UI/UX designs in HTML and javascript, not real engineering. but you have to admit it's a step above the bullshit you guys are describing
Is the title of engineer dead now?
Jesus Christ top kek
It truly is hell
If I wasn't so good in this subject and needed money for mother I would've given this shit over to someone else
>when Sup Forums invades Sup Forums
>work at subway
>promoted from sandwich artist to sandwich engineer
>Interaction Engineer
>more womyn are becoming engineers!
This is almost as bad as computer science graduates calling themselves Software """Engineers"""
>interaction """"""""""""engineer""""""""""""
Literally a made-up position that's most likely run by HR (the most useless department in any corporation).
Companies could use the money spent hiring weasel cunts like this and reinvest it to make themselves better. Too bad they can't.
Girls in engineering are ugly. I'm going into a trade when I get the fucking piece of paper next year anyway, engineering is boring and so are most people who find it interesting.
>interaction engineer
HAHA what the fuck man, i guess it's better than going into history engineering
Can you even Fizz Buzz?
Someone explain this.
No, I work with 3 brilliant female engineers. I'm more concerned about shills convincing everyone to think a certain way.
>automatic engineer
You started the Meme Engineering profession, bud
My cousin got a degree in civil engineering and she seems pretty normal.
Nah, come on lads, interaction engineer probably just means designing the user part of a system. Menus, streamlining, that sort of thing.
Lol, sure they are.
No. Because 'interaction engineer' isn't a real job.
This is like calling the guy at subway a 'sandwich engineer'.
Usually that's UX/UI engineer though. My guess is she's a glorified manager.
We're all posting engineers
did anyone else here study white male derivatives? and by study, i mean, blame white men?
From what I've seen men already do this on their own due to it being a major evolution trait so why does anyone need that?
Memetic engineers
Hey, there are probably more female engineers then men once we get the progressive numbers, social justice engineers, hair engineers, fingernail polish engineers
Fite me leaf
Yeah, I'm worried the infrastructure of the country will fall apart because bitches are incompetent.
>interaction engineer
well, not everyone can be master soldering technicians
give us back our ships, fgt
What the fuck is an interaction engineer
I mean I can guess but what field of engineering would you even study to get that title
Give me your fucking lunch money, nerd.
>give her interaction engineer
>H1B visa kicks off
>she gets replace with a Pajeet
Would you drive across a bridge made by a woman? I sure as fuck wouldn't
Idiots clucking at how good the female one is better with almost zero understanding of anything in life
That stupid bitch posted her program (12 year old could write that) for finding the bigger number of 2 digits and compared it with a function written by a quake programmer for finding a fast inverse square root which is a totally different function and way more complicated.
Jesus Christ.
>Interaction engineer
Sounds like bullshiteese for some human resources position
LOL this is why
out of 80+ engineers in my department not one female
unless trump wins then she keeps her job.
This makes me cringe. I remember when a friend caught a soldering iron by the cord, resulting in it flipping upward and hitting him in the lip.
His lip had a nasty boil in it for the rest of the year. People thought he had herpes.
why is it hell?
t. chem engineering student
nah trying to design an analog computer that can be used to overcome the transistor spacing limitation we'll hit in 10 or so years
Also I work in a warehouse
anchor baby ftw?
The left is considered one of the marvels of modern programming. A shining example of elegant coding and ingenious byte-level arithmetic.
The one on the right is a a buggy function that doesn't work but looks really pretty.
If the girl is redpilled I do not mind if they gain skills etc.
And wtf is interaction engineer? another "gender studies" branch?
>interaction engineer
getting a phd in mechanical
well at least in the program. might bail after getting a masters in a couple semesters. we'll see
That's a counselor, not an engineer.
Why are all the qts in cheme?
can't be worse than Indian "engineers"
Pic related
>else return 5 because I'm so random yay :D
Jesus Christ.
Sad thing is, I was a CS TA and saw some girl try to do something like this.
What the fuck is an interaction engineer?
sure dont care
unemployed chem engineer here. she can have fun competing with the 10 million pooinloos for a mediocre salary. hopefully for her someone in the world will still be to get it up for her beat 30 y/o ass when she gives up on her science dream and she go through the pain of many misscarriages and eventually take her own life
side-note any girl who needs a bsc to rake in the money is a complete idiot anyways. make a nice youtube channel and whore yourself out for 30k/month
I don't get what this is supposed to prove except "LOOK HOW ANGRY AND EDGY I AM, HURR DURR".
Still a better engineer than the refugee engineers
They do something completely different.
The left one calculates a reverse square root in an efficient and quick way.
The right one, calculates which number is bigger out of 2 different inputs, a or b and returns whichever is bigger. If they're equal, it returns 5 for no fucking reason, which makes no fucking sense, and whenever it returns 5 you'll have no way to know if that was actually the biggest number of if both were the same number. Of course, the entire piece of code is retarded, because you could just test both numbers in an if clause, like she did in her own code. Basically, it's 30 lines of useless code that do nothing.
>interaction engineer
>get, rein in an erection.
i dont get it.
I would assume she manages the social media accounts for a company.
We hired some bubbly 20 something girl to manage our companies online presence and I'm almost positive she doesn't really do anything.