Ugh... i never saw it from this angle

ugh... i never saw it from this angle...

Whatcha thinkin' about?

That model is originally from a Portland PSA about syphilis

Really makes you think

that thing isn't a man





But it's sexist to exude machismo?

He looks like Elder Maxson.

I don't even know why the sticky exists. It feels that over half of what gets posted here is some conventionally center-left social media nonsense followed by some variation of "wow... really makes you think..." or "Sup Forums btfo"

I thought women in power is haram

If you didn't realize it before, you just might be the worlds dumbest faggot alive.

rly maek u thing


wow, this made me do a complete 360 degree turnaround on my political views. guess I'm a /cruzmissle/ now


I once had a wannabe IT colleague that looked like him. He set up a Firewall, opened all ports and called it a day. Lost his Job afterwards. Good riddance!

>when the H in the advert looks like 2 towers getting dashed



>hipster "lumberjack" facepussy
>uses hair "product"
>frowning for a picture
>sleeves rolled up but skinny little girl arms


Reminds me of "He for She" by Emma Watson.

What feminist organizations do this?

what are you on about, that man gets more pussy than 95% of Sup Forums

he has a beard and tattoos, that's how you know he's manly

Really makes you think...that OP is a faggot.

This beta clearly doesn't lift.

Apparently this guy is in an ad from Credit Karma as well.

>are you man enough to to cut off your dick an balls and share your wife with your whole family
>not any more your a cuck

>What feminist organizations do this?
Soros foundation

Is that Hey Arnold's voice actor?

fucking lumbersexuals are as bad as trannies

The whole "are you secure enough in your masculinity to do X" guilting tactic is really overused by women to the point that I don't think it has an effect on most men anymore.

I would say there's a 75% chance that he's gay.

fuck off

Wow really turns ones mind towards a state on inquiry...

He's not gonna make it brehs.

>claims to have these "comprehensive plans"
>speaks and just regurgitates identity politics
>doesn't answer questions
>hasn't had a press conference in like 7 months
>evades questions by laughing
>posts memes like OP's pic with entitlement vibes
>trying to guilt people into voting for someone who is ineligible to run by the law


Is this real? It looks like a parody of her campaign's efforts to appeal to young voters.

>More pussy than 95% of Sup Forums

Thats not actually difficult to achieve.
All of the criticisms still stand especially the girly arms comment.


>dat pic
Wow, just wow.

She has epic proportions

Can someone with PhotoShop skills make a series of these with all her scandals?

You sound like the kinda of fuccboi who would know

dude is wearing assless chaps and is a hungry, hungry bottom who hangs out at The Ramrod

Really makes you think...

But are Mexican enough?

I like how a beard is now the ultimate way to signal that you're a huge fucking pussy.

>apt-get install fail2ban
>ignoreip *

>the kinda of
"Kinda" is a contraction of "kind of," Muhammed.

Is George Lopez even Mexican enough to be considered a Mexican?

fake and gay. Just like most trumpets

Don't be mad bc Judge Ito is the only Japanese guy who could ever grow a beard

that mans picture looks like he was shamed into voting for Her

im sorry American is my 5th languish Arabic,Danish,German, English and then American

She's got no tits. She's a like a pear. Sure, a pear you can bend over and fuck up the ass. But still a pear.

not really

Fucking racist Hillary piece of shit

too bad you're fucking shit at all of them

No. Your just a troll. No one is voting for Hillary.

agreed, I am now #MentallyHill

At least she could grow tits later on



>i never saw it from this angle...

Yes, well, we can't all have massive gaping manginas you cuck.

>complete 360 degree turnaround

Stylized masculine = gay af.

terrible handwriting des

that's why he's the face of syphalis

yep, it's summer.

You just gotta use it against her. Her own slogans will be her downfall lol.

hahahaha I got you to reply!!!

I will cherish this (you) bro, cherish and keep it FOREVER

*does a moonwalk*

huur, I so random

holds up sperk

If he gets any pussy it's because he is allowed to use his mouth clean out his girlfriend/wife when the bull gets done if he did a good job cleaning the bull's cock first.

>Man enough
>Can't even curl 25 pounds

>Implying flat chested is a bad thing

*his mouth to

It's American Indians who can't grow beards I thought.

Apply yourself, faggot


I would have never guessed with his facial hair, undercut, and massive tattoo.


I have reasons to not vote for Hillary. Reasons that have nothing to do with her being a biological and mental woman.

change a god for "the truth"

so it seems legitimate and learn to photoshop you faglet that bandarm looks hideous

>the truth

You mean like how Hitler is the world's most famous rage quitter?

Questioning my masculinity isn't going to change my vote.

What's wrong, user? Too much of a pussy to vote for pussy?

Yeah, i'd add salma hayek's tits and slimmer shoulders to get the ideal afrodite's body

was he jewish Sup Forums?

That's not how biology works

>implying you're not a pedo

>nu-male starter kit

I'm shit at photoshop, but here ya go

am i man enough to vote for a woman?


am i stupid enough to vote for a profoundly evil ghoul named hillary clinton?



And mature european porn

give him one nigger arm too?

Saved thanks


>I actually made it so someone would improve on it
Just as planned fellow ausbro.

>what are you on about, that man gets more pussy than 95% of Sup Forums
Not to mention all the cock.

I'm man enough to not let the gender of a person influence whether or not I'm gonna vote for them.

Don't listen to this guy. One specific shill/masturbaiting faggot has frequented the danish flag.

I hate women so fucking much

That passes as white over there?

Does this pass as Portuguese?

When did you grow out of the scene phase, Sup Forums?