What went wrong with eugenics?
We didn't go far enough
Hitler went full retard and ruined everything.
Those fucking Mosley dubs, checked as fuck
also, the memes of 'Equality' and cultural marxism prevented mainstream science from recognizing different breeds of man or allowing breeding to produce better offspring.
How do we revive it guys?
it doesn't work, racial hygenics for a pile of mutts?
it's been in full swing the whole time, it just don't work
Eugenics isn't racial hygienic u niggr
We're going to see the return of eugenics pretty soon. Gene therapy is on the verge of being able to make designer babies.
Good genes are going to become intellectual property. Your natty birthed kids are going to be duds unable to perform because of inferior genetics.
Millions of dead niglets because of abortion in the US isn't bad at all, but the spics keep breeding because the Pope said to.
Short sightedness in valuing certain traits over others (ignoring those blatantly detrimental).
Consider dog breeding where many breeds were ruined over traits that were valued for aesthetics rather than function.
No...Stalin was planning a full on invasion of Europe. The plan was to spread Communism on the whole of the European continent.
What do you guys think about a license to have kids and chemical castration for all that are on welfare/basic income?
The problem with eugenics is it's never applied properly. When we had it in the 50s it was only applied to mentally retarded people and those who could never even breed in the first place. If Eugenics really was to work it should be applied to Alpha pure 100% Nordic Aryans like me who could produce 6'4 children with blond hair, blue eyes, an IQ of 130+, and no physical problems.
Too bad you're a huge faggot kevin
Yeah, should be manual castration instead
Plus they can send all the severed BBCs to Obama so he can literally climb a wall of dicks
Swarthy manlet on welfare alert! Nordic Aryans like me don't need to call ideas stupid when they challenge the idea of the weak ruling the earth.
whatever you say, try not to overcompensate too much while you're at it
Speak for yourself
You were born
t. The Übermensch
sure bud
Nazi Germany.
The whole of the western world was starting to practice it before WW2. We had to fucking distance ourselves from it because we couldn't be seen to be similar to our enemy.
hitler lost a war
> 6'1 here.
Don't think hight is the way to go desu.
The future is compact and technological.
To much energy wasted on sustaining something that is essentially just a vessel for the brain.
> Unless you into arbitrarily elevated ring ball that is.
>100% Nordic Aryans like me who could produce 6'4 children with blond hair, blue eyes, an IQ of 130+
I agree with the high IQ part, but the rest are just stetic features that doesn't really give us any actual advantage in modern world.
It's more effective to have 100.000 people with an average IQ of 100 than to have 10.000 people with an average IQ of 110. It's incredibly difficult to create a eugenics program that would promote enough births to offset the births that are prevented.
No it isn't, niggers are already aborting themselves out of existence. At the current rate it's going they're predicted to abort enough that their population drops significantly by 2023, the amount of deaths in the older generation outnumbering the amount of non-aborted births by a 6:1 ratio.
Actually, height is proven to be nothing but disadvantageous when it comes to life expectancy. Being taller makes you far more prone to both cardiovascular and neoplastic issues.