How do we solve the (((Molyneux))) problem, Sup Forums?
How do we solve the (((Molyneux))) problem, Sup Forums?
not an argument
>tfw can't tell if people are adding in the brackets or if my extension is doing it
I shared a youtube video to facebook today taking the piss out of Sanders and paniced because the title read (((Bernie Sanders))) and I wasn't sure if i'd just posted evidence of me being anti semitic to the world.
so is it confirmed that he is a jew? if so, dropped
quit stirring shit, leaf
bobbies are on their way. you better have that tv license too
>This guy's BTFOing our arguments, what do we do?
>>Why don't we call him a jew? They hate jews!
Fuck off shill.
not an argument
this is now a legal teenage girl thread
The brackets don't expose you, they expose the jew.
aussiebro on point
hope you're doing well
cheerleader effect in action m8
>You will never be pulled into that room and relentlessly teased
Give me one reason not to pull the trigger right now
Before it comes up, yes I do support him being shot.
ah yes it's me that's a shill not the neo-alt righters from r/The_Donald posting ten threads every time this (((ancap))) kike makes a new video
By making arguments.
I'd do 1, 5, and 7
You will if you work out and stop being a sperg. It takes time but it is absolutely worth it.
That didn't sound like an argument, shill.
Aryan qt coming in
You better come up with some arguments.
What did he do again ?
hahaha ebin mene top banter XDDD
They're all ugly
This lads
He's really starting to pick up steam and it's probably bothering to them
That was all women saved on my computer, now fuck off with your "he's a Jew because I don't like him" bullshit
Offered an argument against OP, who's a faggot
You masturbated too much to cuckold porn, faggot
The truth isn't banter, I take my banter very seriously.
Nice projecting faggot
I'm past their age. My only chance is to buy some now.
Molyneux obviously browses Sup Forums this picture is wrong. What problem is there to solve? He's almost a full blown white nationalist at this point.
>You will never be pulled in to your older sisters slumber party with all her friends
>you will never be used as a play thing as they explore their sexuality and enact their sluttiest desire on your timid body
>you will never be laughed at as you try to conceal your erection while they show off their bodies in an attempt to make you even more erect
>you will never be teased as they ask you who you think has the best ass, nicest tits, tightest vagina
>you will never be forced to jack off for their pleasure because none of them has seen a boy ejaculate
>you will never have them play rock, paper, scissors as they decide who gets to taste your semen first
I should get a helium tank
Sup Forums has become an advertising platform for him. his fangirls should just buy a fucking banner for him instead of making 30 threads a day.
I'll join you
Show me a 10/10 then Ahmed.
>high quality content
>doesn't monetize his channel
i don't see a problem friendo
not an argument in his favor either
>guy talks heavily about politics, talks about current events and interviews people very knowledgeable on the topic or related to the topic
>s-stop discussing it on Sup Forums!
>not an argument
also Sage
Damn...I am sorry I doubted you.
they usually go
>what do you guys think of molyneux?
>Is based Bill Whittle redpilled?
rinse and repeat twenty times a day
it's just spam at this point
Try reading other posts in the thread then.
It's ok my anglo brother.
The funniest thing is that most white people in the US have German ancestors. I suppose though it would be better to just call it the Anglo-Saxon majority.
urgh, cis
Isn't that because an American with both English and German ancestry will only claim the german one? Plus all those people in the south with an "American" ancestry are probably british too.
So you're actually Germanic? But yeah I already knew there are Anglo-Saxons, Slavs, Mediterraneans, Scandinavians and Germanics in the US. Should we just call in them "caucasians"?
US is so mixed that it is pointless to classify ones ancestry. Better you just call them American and be done with it.
Yeah I agree
What does the "((()))" thing mean?
>Better you just call them American and be done with it.
It would have been better to keep the 1950s demographics so American would be defined as majority European with an African minority.
Implying his Jewish ancestry is a problem.
Nah brah, I'm celtic austro-hungarian and polish
Please don't think we're all anglos
It's from an app that puts ((())) around Jewish sounding names.