>Q: Why are you voting for Hillary?
>A: Its just time for a woman
How do you respond?
Q: Why are you voting for Hillary?
who cares that she's a woman? I want someone who can do a good job, not simply a man and not simply a woman
Hillary Clinton is a scumbag who doesn't deserve the honor of being the first woman president. If she is elected she will do a terrible job, and this will spook the American people away from electing actually competent women in the future.
[spoiler]I don't think I would want a woman president ever, but you can't redpill all at once[/spoiler]
She's a bitch and a liar.
Oh she is a woman? Just fuck my shit up then
I don't. That person is a dipshit.
>yeah, Im voting Hilary too. I really think its time for a new perspective in the white house.
>slam her dusty milf cunny
>vote Trump
>It's time for my dinner and a beer bitch!
Followed by a loud burp and hooting and hollering while scratching your nuts.
You want the first president to represent woman across America to be a corrupt, bought and paid for, literal criminal who, along with Bush and Obama, helped destabilize the middle East? Woman deserve better than that. We shouldn't let someone like her hijack that page in the history book.
I don't want to Merkel America.
History has had plenty of Female leaders, and Hillary reminds me of Marie Antoinette and Elizabeth Bathory.
>ohh great I guess I'll go chop off my dick and pull off a reverse Michael Jackson on my skin and I'll have you shallow buffoons voting for me even if I officially announced a holocaust plan. Your voting criteria are superficial and shallow and I forbid you from talking this non sense to me.
and then I slap her with a leather glove
>Its just time for a woman
Not that woman
Not even her?
>being a woman is not part of the job description
Hillary is horrible! America deserves better. Jill Stein should be the first woman president.
Take note from the two female Prime Ministers we've had.
They both resigned before their time was up before failing miserably at running a country. So much so they are NEVER brought up in example of female leaders.
Do take note of the Euro crisis and female leadership being a major factor.
Lets go right back to the fall of greater empires... Women got positions in high politics and had their voices heard (listened to) too much.
I think it's time we reach a point in progressive society to never allow women to lead again.
Merkel did a good job for being the first woman Bundeskanzler I expected worse than three million middleaged savages ruining germany.
Not an argument.
(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
More like "It's just time for 'A' woman", because she'll be the only one to ever make it to office if she gets elected. Do you really want HILLARY to be the precedent we set for female presidents? A Hillary presidency will just scare everyone off from voting for women for the next few decades.
How about "It's just time to bail us out of the trillions of dollars of debt that we're in" or "It's just time to stop corruption in the US Government" or "It's just time to stop wasting money on fighting a drug that does nearly no harm and shitload of good"?
The cultural tides need to turn already, I'm tired of these retards that focus all their attention on "muh feelz" instead of something that will ACTUALLY solve problems. This isn't even something that can be argued, all these social "issues" are objectively fucking pointless.
>Why didn't you vote for Jill Stein before? She's been campaigning for years and nobody cares about her.
>"Because she can't win?" Wow, how fucking sexist of you. I bet you're also an anti-semite since you didn't support Sanders.
>implying most modern voters know who either of them are
You have too much faith in our education system fellow burger
If you only care about having a woman as president, why don't you wait until Ivanka is running?
Voting for someone based entirely on their gender is the very definition of sexism
It's an outright admission that the struggles of feminism mean nothing, and that women truly do not want equality nor have they ever wanted it
you shouldn't vote for someone just because she's a woman, you wouldn't vote for Eva Braun would you?
since you'll be facing that argument primarily on kikebook, you could try this