Time-stamp for the best bits?
this chick looks at Sup Forums
she mentions 'din du nuffins'
do you think stefans feet get tired during these
he just stands the whole time
Why the fuck does he have some effeminate male read out the question? Can't stand that pussy voice
I'm surprised anyone on here cared that it rose.
He really stands through it all? I figured he was sitting in a chair while looking at a webcam.
His producer/researcher, don't complain, it's possible that that's the guy who pushed Stefan to the red pill light.
Yeah he stands up all the way through
Something about trying to emulate the Greek philosophers at the Lyceum
I know it's hard to tell due to the plastering of nigs everywhere in the media 24/7, but the black population in this country is plummeting.
It's a good move. Improves bloodflow to your brain. Maybe that's the one small trick that allowed him to become the greatest philosopher of our time?
He does it to stay in shape, sometimes he swings around dumbells while he's podcasting too.
>the man just called himself a philosopher unironically
wew lad
(((Stefan Molyneux)))
(((Trying to fit in by using the epin brackets meme i seen in a few even though i used it wrong)))
Over 200 molyon veux and counting mate. Easily the most popular philosophy show on the internet
>rise and fall of black america
>by a fucking white male
white genocide when???
not an argument
>Masters in history
>theater fag
rip golden age darkies.
This fucker can't synthetize, can he?
I'm at the 1 hour mark and all I'm getting from this conversation is that the black girl wants a black husband because she wants her kids to be black, but she also wants her husband to act "white".
True but going to "university" to get a "degree" in philosophy these days would be counter productive/futile/economically stupid.
Not really its a good springboard to law school, medical school, or seminary, plus if you really consider yourself a philosopher you could always be a philosophy professor. He's literally not even qualified to teach a community college level philosophy class.
If you're not dating a beautiful black conservative woman, you're a degenerate. You can't reason with blacks, you gotta cuck them.
I hate niggers,but I'm fucking in love with Paula Patton :(
She's so perfect :((((((((((((
She seems like such a nice person dammit.
What do you guys think of based Bill Whitlle? Is he red-pilled?