How does Sup Forums feel that I'm a black guy thats filling my seed in white women.
It feels like a duty.
How does Sup Forums feel that I'm a black guy thats filling my seed in white women.
It feels like a duty.
Other urls found in this thread:
she types like a retard, knock yourself out
>having so little pride in your own race
anyone you sleep with has been ruined long ago anyways
Well on one hand, I'm disgusted. But on the other hand, God will deal with you very soon.
I dont care. Let all these racists be racist, its not like they matter to society at all other than by being white. Its like being white is the best thing to ever happen to yall.
You two idiots sound made for each other
Have fun with your jewess nigger
The question is, do you leave once they get pregnant or stay to raise the child? It determines whether or not you're a Nigger or just a good 'ol race traitor.
the monkey emojis tell it all
Go for it. White women are used goods anyways.
T. White guy filling his seed in Japanese women.
It seems you might have a very narrow mindset. I would rather be a Human than a dog, wouldn't you?
i would expect nothing less
>Bragging about getting English women
Am I being rused?
>union jack flag
>fuck boy
Not only are you a nigger who hates your own race, you are a nigger that is desperately latching on to American culture & niggerdom.
The amount of self loathing you must have. Well done Tyrone, now you have validation, an ugly white skank, who went online looking for dick, spoke to you. It must feel great, now you can hold your head up high when you head down to pick up your giro.
What county are you in mate?
Im guessing youre a shit and run shitposter though.
You right now
I'm gonna assume you're an Australian on vacation or just a proxyfag.
Aussie would have posted a black cock.
It's probably a degenerate British dindu cucked by the jews to betray his own race, culture and people.
The more blacks we take in the less of a novelty you are. In time, you will stop being exciting and different, and eventually just be the disgusting underclass you were always born to be.
Who in Britain says "lame" & "hella"? You sound like a complete cunt.
Hahahahaa, you seem like a cool dude. Wanna meet up, can I have your address?
>that chipmuck/horse face
>knowing your own race is trash/ironically cucking and diluting your lineage
Thanks so much based black guy
Don't stop what you're doing
What county are you in?
Wait a sec, I think I've seen this before.
Please do, kill off your race please, it's at 13% of the population and dropping every year.
I'd much rather mixed women replace all the disgusting race mixing white women that exist. Most of them are fat as fuck or degenerates.
Its just a bit of light conversation to ease that Pink White Pussy into submissive so i can swift through
He's right though. Brits acting like yanks is cringe-worthy. Black Brits acting like American niggers is even more so because there are no saving graces to that culture. You might as well imitate literal chimps if all you want is to pretend you aren't a part of this one.
gib proof youre a nigger
Dont care as long as you arent one of those dindus
BUTTHURT virgins!
No shit dumbass. Women are easy as fuck when you play their emotions.
keep doing you OP... been there done that. got tons of girls under my name and still would be doing so if i wasn't married.
Fuck these fat neckbeards they're just jelly as fuck!
Signed, Playboy the pimp, the playa!!!
Yeah me too, and when an user started asking him personal questions like what county he lives in, OP ran away, which is why Im asking him where he lives to see if he will ignore me ot not.
What county you living in, nigger?
I'm laughing at her using a monkey emoji. Top kek.
Okay Ahmed, I'm sure. By that you mean you are a submissive arab refugee that's the designated bitch in migrant neighborhoods.
You're just making it easier to spot those who are going to hang on the day of rope.
you guys are being pretty mean. i think its nice of him to take one for the team, one less british "woman" that the rest of us have to deal with.
t. coalburning skank.
>implying the few hot black girls arent all over white cock
Thanks for taking one for the team and dealing with our lowest common denominator.
Every time you bang a dumb white girl you just marked another shithead as "waste of time". Used to be you didn't figure that out till marriage.
>most girls here look evil
>inb4 some tinder girl sacrifices you to Satan
I'm living in england Lame fuck boy
WHY do bitches do that fucking monkey face emoji.
Nice trips cockold
What county though?
>Living in
So where you from originally?
>so fucking ashy you look paler than me
>tfw bronze white man tan with taught skin
feels good
Now we know you're trolling.
London and Coventry. Pussy from the midlands and london and all inbetween ;)
You still don't get laid on a regular so all those """"attributes"""" gone to shit.
Stay fat.
Only one pic because you're most likely using a pic that isn't you.
Not because you're not a "fuck boy"
You know who uses terms like "fuck boy"? It's ironic, but I'll let you figure that out.
I bet you love living in a white country don't you?
>bragging about fucking tinder sluts
what's lower: your self esteem or your IQ?
>That fresh teenage face
You don't look old enough to be posting here m8.
Leave my thread you are kind of lame Bro
you have really shitty game
show your face nigger
>considers subpar women, as long as they're white, "getting laid"
pic related
i told me to give me proof youre a nigger. so where is the proof?
31 years here now. born and raised and a trump supporter! Where's your god now?! Oh... and ex gang banger! So no lib fags would ever step up!
Whiteys don't even stare at me... they put their heads down when i pass them by
>London and Coventry.
Those 2 places are nearly 100 miles away from each other but somehow you live in both? Those arent counties either. Surely such a fine negroid gentleman as yourself would know what county you live in?
U mad faggot?
This will make me a cuck, but I found out yesterday that the girl I've been talking to was being pounded by a nigger. I said good bye to pic related. I'm just glad I dodged this one.
My arse m8. You and your friends are about 15.
Well, I like fucking black girls so fair enough. They like light skinned babies, those kids have higher status in the nigger community and they tend to be smarter.
>user marks race traitors with little nigglets
>They now have to pay the coal toll for the rest of their life
>Nigglet will act as an instant red flag for any normal male, leaving only useless beta cucks as potential mates
Absolutely nice. Keep doing the God's work.
I bet you're angry you're a quadroon. You lack the adaptation to high solar radiation, and the social aspects of whiteness. you with you were this black
Who are you? The police?
You're a terrible looking natty.
timestamp or kys
See this pic:
That's you in your fucking mum's house isn't it?
Just want to make you sure are real and arent shitposting like the other time a thread very similar to this one came up.
Was worth avoiding mate. One thing you can never really take back after youve lost it is your pride.
Im not trying to expose myself to you cucks here on Sup Forums. im not stupid enough to do that anyway.
that girls just being nice to you m8. she types like she is not committing at all to fucking you. also you sound like a white boy in your texts.
Because you're being a troll faggot
You look like a Eminem and Ludacris had a bi-racial baby
I cant wait to cup her bum with my hands
UK confirmed for the jelliest of all other countries!
Stay butthurt britfags.
And if you're arabs... I've gone around punching you fags out here and you are never fighting back!
Stay mad kiddos i'm out to fuck more bitches!
Only OP confirmed BASED of all UK fags!
Fucking pussies!
post nudes.
just a pic of your shitskin hand with a timestamp will satisfy me. if you do not supply this, well im sorry but i will be forced to regard you as a troll.
kek, how'd you find out? Looking on her jewbook?
And they drank a bottle of vodka every night during pregnancy.
wrong pic lmao
just a lil fyi bitch boy, id knock you out and take ur coalburner. keep trying to seduce our women, wait til we find you - White alpha male
Wait a did you know?
Time stamp of 14 inch cock
are you 12
You're too stupid to realize that you're nothing but a fetish to her. She doesn't actually like you as a person only for what you are.
A timestamp with your nigger hand won't expose you
But we know you're really a snaggletooth white brit