If it was the case that white women could only be with white men, but white men could be with any race they choose, would Sup Forums be against that?
What about polygamy also?
Both a white wife and black wife.
If it was the case that white women could only be with white men, but white men could be with any race they choose, would Sup Forums be against that?
What about polygamy also?
Both a white wife and black wife.
the result of conception is the same either way. in fact, it's worse because even the mitochondrial DNA of the offspring will be negroid.
of course it wouldn't. the only reason Sup Forums (or any other group/race) oppose racemixing is because it has connotations of "taking our women". there's nothing wrong with that, it's a natural way to think and every other race does it too.
Isolated cases are not an issue, I take issue with systemic encouragement as is such right now. There is nothing to be gained from racemixing only loss.
I really want to know if there is a video to this.
All racemixing is cancer and results in children without identity and they either are miserable or end up breeding out their mixed blood so it really is useless of a choice
Well, white men bleaching other races improves the potential of that race in every way.
White women having mixed children decreases the potential of the offspring in every way.
It has nothing to do with jealousy or anger, it is simply logic: Whiter is better.
Races are created and destroyed through women. If white men only bred with black women, the white race would cease to exist.
arab rape baby
That's not the problem at all.
The problem is making inferior "people".
Procreating with a black woman is only acceptable if you don't marry or procreate solely with them because ideally that black female would then have her hands full, assuming there is indeed a number where the benefits aren't worth more kids.
I have absolutely no interest in raising kids that look nothing like me at all.
Black women are fine. It's black men that are fucked in the head and drag down good black women.
Black women work harder and have higher IQs on average. They learn shit behavior and have to blend in with their nigger men, but a lot prefer white men.
I don't give a shit what my kids look like. It doesn't concern me. I only care about the quality of their character.
Do you think that maybe there is one if you follow the url on the picture?
>hasn't met many black women
Don't get me wrong. There are some nice black women out there, but as a group they are just as bad as the males. Arguably the reason the males are so bad. See TJ Sotomayor.
You're talking about the gaggles of dumb young uneducated sluts, right? On their own, in their 20s, black females are definitely much different.
I work with a lot of the older sassy black women, and a lot of the younger nigger black men. The older sassy black women basically always make fun of them and call them out for acting like idiots.
Sauce plz
>implying the singles of deprived Sup Forums wouldn't go balls deep in that given the opportunity
Those older women raised the black men. They're just so oblivious they don't recognize their own failings are why those men are that way.
You may get the idea they're alright, but that's kind of like how rapists can be charming to women.
The point is that men can impregnate multiple women while women can only carry one man's child at a time. If a negriss is full of white seed, she can't produce full-blooded niglets. Ideally, you wouldn't want to pass on negro genes at all, though.
black women look ugly, so no
Any white man marrying a Negroid woman has got to be blind.
Marrying a negroid will lead to mongrelized brown bastard offspring. Negroids have no place in Europe and should be sent back to Africa
Seeing as blacks are a minority, would it not be better to mix with their women as much as possible, whilst keeping white women to ourselves?
Also black women with blue eyes
>le epic bantz
At least I can see the whole pic, you 60% retard.
Yes. When you eventually have children with that black wife you will be making black sons and black daughters. That doesn't solve the problem. Now if they were like 1% of the population, then mixing would be fine as long as you quickly white wash the negro population.
Exactly. Let the black women or men raise the children while you just donate the sperm.
Learn to cuck the other side as ours has been cucked.
I have fucked a nigger but i will never marry one or have a child with one
cuck beginning.no wives only slaves.
asain girl is only one who could be a wife with ironclad prenup.
and all women have to sign non rape accusation papers.
after that:
1)nigger on tuesdays-blowjobs only but will cum in a cup and under supervision can inject it into her ass to feel wanted.
2)white fit sjw-mondays and fridays-all extreme bdsm goes here focus is on electro and whipping.sometimes do human centipede with black girl-its how sjw gets her food shit from nigger girks ass.
3)arab girl- Wednesdays fuck her normally but always in a catholic nuns uniform
4)red head irish girl-thirsdays exclusive pee drinker and cum in ass girl.
5)asain wife-weekends treat with full respect and honor have 3 kids.
We don't need more brown people, but the last thing we need is more pure niggers. Only if the men take white wives first.
It's still degenerate but the odds of well mannered, productive offspring from a WMBW are substantially better.
when we find the kike behind these posts, be sure to share the details
I find black womens frizy hair incredibly beautiful. If the black or asian race was ever in danger of being wiped out or becoming a rarity it'd be a human tragedy the same if the white race.
truly insane shit rightchere mannnnnnn. guarantee you this dude sits alone in a room 95% of the time.
Is it just me or racist white men on Sup Forums care more about fucking black women than actual black men?
white men bleaching other races makes it harder to distinguish, and also makes it harder to control them. We need to keep non white races as non white as possible
>would Sup Forums be against that?
Miscegenation is a sin against God.
Nah there's way more nig hate threads than threads like these.
Anyone have an hd version of this sheboon?
My wife is half black, and very intelligent. We have four children, all of them also seem quite intelligent for their age (I know every parent thinks that anyways) and they are all very physically larger and stronger than most other kids their age. I think that if you were to race mix make sure you pick a wife that is not a stereotypical nigger and you will be fine. 3/4 of my kids have blonde hair and two of them have blue eyes and with their slightly tanned skin they look beautiful. I don't think mixing is inherently bad as long as the parents aren't fucking dipshits.
The only thing is that black women are not attracted to mayonaise monsters. Black women stick with black men
What do you mean by stereotypical?
Are you sure that you live in the country as me?
I always see black women with white men, much more common than I see white women with black desu.
black women are so easy, dont even have to say anything to them and they want my penis in them
temptations man
Black women for the most part are just black men with tithes.
90% of them are horrifyingly ugly!!
Those are color contacts
Actually this applies to all racemixing
>perma-virgins unironically talking about sex and reproduction
lol'd hard