I support Donal Trump
I support Donal Trump
I shitpost on Sup Forums
Ten feet higher, Paco.
I go to Sup Forums
Taxation is not theft
your turn to pay
wanna eat my smegma?
we did it reddit
My name is muhammad
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger.
sieg heil gas kikes
All niggers fucking hang
respect my pronouns, ok
I masturbate to feet
I have a cucksheld.
Who's Donal Trump?
Cuckable and like undertale
Do you like anime?
Hitler did nothing wrong
I was a man.
ficki ficki ficki ficki
I hate fat chicks
diversity isnt working fag
Tip my hat m'lady
I fucked your dad
wow it stinks here
feminist pays the bill
Zyclon Ben Strikes Again.
I am a feminist.
I am a Feminist.
I masturbate to lolicon
Kek Underrated post.
Um that's offensive shitlord
please show feminine penis
didn't happen but should've
do you support femnism
I am a feminist.
>implying only men ruin dates
Burn coal, pay toll
Lot of niggers here.
I am a pedophile
you're a white male
lets just be friends
Are you a coalburner?
I like fedora hats
hitler did nothing wrong
I watch anime XD
Cant corner the dorner
I recently got AIDS.
Underrated post
Ich töte sie ficken
My underwear is yellow.
I absolutely hate cuckolding
Will you marry me?
>literally the same second
You like anal sex?
poz my neg hole
Do you like swords?
You are a whore.
I love anal vore
Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA.
I am a NatSoc
Mom's bedtime is 9 PM
Refugees should be gassed.
Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
I am a virgin
tits and time stamp
ah doan dooz nuffinz!
Can I touch boobs?
I go on Sup Forums
Femanons confirmed for possessing the hive mind.
im not a slut
Sweden would love to shove massive things in their ass
make me a sandwich
I'm a nice guy
Aryan Caliphate Shall Rise
I love you, m'lady
Will you marry me?
I never thought I would do a 360, but now here I am, hat in hand, telling you that this post has totally rewritten by views. After all this time, I'm ready to admit that I was misled by Trump -- it turns out he was just saying what I thought I wanted to hear. As a result of your post, I've decided to switch up my vote and I now support Hillary 100% in the general election! #HistoryMade #DeleteYourAccount
The holocaust is fake
Like your goat?
Oh shit, guess i'm now #mentallyhill
Share the bill, yeah?
Wait, who are you?
I carry a gun
Are you a virgin?
...went blue meanies picking...
what's your k/d ratio?
Nigger tongue my anus
Women belong in kitchen
Germany that stings. I have a benis.
Good one.
The Holocaust didn't happen