What do you think of this picture?

what do you think of this picture?




I read MEDS as MEMES

what do you think of this picture ?


Really wouldn't bother me too much as long as booze

skin couch


OP needs to stop seeking self validation for his body image

very american

Looks about right. He just needs a MAGA hat.

>no guns or maga hats

come on at least try

Sometimes I wonder how I'm even alive. I'm not incredibly obese or anything but you would think that eating this garbage would just shut your shit down.

Man, today's body standards for women are just so unreal

It doesn't make sense since nobody really watches the picture tube anymore

I think that's one of the nastiest jpegs I've ever seen, so many artifacts.

Where's the pc?

something wrong with that? you sound like a commie


what did the artist mean by this?

reminds me of monty python arts



Why would I inject cola? I wouldn't be able to taste the sweet cold coca cola flavor. Stupid picture most likely made by a boomer.

______ _____ ___ _____


What do you think of this pic?

It was missing a few things, but I fixed it.

Wish life was truly this wonderful.

>no automatic-ejaculator

What did the leaf poster mean by this?


Real Americans like that guy aren't PC.

Where does the poop go?

Poor design desu senpai

>Not computer

So close yet so far


kind of depressing at first, but then relieved that i live in one of these 1st world countries especially during at time of relative peace. where porn is a click away and medicine is around to protect your ass from randomly dying from an infection caused by a paper cut

this is much better than the much, much greater liklihood of being born during caveman ages and having to sleep on strawbeds and run from sabretooth tigers, or born as a peasant during the middle ages where you live in literal shit and die ignorant as fuck

we're lucky as fuck, even just being born in the period of history, it wouldve been more likely to be born as a peasant chinese or some poor indian villager

Forgot the gun

looks like a cozy life, really.

What is that brand on the left above the auto-feeder?

Why didn't I go to KFC tonight? I went to McDonald's instead. There's a KFC right by me that I always forget about.

>i was about to go to mickey d's but then remembered I had a popeye's chicken nearby

heh, enjoy your burger, filthy commoner

Krispy Kreme donuts


Dee's Illustration?

nobody posts them anymore, fucking noobs