and focusing on this one, not-actually-a school, while tens of thousands of people went to real, accredited universities and accumulated debt an order of magnitude larger, and were unable to find jobs?
Why are people talking about $30k prices at Trump U
Other urls found in this thread:
because Trump University wasn't run by jews
they are paying for university education and not jobs. Trump university does not give you a university degree while claiming to do so
Laureate Education
Because the people who attended are trying to be jews and get free money because that's what jews do. I never heard of this place before a month ago but from what it sounds like people actually had no complaints until Donald Trump started winning the Republican nomination, which is awfully fishy. Real school or not the timing of it all reeks of juden
>from what it sounds like people actually had no complaints until Donald Trump started winning the Republican nomination
More nuanced than that.
> Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, the law firm behind the class action lawsuit, is not exactly neutral either. Our analysis, using data first compiled by The Washington Post, found that Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd paid the Clintons a total of $675,000 in fees for speeches since 2009. Hillary Clinton gave a $225,000 speech at the law firm as recently as September 4, 2014. Bill Clinton also gave a speech for the same fee back in 2013, and another one in 2009 before the firm had been renamed (they used to be called Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins LLP). In fact, of the five law firms that paid for the Clintons to speak over the last few years, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd paid out the most money.
The judge is a member of the Hispanic National Bar Association which called "for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants."
The judge also awarded scholarships to illegal immigrants.
So whatever, he's a judge and he can have opinions, but he is inarguably breaking "the appearance of impropriety. Trump cannot receive a fair trial from this judge.
>and focusing on this one, not-actually-a school,
Your fabricated tu quoque fallacy is weak and desperate. Justifying a criminal enterprise for political expediency is a cancer.
Well for one thing Trump called it a University when it wasn't, which is pretty blatant fraud.
Also 30k for a few seminars vs. paying for an entire college degree...not exactly the same thing. You must be a Trump U graduate.
It didn't necessarily break the law. It's like not reading the fine print before you sign anything.
Students got personal mentorship for 30,000 dollars, more or less the price for a brand new car.
Only like 700-1000 people paid that much out of the 10,000 students who at least attended the first free seminar.
>he doesn't know that every University is a scam
> Students got personal mentorship for 30,000 dollars
Except they didn't. They didn't even get to meet with Trump, and most of the "instructors" were just random people hired from retail or the fast food industry. It really was a scam.
Trump took the life savings of his most devoted supporters and pretty much shat all over them.
>The lawyers’ association to which Judge Gonzalo Curiel belongs was co-founded by a man who publicly bragged about Hispanics taking over California and all of the state’s governmental institutions–and insisted that whites should go back to Europe. The group, the California La Raza Lawyers Association, has been widely defended as “not pro-Mexican” by mainstream media outlets, though the outlets failed to report the inflammatory statements of the man listed first as a founder, Mario Obledo.
>link for "I don't want to give Kikebart view".
What about other job training programs that call themselves universities? Many are owned by liberals.
>Only like 700-1000 people paid that much
So I have to wonder what "tier" of "service" the people who wrote all of those positive reviews actually paid for. It still seems like the ultimate goal was to get you to drop tens of thousands of dollars on some bullshit, after seeing how many people would blow $1500 on the shorter seminars.
>>he doesn't know that every University is a scam
What point is this supposed to make? "But so-and-so did it too" isn't a good way to defend the character or business practices of someone else.
>Curiel is affiliated with X which is affiliated with Y which believes Z so clearly he believes Z.
Then why did they all say they had no complaints? The story doesn't make a whole lot of sense because all those 10,000 basically had nothing bad to say
>The California La Raza Lawyers Association
>Founded by a man who claimed to have the same goals and espoused the same ideology as many members of the National Council of La Raza.
>The California La Raza Lawyers Association website has links to the National Council of La Raza website on their page.
>Nope, nothing to note here!
user, please use your head.
They did get personal mentorship and seminars for a year if they paid for the gold elite program. Trump himself was only really involved in the advertising of Trump U, I have to give you that.
>The group, the California La Raza Lawyers Association, has been widely defended as “not pro-Mexican” by mainstream media outlets
>the California La Raza Lawyers Association
>La Raza
>“not pro-Mexican”
Kek, the bullshit is plain as day, and people still buy it.
>I may be a member of the Ku Klux Klan Lawyers Association, but we are not affiliated with that other Ku Klux Klan group, and we are definitely not pro-Protestant Whites! And neither am I personally!
How many of the actual alumni are part of the suit against Trump University? How many of the alumni have publicly stated support of the suit or criticism of Trump University that the suit addresses?
I legitimately want to know, just in case I missed something with the details of it.
It was a scam.
You know it.
I know it.
They buy it because the media is spinning it as "Trump doesn't like the Mexican judge", emphasis on Mexican
Completely lines up with the narrative they created earlier claiming he called *all* mexicans rapists
Fact is that the vast majority of consumers take what's presented at face value
When it was still active, Trump claimed that the instructors hired were personally screened by him. After it caught on fire in the media, he claimed that he had no part in hiring anyone so it wasn't his fault. Basically he dindu nuffin
nigger this is some real was a university not a job factory.they didn't promise they would get jobs.they gave them advice and help in becoming a successful entrepreneur.which by the way has a horrible success ratio that includes a lot of high risk decisions that could make or brake your career.if a bunch of cunty kids sued a college because they failed they would be laughed at
>How many of the actual alumni are part of the suit against Trump University?
After the primary plaintiff dropped out
> There are three other named class representatives in the lawsuit
> The judge allowed two other plaintiffs to withdraw from the case earlier this year.
please show me where it claims that you would get a degree
Colleges are not obliged to provide jobs. No college is.
All universities in America are a scam. Every major university is attacked by lawsuits yearly, regardless if the lawsuits win or not.
This is just anti-Trump PR.
No one is talking about that anymore
The astronomical approval ratings are linked to the suggestion that students couldn't graduate without signing forms that said they approved.
If it was just a training course, not a university, what could they withhold for not signing review forms? There was no degree to withhold?