>See WoW movie
>Get game time
>Log into moongaurd as a troll
>See thousands and thousands of trolls
>Think, "Oh hey that's cool! So many players came back. The WoW movie really did make a difference."
>Notice that they're all staying in the same area
>They're not there for that reason
>Apparently it's a "Charity event."
>After messing around a bit I finally ask what the event is for
>"Oh it's for the Trevor foundation to help raise money! It's a troll run Tee-hee!"
>Get triggered
>"But LGBT is stupid. Transexuality should be considered a mental illness."
>Get banned from the guild
>Have at least 100 people whisper me in all caps
>Get fucking BANNED from WoW for "Spamming"
What the fuck
Sorry for the blog here, but for one of the first times in my life I truly realize that leftist agenda is killing western society. It's killing everything I know and love.
Pic related I was able to find the stream
See WoW movie
Other urls found in this thread:
It's 2016 my dude, you aren't allowed to speak the truth.
It's 2016 my dude, you aren't allowed to play wow
That's what you get for wasting time on MG
It's feathermoon
Have you ever considered that jews aren't the reason you have no friends, but actually it is your toxic personality? Just because you don't like something that doesn't mean you should stop other people from doing it
Your first mistake is relieving your power level
>toxic personality
Nice meme.
I literally just saw the WoW movie with 10 of my closest pals. Go away leafy.
How's the real world taste you ignorant fucking cuck?
Is it any good?
So then if you possess basic social skills then how do you not understand why people would kick someone starting flame wars in guild chat?
t. Gaywad, LGBTQRWASD enthusiast
Oh it was very good. The CGI was incredible and the fighting was amazing. I just wish blizz would put as much effort into their games.
Nigger they didn't just kick me from guild, they reported me so much that I got banned for three ours for having an opinion.
oh nooo three hours without computer games!!! you are a modern matyr!
Surely it's the principle of the matter, the reason for punishment not the extent of it.
Goal posts: the movening.
The thing is he expressed an opinion. Was kicked. Getting kicked is okay because hey maybe that guild isnt right for him if people get triggered by that opinion.
Did he deserve to get banned? no.
Kek. Enjoy your ban kiddo
imagine if you got paid $15 per hour for playing wow
Leafs really are worse than straya cunts, so fucking bad at everything on here.
I wish I could go back to Nostalrius but I can't because blizzard is indeed a bunch of kikes.
>0:11 Someone aggro'd a Quilboar
why is blizzard not allowed to ban people for having opinions?
I love playing with Russians
They are the only uncucked westerns
They think that homosexuality is stupid and trannys are mental Ill faggots
Try getting Russian friends
Or learn Russian and play in a Russian server
please be bait, please be bait, please be bait.....
"Why should people be allowed to say things I don't like?"
Please be bait.
Not him but I loved it. The cgi was great, Gul'dan was a badass which is all the warlock in me wanted.
They should. It's their game and their legal policies. People like OP are just ignorant and terrified of change.
you're bottom tier ERP pleb OP
>2016 (Apart from based Nostalrius)
Dead game, I'm sure even Blizz or their cancerous fanbase will find a way to fuck legacy servers up if blizzard can stop jewing and actually do something for their fanbase for once
You deserve to be banned for playing retail
private companies have absolutely no obligation to give you means to say what you want. you have the freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean people have to listen to it
Play Dalaran WOW or something similar, pre-cataclysm or earlier was best (and it's free)
>These people raised more money than some people make working at a store just by goofing off and playing World of Warcraft, and not even at a professional level.
I gotta figure out how to do this. I just don't understand.
People bust their asses at jobs, while this nobody. Yes, a nobody, sits on his ass with a headset on. I mean, shit. He's not even using a webcam showing tits or even a female, and he made about 4 weeks of work for some people.
>3 posts by this ID
Go away fag-sympathizer no one wants you here
t. nostalgiababby
Dalaran WoW is down
They don't play it in Cambodia
You mean vanilla ?
Did they... talk like... THIS!? *cue suspenseful music*
>that doesn't mean people have to listen to it
Exactly. Nor is anyone obligated to tolerate borderline hate speech.
>OP shares his opinion
>mental illness
Mature adults would tell you to shut your mouth if you have nothing good to say. That applies here, OP
>gets banned from WoW
>runs to Sup Forums to cry about it
>f-fuck those k-kikes!
top kek
the first rule of Sup Forums ...
KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
The 2nd Rule of Sup Forums ...
Assholes like you need to be permabanned. I show up to play, not listen to asshole REEEEEEEtards spew right-wing asshole shit all over the place.
If you feel a need to spew your retarded mental illness out loud to other people ... GO TO A FUCKING TRUMP RALLY AND BE WITH YOUR KIND.
hello cuck, been playing since vanilla and quit after the mess that was cataclysm actually :^)
>TFW I played on Moon Guard
Quit giving me feels, you son of a bitch. I finally got the Jewcraft monkey off my back.
Also Legion looks like shit.
>Just because you don't like something that doesn't mean you should stop other people from doing it
That is pretty much what every law is about.
The shilling is burning into my very being. Go away.
omg, posting xkcd, that is SOOO COOOL, MAAAAN
I get all my morals and info from cartoons too
wanna suck eachothers dicks?
It is shit but it's slightly less shittier than WoD.
It seems almost like one of those WoW killer games where the characters are overpowered God-Like anime characters or some bullshit. It's really fucking gay.
>disagreeing opinions
>"Go away"
You have a lot of growing up to do. How's summer?
>Mature adults would tell you to shut your mouth if you have nothing good to say.
So you fucking define what is "good" to talk about? You're what's wrong with this planet. Please, kill yourself.
>So you fucking define what is "good" to talk about?
Oh and you don't? Shut the fuck up you ignorant hypocrite
I played from Vanilla all the way through WoD when I finally decided to call it off, and the power creep is insane.
I liked it when you were a relative nobody even at high levels. Now you're the savior of everything from the get-go, and it's honestly just kind of patronizing.
Base-building could have been fucking awesome and they fucked it all up. I'll be salty about WoD until the day I die.
Pretty good since I'm not wasting my time fishing for replies and being a faggot-defender.
>private companies have absolutely no obligation to give you means to say what you want. you have the freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean people have to listen to it
Hello, I am Piggo t. Capitalist. I hear you are sympathetic to leftist politics and have discussed forming a union with your fellow slaves. I'm afraid I am faced with no other choice than to fire you for this, but as an XKCD parrot who understands the right of private companies to violate your rights, I'm sure you have no problem with this.
>creates thread to bitch about getting banned in a VIDEO GAME
>most posts in thread
>not fishing for replies
It's funny because you're not a troll, you're just a dumb kid. Take this shit to Sup Forums you autistic fucking faggot
>I liked it when you were a relative nobody even at high levels. Now you're the savior of everything from the get-go, and it's honestly just kind of patronizing.
And when you were a high level, you were among the 1%. You were a pimp when you walked into Stormwind. Now it's like Grand Theft Auto where everyone has the best sports car, or in this case, top-tier gladiator armor and a maxed-out bank account.
Maybe I just want to be a merchant and take over the copper ore market. But no, everyone can get trillium like it's water and take care of themselves, and everyone is the hero of Azeroth slaying gods every week with glowing crystal shoulderplates.
>>disagreeing opinions
>>"Go away"
That is exactly what Wow did to OP.
>Goes into Sup Forums thread that regards LGBT discussion on why it's fucking up blizzard and everything else in western society
>"Oh no I gotta white knight."
>Defends literal FAGGOTS
You have to go back, senpai
And they have every right to. It's their fucking game and there is a ToS agreement every-single-player has to agree to before they are allowed in. If OP wasn't an autistic little kid, he might have read through some of the ToS and realize that he broke rules by saying the dumb insensitive shit he said. But instead he made a thread on Sup Forums to complain, in true autist fashion. Grow the fuck up
I think that was the thing that pissed me off the most, all the fucking time and effort to be uber, then a few weeks later they are virtually giving the shit away for free
Nobody but your ignorant circlejerk wants to hear such stupid opinions. Get that through your head. And again, enjoy your ban OP. You'll slowly realize that Sup Forums isn't the safe place you wish it were
I remember when they slashed and burned the price for epic mounts back in burning crusade. I had literally saved enough money to get my epic mount three days before.
I was so utterly furious.
I remember spending more than 5 hours as a kid running through dungeons
Shit was so fucking cash
Nowadays dungeons are automatic, can be soloed at any level, and are now just for grinding levels.
that sounds harsh
I think it was 40G for my first ebin mount, saved up for ages doing PVP and auction house, everyone else seemed to be doing PVP for a cheap mount
aah, BC, this was before then
That was quite a few years ago, but if I remember right, it was somewhere in the area of 500g once you paid for the mount and the training both--and it was before all the dailies just gave you fantasy neetbux for collecting twelve bear asses or doing some pointless, repetitive clicking.
dont you see the wrong here? i mean honestly, are you this fucking stupid or a troll?
If you sell someone a game which purpose is to play all the features blablabla for 100$ and then ban them not because of how they played but because of what they said within that game, without coming upfront on what you can and can not say in the game. dont you seriously realize how fucking idiotic this is? have you no sense of weight? dont you see that the punishment for something so harmless is over the top? what's next einstein? police have the right to murder you because you stole something? are you fucking insane?
>paid money to see the WoW movie
you deserved it
Doesn't that apply to them, banning him for doing things they don't like?
Faggots are a cancer to society, homosexuality is a cancer to society, therefore both should be exterminated. Truth hurts, I know.
oh right, yeah 500g rings a bell, and 50 or so for the horse
not sure if I would go so far as exterminating faggots, but promoting faggotry and the acts themselves should be illegal
I'm openminded to your views though brah
OP I feel for you man. I had the same thing happen just drawn out longer with Final Fantasy XIV:ARR
>Start playing on a non-reddit server
>Get my char near max level, join a really cool guild and immediately become officer due to plenty of experience with WoW
>One of the best healers (I thought) on my server, just about able to solo-heal Titan Ex
>Really enjoying the challenge of endgame raiding (Ultima Weapon EX, Coil 1-5)
>Notice there are LGBT guilds and a very pro-gay undertone in general chat
>Start realizing that everyone around me is a flaming fucking liberal faggot
>Getting bothered by the nihilism, relativism everywhere
>Want to make a difference so start getting into philosophical discussions
>Pissing people off that can't handle the notion that there are people out there that disagree with their utopia view of the world
>Can't really say what I think because I am now 2nd man in charge of guild, about to become guild leader because our leader is about to quit
>Tired of the community, tired of the LGBT mafia, tired of the gay fucking pastel colors everywhere
>Talking to some dudeweed420 guy in guild chat who thinks humanity is just a virus and we should all die
>NOPE, Alt-F4, delete game
It's been over a year, haven't even thought about getting back in.
I tried to like ARR but the weeb aesthetics and the setting just fucking kill it for me. The actual gameplay is great but I can't take your fucking game seriously when nobody on this continent can even say "darkness" correctly.
wow and your game did us all a favor really
I enjoyed my time playing, but looking back, I'm glad it went so shit that I gave it up
would I have ever found Sup Forums if I was still a wow addict?
Bud, I play WoW from time to time, it's a good game. But the community is literally anal cancer. My advice? Socialize with other Sup Forumsacks like myself, and avoid the shit community like I do. Give me your btag, I'll add you on battlenet and we can chat.
should have taken the guild and booted anyone who acted like a faggot.
The movie fucking blew dude. It was a boring disjointed mess.
I've noticed Starcraft 2 and even HotS chat is pretty right leaning, very pro-Trump.
fuck off rito
Yes, SC2 is thankfully very based community wise. I've met many good folks from the SC/Heroes of The Storm community. But WoW is utterly butt fucked.
Fucking hang yourself, faggot.
Yeah I thought about this, problem was we were having recruitment issues. Our free company name wasn't very catchy and I was going to have to rework the entire guild.
Was so disgusted with the community I didn't feel like putting all the effort in. Plus Dark Souls 2 had just come out so I quit lol.
Funny thing was after I got done with Dark Souls 2 I got into Warframe and had a similar issue with all the LGBT acceptance bullshit. I heard that the frame Nezha (the flaming faggot prince with the hula-hoop) was created as a nod to the youtuber "A Gay Guys Plays".
This might sound like a wild conspiracy theory but remember that the Warframe devs are hardcore politically correct Bernie-loving Canadians.
Your opinion is borderline mentally ill. I have science to prove it.
See, it works like this. The limbic system is a group of brain structures including the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus that are involved in processing and regulating emotions, memory, and sexual arousal. This is found at the most central part of our brain. The core, if you will.
Your prefrontal cortex on the other hand, is more about "higher" cognitive brain functions - planning, reasoning, and judgement.
The fact that homosexuals make you so insecure, that your opinion is that they should be "exterminated", implies that your limbic system is gets more cognitive activity than your prefrontal cortex. Your limbix system is TINY in comparison to your prefrontal cortex.
This is probably well over your head, so tl;dr you aren't using your brain and you're a fucking idiot. Your opinions reflect that, and science proves it. GTFO off Sup Forums and take this shit-tier thread, and your shit-tier opinions to Sup Forums
>See WoW movie
Stopped reading there
Look, if you are going to shitpost, at least FUCKING. TRY.
tl;dr You're afraid of my difference huhuhuh.
Gas yourself.
whoops forgot image
If I were trying, it wouldn't be a shitpost, would it?
Newfag, shitposting must ALWAYS be of quality. You clearly don't understand what shitposting is.
I've been playing WoW for years and never seen this shit desu.
But oh, the Warcraft movie..
>humans should let the orcs settle in their kingdoms
>Look sexy orc lady Garona humans and orcs should race mix
>afraid of the intellectually inferior
pleb pls
Educate yourself on some neuroscience
garona is half draenai and half orc ya idiot
Even more racemixing.
of course they are, furry Trump is the best hero
This is the gayest shit I have ever read and I can tell you think you enjoy the "feminine dick" of a trap.
Saying that people with life-long, exclusive, reproductive dysfunction are perfectly normal and healthy is complete nonsense.
Trying to construe that user has an emotional reaction and being a condescending and oily anus won't change the fact you have bought into the modern myth of 'sexual orientation'.