This is the only non-meme ranking

5 >= 4 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 >= 2

Other urls found in this thread:

>7 better then anything


>6 any better than 7 and 3

>non meme
>the objectively memeiest film is the best
Without memes explain why the attack of the clones is bad. And 'sand' is a meme.

Enjoy your ban, I guess?

TPM was honestly better than EP 7.



The CGI aged like milk and the dialog is bad, meme or not. Still watchable in theaters when it came out, but that's true of the entire prequel trilogy.

Wooden acting.

The biggest reason for Anakin to become Vader is because he loses the one he loves most.

Ep 2 is supposed to be the movie where anakin and padme build a relationship and fall in love. Can you tell me that those two actors did a convincing job with the shitty ass dialogue?

>Can you tell me that those two actors did a convincing job with the shitty ass dialogue?
If you just think of Padme having pedo fantasies for years it works out.

Dialogue, acting, and camerawork are all shit.


actually agree


4 is the purest of the trilogy

Vote here

Could you be a more obvious millennial?

5 >= 4 > 6 > 3 > 7 > 1 >= 2

this is perfection


What CGI do you think looks bad? The city chase looks impressive and there's no special edition-like Aliens. And the dialogue is different but I don't mind it. People don't talk like that but it's a movie.

Do you really need to be convinced? Can you not just accept the story as it's given to you? It sounds like you're actively fighting these movies rather than watching them.

Dialogue and acting are memes, but do you have specific examples of camerawork? That one still shot of Yoda, Samuel and Obi Wan walking together isn't camerawork.

The Clone Wars > 3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 6 > 2 > 7

i dont give a fuck 6 was the best.

all black luke force choking pigs is top

These threads should always have a poll in the OP. They just turn into "lol didn't read" the thread otherwise

I just agreed with OP on Sup Forums, freaky.

Why even waste board space rating the prequels? They're all equally shit.

Theyre all better than the force awakens

They're not better than Manos: The hands of fate. They're the 3 worst movies ever made.

It all sucks.

Dogshit>>>>>>>4>3>6>1> Not a star wars film:

3 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 7> 4> 6

>points out reason why the movie is bad
>"youre just intentionally hating these movies"

I actually like the prequel trilogy, but i can recognize that overall they are pretty crappy movies.

I like them better than 7 considering TFA was made to literally make money with nostalgia pandering.

You're being deliberately vague here. You said the movies weren't 'convincing.' I don't buy that. Do you really, during some movies, think to yourself "I don't BELIEVE it?" I think that finding something unconvincing is more your fault than the movie's.

5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 2 = 7