How mentally ill is Jazz Jennings? So many people on the left constantly shill her...

How mentally ill is Jazz Jennings? So many people on the left constantly shill her, saying that she is the perfect example of why transitioning as a kid is a good thing.

But really, and if you actually watch her cringeworthy show, you'll realize that her mom is basically the one who manipulated her/him into thinking that HE is a girl. And now she's so far gone its too late.

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Only time will tell, but it's hard not to suspect "she" will eventually turn to matricide.


HE will eventually in time regret HIS decision once HIS 15 minutes of fame expire.



so sad. he got one shot at life and was born to be brainwashed worse than a north korean by his mentally ill mother

> Bloke in a dress with bolt ons.
Nice try.



>that faint mustache
>can't tell if because man or brown person

if anyone wants some easy money here is a free idea

make a website Jazz Jennings Suicide Watch and just have a counter running down to the average age trannies commit suicide

enjoy that sweet ad revenue

It's on several medications for mental illness.
So , at least doctors believe it's mentally ill.
Freaks were once in circus sideshows, now the sideshow has moved to TLC & others.
{{{Profit}}} for morbid curiosity.



are there any nudes yet?
just asking

Is "she" still a virgin? I wouldn't mind popping her butt cherry.
>tfw she gets an erection while making out and gets super self-concious about it
>tfw you tenderly insert your member into her boypussy

Speaking of trannies, does anybody have sauce
on the screencap of the transwoman saying something like "men fuck old women doesn't mean they are pedophiles just because they where little girls at some point, men that don't fuck transgirls are transphobic" I need it because reasons.

This Indian whore(pic related) reminds me of Jazz.
Want link?

Its a good idea because if they want to be a girl or a boy they should start early before puberty hits so they get all the right hormones.

also thats a pretty hot dude

Nice try faggot

Does it have a penis? It can't be very big with all the pregnant horse hormones raging around.

did he died


>tfw she's gonna crash and burn hard after this and end up doing porn

>implying I still wouldn't insert my penis into her butt

(((Jazz Jennings)))

More like Jizz Jennings amirite?


>legal in Canada

>Jazz reaches adulthood
>realizes its not so great being a tranny




>male torso detected

Apparently he's on ''Happy Pills''(anti-depressants) and when he isn't on it he feels like shit and hates his body.

Funny how one of the models for transgenders is actually that fucked up inside.

>My Life as (((Transgender))) Teen

The biggest problem is that he's Jewish to the extreme. Chances are its his mom that's the one that brainwashed him and his popping him up on all these meds.

Also do you have any proof of that by any chance? Did he or his mom admit that?

They sacrificed one of their own to push this agenda. These (((people))) are disgusting.

It literally happened in an episode, Jazz didn't had her pills and was hyperventilating and wanting to die.

His mom said that he was needing these pills because when he don't have them, she becomes depressed.

I know this gay porn


brian zaps

Wait until this thing is an adult and kills itself and they try to blame it on bigots

Chances are that depression started when his mom convinced him he was really a woman and made him transition. And as soon as his mom saw this, she called up some Jewish doctor she knew, or knew one in the family, who gave him all these pills. The mom is the real culprit here in all of this. Id like to know more about her mother's past, but apparently they are desperate to hide their real last name and where they actually live.

Chances are her mom was a radical feminist or something at one point




I have a theory that Jazz has a more feminine penis and boipussy than most trannys because of all the hormones shes been taking so early in life


Child trannies are just enabling pedophiles. Now instead of fucking just boys and girls, they can fuck boygirls too.

His nose is literally touching his lips, damn

Most likely he does. He started at a really early age, before he even had a chance to hit puberty and all that

Because he's a Jew

you wanna test that theory, fag

Who cares, he/she/it will probably commit suicide as a life of being a porn side show and drug addict will rear its ugly head in "her" late 20s.

That would explain the () in the show title

Hopefully he offs himself before he reaches adulthood and realizes how fucked he is for life


Your probably right. Thats why its so important to get your transexual children on hormones as soon as possible.

Read for yourself. They're Jewish to the extreme

More likely a fake suicide and instead be shipped to Israel to live its life out as a sex slave in some dungeon.

He's already on anti-depressants as it is, most likely because of him getting his dick and balls cut off.

Its clear once he's off them, he reveals that he really does hate his body and that he regrets it

It to me anyway is a tragedy in the making

We see him being clearly manipulated by a an mother whom always wanted a daughter
We see this in their early YT videos

20% of Transgenders not only regret there surgery but have a higher mortality rate than normal people and more likely to commit crime

So My bet is a Matricide, Patricide then suicide

So the mom is also mentally ill it seems. Runs in her Jewish blood

>We see him being clearly manipulated by a an mother whom always wanted a daughter

the mother already has a biological daughter. don't you watch the show?

Watched like one episode - I thought it was two twin sons?

yeah but she wanted another so she didn't have to pay for clothes twice

Do we have any swimsuit pics of Jazz?

Oh I love it. Not even Jews are immune to the horrors they create

Its pretty clear she never wanted a son if she convinced Jazz he was born in the wrong body.


I saw this fucking book today in Barnes and Noble and I laughed hard as shit when I saw the huge display it was on and the employee just kind of sneered at me.

you mean shill HIM, or IT.

The two sons are Sander and Griffen, there's a daughter named Ari and then there's Jazz.

Jazz's parents are Jewish. Jewish degeneracy has no bounds and no one is safe, not even their own children. What the fuck have you created Jews..



>those manly chicken legs

Every time

Penis? No? I'm So Confused.

His mum is a full blown stage mum, it's a train Jazz won't be able to get off.

>Jazz is a music genre that originated from African American communities of New Orleans in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Unless this child is part African American, his name appears to be a cultural appropriation.

Someone posted a picture of this little dude a few days ago trying to look cutesy and feminine with his bare feet in the air and they were basically giant oversized teen boy feet. It was fucking hilarious. Like he's trying to act like a girl and he has the same feet as the guy next to you in the changing room when you were 15 and in PE/gym class.

How are you confused? Look at that huge man nose on "her" face.

Wouldn't' be a Jewish family without one obvious Jewish name



Illuminati 1 eye symbolism

She is from a KHAZAR FALSE JEW family

Def. Gonna be pimped out for sex slavery
Senpai making $$$ off this abomination

Look into Yash Qaraah


>Id like to know more about her mother's past, but apparently they are desperate to hide their real last name and where they actually live.

They've been doxxed for a long time now. Don't have them on me though.

IIRC his father works in real estate.

Already 6'2".

holy shit....

they're grooming the first tranny president right before our eyes



Homeboy's got some broad shoulders. Could have been a football player if his parents didn't suck

Kill yourself.


>jewish football player

I don't think so, Jim.