can you pinpoint the exact moment our society, the society our elders build, went to shit?
Can you pinpoint the exact moment our society, the society our elders build, went to shit?
Here you go.
Internet happened.
Not only it gave retards and degenerates a way to create communities and strenghten their batshit insane ideas, their voice is also heard by people in power.
Also, women's suffragge
Late 90s
1965 Immigration Act
Fall of Berlin Wall
Death of Kurt Cobain
Common sense refers to being common, you don't need to get together and for groups and discuss it.
Well you get groups of the looneys that want to transform what common sense is and the media latches on to it and makes people feel bad for being logical, I.E. If you have a dick you're a man...........BIGOTTTTTTT
Saw this posted on /his/...
Hive mind happening.
If i see it more than 2 additional times. I'll have to write it down.
More than 10 this will without a doubt warrent some memetic attention.
Is this some anti-war shit being pushed?
I'v got a friend who was mauled by a bear and isn't as twitchy as those fucks, also lost his house in a fire and a few fingers in a logging accident.
I think something is up, Desu.
WWI. It's all been circling the drain since then.
You got the interruption of the inter-generational transfer of tradition due the massive casualties, plus a climate of nihilistic rejection of the established order in the years following it.
>I'v got a friend who was mauled by a bear and isn't as twitchy as those fucks
Not every soldier turn out like those, they're the most affected I'd guess.
World war two scared the common person so far from anything remotely right wing that we're left with only leftists being taken seriously, this introduced ideological creep to the left.
Literally blame Hitler.
The election of LBJ
The American Progressive era.
Yes we can see exactly when they the "Bolsheviks" infiltrated our schools and society.
First they did their genocide in Russia, then they came here and this is the third generation of demoralization. The next generation will be even more weaponized with marxism.
>thinking the Elites don't control facebook and the most popular media
Yeah, there are degenerates of all kinds on the web, but the propagation of it won't happen without the elites wanting it.
“Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Five years later? Six? It seems like a lifetime, or at least a Main Era—the kind of peak that never comes again. San Francisco in the middle sixties was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run . . . but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant. . . .
History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit, but even without being sure of “history” it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody really understands at the time—and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened.
My central memory of that time seems to hang on one or five or maybe forty nights—or very early mornings—when I left the Fillmore half-crazy and, instead of going home, aimed the big 650 Lightning across the Bay Bridge at a hundred miles an hour wearing L. L. Bean shorts and a Butte sheepherder's jacket . . . booming through the Treasure Island tunnel at the lights of Oakland and Berkeley and Richmond, not quite sure which turn-off to take when I got to the other end (always stalling at the toll-gate, too twisted to find neutral while I fumbled for change) . . . but being absolutely certain that no matter which way I went I would come to a place where people were just as high and wild as I was: No doubt at all about that. . . .
There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the Bay, then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La Honda. . . . You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. . . .
Civil rights act of 1964
And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting—on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . . .
So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.”
Started in 1965, then another wave began in 2007-2008
it was just on /k/ too
Illegal Pedro is right.
WW1 is way more traumatic then that dude. Imagine your home town turned into trenches and bombed to oblivion. Watching people getting mowed down by automatic rifles which you most likely never seen before.
shit was crazy.
WWI (and WW2 by extension) for Europe
A bunch of whites killing a bunch of whites for basically no reason, millions of lives lost, nothing gained (other than improved military tech).
1965 Immigration Act for United States
Then most of the remaining decide to flood themselves with non-whites for decades because what could possibly go wrong?
The first killed the white population and left it with cuck-genes. The second killed white society then replaced it with degenerate bullshit like gangsta rap, twerking, the "sexual revolution" and other various Semitic-encouraged movements/activities.
August 18, 1920.
>muuuuuuuuuh degeeenraseeee
Shrieking little SJW's. That's exactly what you fucktards are.
All of the nasty and stupid shit used to be contained in taverns and brothels. But then christfags and women closed that shit in the 20'th century.
Humans have always gotten bored or horny and got up to some stupid shit. But there used to be places that people took that to and people minded their own business. Now those places are gone, and everybody has a camera in their pocket. That is all that's changed.
When you look at the past through any kind of a media, you are just seeing a sanitized version that all forms of media used to be subject to by law or decorum.
It never actually fucking existed.
yeah man everything was awful back then thats why the suicide rates were non existent and so was the divorce rate
kill yourself you fucking leaf
August 18th, 1920
No sleep for me tonight. War is hell.
us society went to shit the day MLK was assassinated. ever since then, its been one giant urban chimpout. had he remained alive, i predict urban blacks might have chosen to try and take the high road and assimilate in a more orderly fashion but its been full speed nig noggin since 1968.....were having a second civil rights movement at the moment but liberal mayors are too big of pussies to let their police departments actually do their job correctly. look at murder stats for the last year and you'll see how bad its getting in negroid cities....
dixiecrat detected
Oh yeah man, just like Mandela, right?
Pretty much this..War went from having a 1-2% casualty rate to a blood bath
Seeing people get mowed down isn't what causes it, it's mainly the absolute demolishment of your stress system due to receiving artillery fire.
Not even a nigger hater. It had good intentions and if I were around during that times I'd support a bill like that as well. But that moment started the fall of the United States
It's just an interesting video, user. Put down the tinfoil.
True but you can take it further, it was when the internet became truly accessible to all.
Easier access via simplified and cheaper devices for connecting.
Allowed every idiot to get online, allowed every idiot to join one of the now small assortment of major social sites and allowed every idiot to convince themselves their opinion was valid.
In short, I blame Apple.
Humanity happened. This endless ebb and flow of greatness will haunt us forever.
World War 1 destroyed Europe and the Western World.
I imagine if the leaders of the war could see the state of the world today they'd sign a formal peace treaty with no border changes right away.
>You were born in the dying days of your civilisation.
The fall of Rome and Post WWI.
Probably this
what american black needed then and now is a leader. someone who can rally the troops so to speak but also do business with the "enemy". white people....its basically tribal conflict in most us black cities, no leaders to actually control the chaos. just white people who think they know best for blackie. which may or may not be true. nobody likes being told what to do and liberal people looove telling poor people whats good for them. i dont hate black americans but they sure are fucking disorganized.
>implying that the Nazi Bankers didn't win the war and everything that occurred in WW2 was a Nazi Banker Zionist plot to destabilize the world and make the U.S. Dollar the World Reserve Currency and establish the Rothschild Banking Cartel
Bro do you even red pill
the moment this thread was posted.
Like the other user said. It doesn't have to do with what you saw, it has to do with the physical vibrations from the shelling, vibrating your head. nerves, and inner ear.
The day Israel was given to the Jews.
1913 when we abandoned the gold standard for fiat currency, a move that the founding fathers explicitly forbid because it would lead to the inevitable destruction of the nation.
7th of May, 1945. At that moment, the White man surrendered his race to the Jew.
The French revolution
When jews won WW2
Blame britain and france for the rise of Hitler.
kikes killed mlk and malcomx
purposfully left the wretchid goyem al sharpton alvie
then killed jfk right after he signed an executive order ending the fed. lbj was another goy puppet who reversed jfks ending the fed and ramped up vietnam.
kikes then used the zombiestate of the usa to fuck with the rest of the world for the benefit of israel and jew banks.
we havn't been awake till trump woke us and Sup Forums gave us the education the zombie state failed.
If all goes well the emperor will make the united states of earth. Sup Forums get a job as inquisitors, we will root out all of the marxists and set them ablaze
This is stupid though. Hitler can hardly be blamed for his post-war demonisation by the Judeo-Bolshevists that lead to backlash against nationalism.
If he had won, the Left would be gone. You are literally blaming the one person who tried to stop the shit we're in from eventuating.
It wasn't Britain or France that decided to use a pan-Germanic sentiment to justify lebensraum, there were plenty of things Hitler could have done, like begin the invasion on the west and not touch Poland at all. The entire antagonism of Soviet Russia caused anti-Nazi propaganda on both sides, with the weaker western propaganda feeding off the expertly crafted Soviet propaganda.
To really drive my point, there's plenty of Soviet propaganda (race baiting, third wave feminism, etc) that's alive even today. It exists without a force behind it, like a ghost in the machinery of society.
If I were Hitler, I'd have never touched Poland. Treaties to unify the Danzig corridor could have been accomplished after the war to end the Versailles treaty. Fighting a two front war and expecting to win is hubris or deliberate failure.
And failed.
I am blaming his failure and his own willingness to combat extremism with extremism, it was that very extremism that put him at odds with the Soviet union. This is why I don't take anyone except libertarians seriously because they're so resistant to extremism.
And when they're not, let's face just say ancap faggots are so easily defeated.
Accept it, Hitler was ineffective. He failed so hard it's not difficult to form conspiracy theories that he was controlled opposition to begin with.
Fall of Berlin Wall
The 90's
It is a natural tendency of all civilizations. Once one reaches a certain degree of stability, comfort and satisfaction, replaces the struggle for survival for frivolities and excesses.
The blessings of civilization are now perceived as natural rights. The incentive to progress, innovation and self-effort is lost. Moral constraints are blighted by indolent behavior, and mediocrity becomes normal. The lack of brakes releases all social entropy, and with it the cohesion and order disintegrate.
Paris 1968.
they had Tupac. if he didn't die so soon he would've convinced everyone that it's okay to be a cornball
coolio already tried that. negro gave up and just wrote a cookbook....
The Revolt of the Masses, of Ortega y Gasset, and the Ibn Khaldun's Prolegomena.
Aniime convention goers have always been degenerates, it's what drew them to the hobby in the first place
When women got the right to vote