Reminder; Capitalism is slavery.
Reminder; Capitalism is slavery
And Fascism is the answer
What are the means of production? iPhone factories? Furniture makers?
This board is too class-cucked to realise it.
Pusheen isn't a commie
If only Hitler won, we would be free of capitalists and communists.
>be filthy capitalist pig
>come up with a successful business model
>purchase necessary capital
>hire workers and compensate them for their time
>literally worse than hitler
>its another highschool liberals can't separate capitalism from crony capitalism thread
liberals in general can't either.
first post best post
Care to elaborate? If you feel enslaved, quit your job and find another one that doesn't make you feel enslaved.
>inb4 it's not that easy
Maybe if you didn't put together such a shitty resume and tried a little you would have a job.
>inb4 b-but the worker is the bottom stone
As I said, with a little effort you too can be in a position of power looking over employees.
End of the day, someone's gotta be the owner.
we aren't even a capitalist board.
We are ethnic nationalists, and fascists.
>it's another "anything good comes from capitalism, anything bad is crony capitalism" no true scotsman goy
So are A list actors enslaved by movie production companies?
you don't understand the definitions of capitalism and corporatism.
Take your low IQ self elsewhere.
Does that represent a cat?
No cat would ever be a communist.
i get triggered whenever I hear the phrase
"means of production"
please refrain from using these crude words
>implying corporatism is bad
It is.
>that wasnt true socialism, it was actually capitalism!
it works both ways
>this is what capitalists believe
How else do you protect your country's economy from greedy kikes? Hmm?
Communism is worse.
Specifically when it comes to owning property. The end goal of communism is that nobody actually owns property, that everything belongs to "the community," meaning things like not being able to own your own house, and anyone can settle in it if they want to. That is literally what communists believe.
This is a very dangerous idea. Sure I may "slave" under capitalism but if at the end of the day it means I can have my own house, car, and belongs for me and only me, then I'm all good. Because I like to be alone and not have to deal with people. I would not hesitate to kill if someone tried invading or taking my property, their criminal life has less value to me than my property.
And if we gave all the "means of muh production" to the government, everything would run smoothly and not become corrupt, just like all governments do, because that is what politicians are known for, doing things with other peoples money efficiently and with great moral fortitude.
Marxism and capitalism are two sides of the same modern materialist coin, fuck them both.
How's summer break, newfag?
Reminder; OP is a faggot
What is Uber then? These cucks absolutely love Uber and it is the glimmering essence of capitalism
>People able to buy lots of luxury goods is a bad thing
My favorite argument though I don't see how it applies to Marxists
That's the difference between Real Capitalism and Jew Capitalism.
Jews want to regulate and restrict competition and open businesses through bylaws and licenses that mean they make money for you even trying to start a business and not giving a fuck if you succeed or not, since you already paid your shekels for the permits.
By not allowing the Jewish religion to be practiced?
Also, I do hope you're aware that Milton Friedman is a Jew...
In Capitalism anyone can own the means of production, stop being lazy cunts.
But this is straight freedom is slavery 1984 shit
Should own the means of production, not "can".
There's a lot of businesses people have been knuckled out of just by the permits and licenses required.
Don't remind me, m8.
The governor of my state kiked uber.
>capitalism is the only system at allows excess
Usury and Jewry are a state of mind not limited to those practicing Judaism.
Factories, tools, devices, shops. Everything that creates a good or service that isn't the person.