Why did he keep beating/pounding his wound? What the fuck is that supposed to do? Make him bleed out faster?

Why did he keep beating/pounding his wound? What the fuck is that supposed to do? Make him bleed out faster?

Also why didn't he just cauterize the wound using his light saber?

Other urls found in this thread:


The pain boosts his dark side powers.


if you'd even seen anything of star wars you'd know that negative emotions and feelings like anguish and pain are the key facets of the dark side
he wanted to feel pain and rage to make him stronger
but like the movies have always proved, keeping a level head and trusting in the force is always superior

Why didn't he catch the lightsaber he was trying to force grab when it flew past his face? Because this movie blows dick, that's why.

Why didn't he just force jump over there then force kill them?

It was cauterized faggot. Blasters dont make you bleed. He wanted to go sayain by amping up his rage meter.

when are he and rey gunna dark sayid fuck and then he develops muh feelings for rey while she is totally lewd and he goes to the light side and tries to get her to come too but she's already choking on snoke's dick flick holograms

Why didnt he just force grab Rey and force his throbbing force rod down her throat and force her to suck it?

The pain helped him more in tune with the dark side. Rey overpowered him, which she deserves. She's by far the most interesting character in Star Wars. I got chills in the theater when she force pulled the saber out of the snow. Jesus Disney, you did it again. Thank you.

>Blasters dont make you bleed.
He was hit with a bowcaster

>3 scopes
>make it look like a crossbow when its literally just another blaster

ah yes

He is a Luxan. Has to make the blood run clear.

He's an edgelord.

>designed for a triclops aylomoe

Watch it, you shitlord

yeah thats why human guns all have two scopes on them right

Even if you have three eyes using more than 1 eye on a scope makes no sense as it will simply induce parallax errors into your targeting


>When the shit is perfectly posted

>its literally just another blaster

played battlefront 2

shoots lasers not ballistics, wookipedia also lists it as a "laser crossbow"


it's basically just a big ass blaster rifle



Wookieepedia also says it shoots out metal quarrels enveloped in a laser. No where does the page say it is a blaster


I punched my knee during the election and Trump won.

It works >:^)

I guess the book said he felt absolutely nothing from killing his own father, and hitting his wounds (feeling pain) was better than feeling nothing.

This remake sold as a sequel is not aging well for me.

Sanitation Trooper was not needed. The most comical moment was when hyped strong but silent type "Captain Phasma" was thrown down the garbage chute after being made to sit down. White Harambe said something like the lines of "you are going to be in big trouble"

>numale cucks complain about episode 7 fights
>enjoy overly (and badly) choreographed episode 3 shlock bullshit

Why are Star Wars combats so shit ?

They have millions in budget and that shit barely looks better than a streetfight.

>negative emotions
If you'd seen anything of Star Wars you'd know that it's any passionate emotions, not just rage and pain. Jedi on the other hand aren't just level headed, they're emotionally distant and impartial.

oh shit he's for real.

This, there is a sith that was pretty much immortal because he felt a shit load of pain every waking moment of his life until he was destroyed.

Uhhh the numale cucks are the ones that like Episode 7 b/c sjw

yeah you're right
but they tend to focus on negative ones
the only instance i know of where love featured was palpatine manipulating anakin with his love
and according to all the other non movie shit, what made vader so powerful was hate


They make a point that Kylo is a whiner who struggles to feel evil. He keep hitting his wound to make himself feel more pain and get angry.

Wookiee bowcasters fire metallic bolts encased in an blaster bolt. Basically a one-two punch. The blaster bolt punches through personal shielding and armor while the metal projectile punches through the rest or the armor into the target.


this is how darth maul survived being cut in half btw

Darth Bane murdered a family or two to keep himself from dying from being poisoned a few minutes longer.If I remember right it was an old man a mother and a child. Also why did Disney change him from a smooth voiced big guy to a kike sounding samurai?

>Why did this mentally unstable guy do something weird?

The clone wars was out before Disney bought Star Wars.

>Han Solo sees Chewbacca fire his bowcaster for the 76 thousandth time
>Acts like he's never seen it before
>Acts amazed at how it works

Thanks (((Disney)))!


/k/ here

you gave me cancer

>he couldn't die until he did
Spunds like Lucas' writing to me.

He was probably hitting the wound to create a less distracting and more dull kind of pain, which actually kind of works with that type of wound, or at least it seems to work in some circumstances. Sometimes I do it when I have a muscle cramp or taking a painful shit or something, it's kind of autistic, but it does seem to help.

Hmmm you're absolutely right. The cowboy hat wearing homo that makes The Clone Wars is a prick then.

Then why dont sith just lightsaber a finger off yo recieve a super saiyan like boost whenever their in a serious pinch ?

You, I like you.

But really I thought it was to help with blood clotting. Hitting the area to cause swelling.

This too, when kids have head aches for the first time, they hit their head to have a diffrent kind of pain distract them from the original.

>immortal until death
That's insanius

Is it true his chest pounds were ad libbed by Driver based off some shit Marines do?

Classic Driver

>Dying makes him live

so not true. Chewy was in a rage when his best buddy got killed.

Rey curbstomping that fight can only be redeemed if Snoke shows her that she tapped into the dark side to beat Kylo and she becomes his new apprentice, with Kylo coming back to Luke.

>Big guy
Was this part of your plan?

They show him bleeding on the snow, cock gobbler.

comic btfo