I quite like this one desu lads.
Based Ben Does It Again!
Dats pretty good
Is this a ben garrison or a zyklon ben garrison?
Its hard to tell since they are slowly becoming one
Agreed. Hummmm, hold on a tic.
Hmm, I wonder who this is...
Ben is actually quite bad at doing political cartoons
instead of being clever, he labels EVERYTHING. Look at that comic. Labels everywhere. Look, we get it past naming the ship EU and seeing Brexit
Ok, Sup Forums let's play spot the difference.
>Muh immigrants
Does he browse pol?
I wonder who could be under this poopdeck.
the Jew looks different.
It's stupid, but completely necessary for the dumb masses who need everything spelled out to them.
What the fuck is this liberal propaganda a real zyklon Ben original would have way more happy merchants and dindus?!
if you dont label everything, stupid people wont understand it
and there are a shitload of stupid people in the world
A scheming Turkroach
There was never a Ben Garrison. It was Zyklon Ben all along.
Also, more proof that The Walking Holocaust browses Sup Forums
>Rapefugee saying Ficki Ficki
>Sweden, the most ridiculed country after India mocked
>Hook-nosed shark
the eyes in the hole, also fuggen ghey.
Was chatting to him last night about brexit and he told me he made a cartoon for it. Wouldn't give me a sneak peek though lol
What's his name again Sup Forums?
>brussels bureaucrats are clowns
>not jews
clearly this is a fake ben garrison edit.
Ben holocaust garrison.
I shouted "one of us" when I saw ficki ficki. No doubt he's on here - probably OP
Ben Garrison, yeah fat fuckin spacker.
Where's the original?
t. Zyklon Ben
Ben 'the one man klan' Garrison
>that "regulations"
Ben "Empty my nine into the welfare line" Garrison
Ben "Flay the Malay" Garrison
>Ashkenazis working out in the open
The eyes below the deck.
There should be a Jew being airlifted off the ship by an obvious Israeli helicopter saying "Diversity is your strength" as he is being lifted on a lowered ladder.
Ben "The Spook Nuke, The Racial Pain Hurricane, Pulling the trigger on every nigger, Throw a rock at a POC, titty twist a feminist, Kike Crusher, Stab an A-rab, Krazy Kike Killer" Garrison
Keep up the good work benny
>tfw Ben's comics used to be just anti big-gov, pro libertarian, but Sup Forums kept editing his comics to be anti-zog, pro-nazi, anti-globalist/internationalist/marxist/multicultural
>tfw he got bullied extremely bad by people who thought the edits were his originals
>over time, more and more of his comics are starting to resemble the edits in their tone and subject
I honestly did not expect this, usually people start trying too hard to make comics the other way around to protect their reputation
Beautiful, isn't it?
Hey Eurocucks don't go full chaotic yet until you sign Trade treaty with us. We need to sell you our cocoa and shit
Holding the anchor marked "debt"
>ficke ficke
If this is a real Ben, then it's his best yet.
prep the bolts