Sup Forums turn me into a Fascist
Other urls found in this thread:
Join the fascists or be put to death by the communists
>throws on Black Shirt
Fascism is honestly meh, national socialism is where it's at
These two videos made me rethink everything...
The second video should turn you into a literal fascist. Enjoy changing your life. Hope you obtain great power into the future to change things (i.e. become a politician, businessman or somebody important).
Goodbye friend.
If you can't get there by yourself, maybe you don't deserve to be a fash at all.
You are now a fascist.
Oswald Mosley's autobiography makes the most compelling argument for fascism in the 1930's that I have read.
>Wants to fascist
Don't do it man we all know how that turned out.
Enjoy your public execution.
Fascism is modeled after the Roman Empire. Even the above symbol that the user here: posted is an ancient Roman symbol. For god's sakes even the freaking Heil Hitler hand sign is nothing more than a Roman salute.
>Fascism is modeled after the Roman Empire
Fascism is modeled after Tradition, and I mean transcending Tradition, which was once embodied by the Roman Empire;
I can't do that. But I can turn you into a faggot.
Poof. It already is done.
So you're antifa?
>anyone who isn't a fascist is an antifa
>Find out about Hegel
>Think his philosophy is neat, especially the shit about God and the nation-state
>Listen to Wagner
>Think his music is powerful and evocative
>Find out that Jews say anyone who thinks these things is probably an authoritarian crypto-fascist ebul Holocaust SS Nazi
Evola > Nietzsche btw
>Evola > Nietzsche btw
I want to punch this guy in the head
Portugal NO
> tfw Trump is basically the last hope of Western Civilization
Fascism is literally the anti-degeneracy, and degeneracy is the biggest threat to mankind.
Do the right thing. Embrace fascism.
You guys could have kept going down the Vargas path. You chose Communism.
Fascism embraced.
Trump is a fascist and an idiot.
Fascism - 100 questions asked and answered by Oswald Mosley:
I just read this the other night and went full [DESIRE TO KNOW MORE INTENSIFIES]
>Trump is a fascist
He's actually a classical liberal. He only seems like a fascist because you're an idiot, a Communist, or a CtR shill.
>and an idiot.
Even if he's an idiot, he's the best candidate left.
But how is he an idiot?
Red-pill me on this man Sup Forums.
What did he mean with the word "Imperium"?
I thought it just means absolute power.
by outsourcing your identity to others, you already done it, you mindless twerp
The Imperium is the transcendent state, in which truth can be realized and the proper ethical life can be lived under a government ordered on principles of harmony and justice.
Hitler was a autistic expansion fanatic who wanted to make the world german and nothing else. He view Russians, French and Brits and also you guys as subhumans
"Denn die Organisation eines russischen
Staatsgebildes war nicht das Ergebnis der staatspolitischen
Fähigkeiten des Slawentums in Rußland, sondern vielmehr
nur ein wundervolles Beispiel für die staatenbildende
Wirksamkeit des germanischen Elementes in einer minder-
wertigen Rasse."
read mein kampf burger
fascism =/= hitler m80
Interesting....where can I learn more about this? Any other red-pilled philosophers that I should look into?
Most of Evola's books are on YouTube.
Revolt Against the Modern World and Ride the Tiger are good starts.
desu the Confucian canon needs to be studied more seriously in the West. You might want to pick up a copy of the Analects and the Mencius. I know Sup Forums is anti-Chinese but Confucianism is pretty based when you get past the fact that it's a chink system.
Some people love Nietzsche, and an awful lot of those people are Jews, but he's worth reading.
Plato & Aristotle are must-reads.
Traditionalists like Julius Evola and René Guenon
A short but a must read.
300 000 dead brits and you still deny it. god bless these poor souls
If you support the modern Democrat party you already are one.
desu nobody ITT seems like a Hitlerfag. They usually stand out in fasci threads, too.
Most of us seem to be vanilla fascists or traditionalists. Or classical liberals who are so vilified by the Left that we can't help but accept radical premises in our political philosophies.
You're right the second vid makes a good case
take my hand user
Anyone got any good lectures?
Excellent resource, thank you
I'm a first generation American. My parents are both immigrants from Mexico. In that second video when the guy says he believes that those who created western civilization should lead it (whites? ), I have a wild question. Is it possible for multiple civilizations to live amongst each other without inter mixing? For example have a code of conduct for all black people and a particular process in order to interact with other races.
Also as a mexican American. Because technically white, would I be integrated into western civilization or would mexicans and Hispanics be held responsible for upbring their own society?
Don't think about it too much. The whole point about being American is that the National identity transcends race or ethnicity.
The racial-centrist model would coincide to the European model, but the US was not founded on that model.
I don't have enough government mana to support a political group in your country. Sorry.