We wuz kangz meme

Why is this meme a thing? Africans actually did rule Egypt at one point

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Its a meme that they founded it or that the Nubians are related to West Africans

Read this, this is the nigger who invented the "Egyptians were blacks".


The niggers claiming that dey wuz kangz n shieeetttt are West Africans, not East Africans. Even then, the

Continue please

>Even then, the ancient Egyptians had less Sub-Saharan blood than modern ones.




check the comments.

>this triggers the NEET

He looks Nubian to me.

All african americans btw

Incredible how they hate Western Africa so much they larp as North Africans

This. Its like a Filipino claiming they are Japanese because they're yellow. Its nothing but Americans with no concept of the world outside of their bubble and race issues applying it to everything else.


>Americans with no concept of the world outside of their bubble and race issues applying it to everything else
Sadly, yeah. There's also the element of bigotry through low expectations involved, since it's considered offensive by consensus-minded folks to point out to WUZers that they believe in bullshit.
What makes it truly tragic is that they're not playing into our culture's love for the underdog who succeeds. Black people would be better served if they recognize that they're the descendants of people who got fucked over, but that that having happened doesn't have to define their future. Making shit up cheapens you.

Tl;dr blacks could be empowered through an actual education and practiced integrity, but bitterness and fairytales are easier and more immediately satisfying

Blacks should be wiped out.


Well, that's an opinion. I disagree.

Russiana are black too

Stop fucking your daughter

I want to fuck a Mestiza

Or sister/mother/etc

white is in fact nigger of history in the long run. Europe had been the most uncivilized region for a long time, and white wants to eliminate their shameful history thus Egypt or Greece or Roma must be white.

east african nobles have nothing to do with west african jungle nigras


>Greece, Rome
Both white. Stop the autistic meming
Not white unless you also count arabs as white

Whites are submissive cucks with inferior genes

This is equal parts funny and infuriating.

Amazing how they cant do even a simple Google search
>Cleopatra was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Greek family of Macedonian origin[3] that ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great's death during the Hellenistic period.

And yet the dirty Jap, when given free reign and access to fine Western technology and industry, proved himself to be infinitely more savage and prone to war crimes. After all, it was the barbarous Jap who, like the German, proved himself to be prone to war-mongering and constant aggression against his neighbors. The Jap was similarly inclined to committing war crimes and genocide, but unlike the German, who managed to at least commit his atrocities in an organized, perhaps even surgical manner, the Jap was unable to express the savagery in his dark little heart in anything so coordinated as the German Death-Camps.

No, instead he indulged in an orgy of violence and destruction, without purpose or direction. The German soldier accepted the surrender of his enemies, and could even treat his surrendering or captured opponents with dignity (provided they were white, non-Russian and non-Jewish). The Japanese man showed his enemies no quarter: he executed the wounded, he shot down pilots escaping their planes in parachutes, and whenever he *did* collect a hapless POW that prisoner was then to suffer immense cruelty: starvation, torture, all things in blatant disregard of international treaties that the Jap had duplicitously signed prior.

Similarly, the Jap committed rape and torture against civilians with glee, in a scale rarely seen outside of Mongolian invasions. The atrocities committed by Kraut armies in Russia, and later Russian armies in Germany by retaliation, all pale in comparison to the vile, perhaps even demonic behavior of the Japanese man in Chinese cities like Nanking.

Perhaps the only Japanese war crime that approached the Germans in terms of practicality and organization was Unit 731, which was no less cruel and inhuman than the Human Experimentation conducted in Nazi concentration camps.

Interestingly enough, the Japanese man seems unable to suppress his innate attraction for cruelty even when dealing with his fellow countrymen. Near the end of their foolish and disastrous war with the superior, primarily white United States of America, the Japanese experienced a lack of properly trained pilots due to their refusal to rotate back experienced pilots to train fresher ones. Short on manpower, the cowardly and inhuman Japanese leadership instead decided to callously throw away hundreds of its own men lives on kamikaze attacks, the effectiveness of which is dubious. Really, the only clearly discernible effect of these Japanese suicide campaigns was to kill more Japanese men, as if the American armed forces weren't already killing enough. Furthermore, when doomed to fail by incompetent leadership and logistic support, the Japanese soldier was encouraged to fight pointlessly to the death, senselessly costing the lives of both more Japs and more American men.

The Japanese leadership also lied to their own people. Japanese citizens were fed constant lies about American invaders and their treatment of civilians. Perhaps this was simple Japanese naivete, and the Yellow Barbarian could not comprehend that a foreign power might treat its opponents with decency and common Human empathy, as they themselves were lacking equally in both. Or, this might have been a vicious lie to encourage Japanese Civilians to fight to the death to protect the Japanese State. Regardless, the effect was- again- an unnecessary loss of (primarily) Japanese life. Many Japanese civilians would sooner kill themselves than allow an American to render aid. As American forces pushed the Japanese back to their homeland, the Japanese were weaponizing their civilian body, training and equipping them to commit suicide attacks against their invaders. Rather than surrender to protect its citizens, the Japanese Government would sooner sacrifice its citizens to protect itself.

Finally, when the United States decided to end the war as cleanly as it could, president Truman authorized the deployment of the atomic bomb. Though these weapons resulted in a terrible loss of life and unleashed immense suffering upon innocent Japanese civilians, compared to the loss in life the Japanese Government itself was prepared to cause in a land invasion or willing to incur by continued American firebombing campaigns, these attacks were not only surgical but a mercy upon the Japanese people as well.

Before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, American planes showered either target with propaganda pamphlets warning civilians of an incoming attack, and encouraging them to flee the city with their loved ones. The Japanese response to these pamphlets was to gather and destroy them, and even kill any Japanese caught holding onto one. This act only served to pointlessly ensure that thousands of Japanese civilians were destroyed alongside the military infrastructure in place at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were the primary targets of the atomic strikes in the first place.

Fortunately, the Japanese surrendered after these strikes. Though the Japanese Government thought itself ready to fight to the death to preserve nothing more than some antiquated sense of national honor, when faced with an ACTUAL threat of destruction- destruction that would come without all the glory (read: gruesome bloodshed) of house-to-house fighting and guerilla warfare on the Japanese mainland, the Japanese capitulated, performing perhaps their only sensible decision in the entire war. It was only with American guidance and assistance that a new Japan, a free Japan, was able to emerge from the ashes of the barbarous Empire of the Rising Sun.

Even then, the Japanese have proven themselves utterly inadequate and incompetent in other ways, but I think I've rambled enough for this morning.

Fuck off Jorge.

Egyptians are Africans in the first place you swedecuck

An addendum, as I made an error. Though the American Air Force *did* drop leaflets warning Japanese Civilians to vacate cities targeted for bombing, no special leaflets were prepared for the atomic bombs, and Hiroshima was not mentioned as a possible target for bombing. The Japanese Government did, however, arrest anybody caught in possession of one of these leaflets- the only purpose of which was to encourage civilians to leave Japanese cities which might be bombed in the near future.

I was obviously refering to black people when i said africans

t. inbred

>ancient egyptians

Certaintly related to them