ITT: Draw album covers in MS Paint

ITT: Draw album covers in MS Paint









Blue Note album #1567

Shading is hard to do when you don't want to try and when you are using a mouse.


Have you ever seen that green richard d. james drawing? I made that in ms paint years ago. Except I didn't make him green, someone else filled him in that way. I think he was pink originally.


I doubt it's yours, but it's Richard D. Pepe, or Pepe D. James. Call what you want.

praised be the kek

thanks for the nightmares


actually kinda nice

Really well done




this was harder than I thought


Kek. I actually prefer this to the original. Good job.

Oh, thanks.
I actually dislike the digitally stretched mountains, but the rest is perfect for me.
Jesus fuck, its 4am, what the hell am i doing

well done frens

Lou Reed looks better in this drawing than he does on the real thing. Nice job on DeFrankensteining him

the residents
The argument

Oh, I've been waiting for this




Mahmoud Awad - Seikh to the Future (can't remember the title for certain desu)








looks like an SG guitar body



хyйня кaкaя-тo



Actually proud of this btw.




That was your first mistake

holy shit


very nice

this is really good

A friend asked me to do Ok Computer now, so here you go.

thanks user






Teens of Denial

Fine, but you'll never get it right.

MSpaint, I doubt you used that.
You had one job, you fucking moron.




I'm not an artist, evidently

I like it

I did this about a 5 years ago for "Guess the album" thread on russian Sup Forums.

it's the same


nine inch nails - the fragile (left)





i saw you post it in another thread, lol
if you're gonna use it as a reaction image you might as well use this higher quality version that i also made
if you want


you got it

yeah it's stellar, good job user

Nice penis shading.


Safe as Milk

I was thinking about doing this, but you did a much better job that whatever I could have done

Honestly I couldn't believe nobody had done it yet




I still use MS Paint


nicely done

ты oхyeл

very nice


this ain't even the best death grips album imo but still it's got the best cover


agree 100%, sweet drawing btw
