Why are Americans so funny?

Why are Americans so funny?

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I was going to say that's a Brazilian couple, but they both appear sentient and literate. I know for a fact no Brazilians are capable of that.

Also, the girl is white.

That looks like Atlantis in Nassau
It would take a Brazilian 10 years to save up for a 1 night stay there

Has your sister's black boyfriend ever take you on a trip there?

Maybe he's one of the 1/100000 of the American blacks that aren't fucked up in a ghetto and is instead getting paid millions to run around like a monkey in a field.

girl could be argie

It also would take 10 years of dieting for an american to be that thin

Typical n*rwegian behaviour

Onde eu acho um proxy da Noruega?

how the fuck did you determine their literacy rom that picture sherlock

See? The monkey can't even spell Norwegian correctly!

I'm Norwegian.

Respondeu muito rapido.

>friendly thread about americans
>out of nowhere and angry autistic norwegian poster comes screeching and stirring shit

I can tell you're bitter and certainly someone already beat your shit up IRL

How can you get this mad and react so bizarrely at a Sup Forums post? Are you fucking retarded and illiterate?

He is not Norwegian. Posts at /lat/ guess where he is from


I'm new here, what you guys consider as normie. I don't take usually take shit IRL and sure as fuck don't here.

sit down ya brown manlet

tongue my sweaty anus you cum farting cock jockey

Man, you sure gonna have a bad time here.
Go suck some dicks, I guess

The Brazilian man since young is forced to get somebody to get laid, and the young Brazilian men grows focused only on women.
In europe, no, this is in a second plan, the idea of having a great life being the first plan.
You can see that in these countries, these guys are considered "cold" to brazilian and this is why it's easy to date.
Here, no. Brazilians are a bunch of monkeys that only want to fuck, this inflates the ego of the women, the most ugliest bitch thinks that she's hot or some shit, when they actually don't.

Sure as fuck doesn't look like it, user.


We just do everything for the lols.