The Rhine is the only true natural border between France and Germany

The Rhine is the only true natural border between France and Germany.

>thinking it has any right to talk about other countries

I agree

Come home, Gaulish man.

Would rather erase Germany and give most of the Netherlands to France to be quite honest with you

bad post
excellent posts


Stop LARPing as a Gaul, dumbfuck

We genocided them all

>no Belgium
I approve
t. ouiaboo

T'es énervé, aujourd'hui, Pannonian?
C'est la chaleur? :^)

Although you're autistic as fuck, I appreciate the amount of effort you put into researching and finding your own evidence for your retarded beliefs.

That being said, this doesn't change the fact that the Maas is the only true natural border between France and Germany.

Je fais le Ramadan, mashallah

Donc je suis à vif

No, it's the Rhine.

C'est pas censé être fini ? :^)

The Rhine division between Belgica and Germania is a meme

You just want our DESTRUCTION


I am afraid YOU will perish

Let me guess, from the Meuse to the Elbe, am i rite ? Or perhaps from the Meuse to the Danube ?

No, Maas to the Oder.

Are you stupid?

I would like to apologise for this user's behaviour in advance.

I'm not getting the joke, unless you're calling me a Nazi

No, I don't give two fucks about nazis

Why do you think the Maas is the true natural border between us?

No problem.

Well the concept of "natural borders" is retarded, but if there was to be a natural border between France and Germany, it would be at the Maas. The Rhine has never been the border between France and Germany for any significant period of time (unless you count the small part of the Rhine that the France has traditionally bordered Germany on). The Maas on the other hand was the border between France and Germany for literally centuries.

>making Germany even bigger

fuck off lad

It's not my decision to make, m8.

Too many Germans.

Yes it is

Grosfranciums WHEN


We should have been a french protectorate tbqh


yes it's ours now fuck off please

No need to get upset