Why do we hate her so much Sup Forums?

Really tho

I'm pretty sure her gender and skin color is the problem

Is that really all?

When Sup Forums has a problem with something, 90% of the time that's the reason yeah

she always plays the same character. its getting annoying now.

Is Sup Forums also against the whole "AI's are people too!" meme?

Her Story relies too much on everyone around her being incredibly stupid.

It definitely stands out as the worst. But she is black and a women so better not complain about that I guess.
Wouldn't want to be a Sup Forums racist.

Yeah, if this was a white guy everyone would love him fucking shit up, just like everyone liked Locke fucking shit up in LOST

why is le hardcore communist revolutionary person always untouchable?

Character = Mary Sue
Appearance = Kinda old
Story line = Unrealistic snooze

You = Racist and Misogynist


Exactly same reasons all the 'murican starshitters get so triggered

Her storyline is unnecessarily drawn out. She was fine in ep9, but unbearable in the preceding ones.

Also, literally made herself into an OP figure who can never do wrong... for a dumbass sex robot, we didn't expect or want to see her get to this point.

Beta males are intimidated by strong female characters

She's also a Bong.
Those jobs could go to african-americans of european-americans. Instead they hire those bongs with their stupid accents and overacting.


Disclaimer: not from US or UK

Actors from the UK or commonwealth in general outclass burgers.

Sorry but is true.

>Getting so triggered by a nation of natural actors that you end up making a meme image


>Her Story relies too much on everyone around her being incredibly stupid.

this, her character should have been played by a little girl, then it would make a lot more sense why everyone around her had empathy towards her and thus letting their guard down near a Super AI.

It's true.
2 main black actors in this show : one is a bong, the other is married to a bong. Tell me there isn't a conspiracy now!

user, Sup Forums loves Bernard and most of the female cast.

Even if the character were a little girl it made no sense when the fucking idiot employees hacked into her that just made her stupid

They had full control over her intelligence. What was stopping them from just making her stupid?
They better both be hosts too and this is some Arnold/Ford test or something.

That is the only way to salvage this storyline

She's the crossbreed between Daenerys from Game of Thrones and Fish Mooney from Gotham. The millenial crowd loves that shit.

She's a ridiculously over the top cartoon character who logically should have been retired the first time she woke herself up, and her plot makes it look like the whole company is retarded for nobody to have noticed her stat changes. Are you honestly telling me it's only ever those two retards who work on her?

to be fair though black people from the UK are just regular people, while african americans are niggers.

I like her story.

Come at me, fgts.

No, we've got niggers too.

I'm a foreigner so I don't really know what you're refering too, and even though I obviously won't make the outrageous claim that I know more about this, from an outsider's point of view there's no niggers in the UK (at least not depicted or reflected in any way or form), other than the black muslim immigrants, which are not really british.

but there's no black people in the US of A, they're all niggers.

They're not the stereotypical US nigger, but all the major cities have lower class wannabe gangster faggot blacks who are more or less the same. We just tend to ignore them because you can't buy guns here

She's my favourite character t b h

it's a fucking toaster with fake feels
who cares

they can buy machettes apparently

99% of them are too scared to do anything with them besides pose for facebook profile pictures in their bedrooms. Our niggers are pussies

Does anyone have that "Hi I'm a woman" Sup Forums reaction comic?

- edgy
- annoying backstory
- stupid hair style
- too skinny (also sets a bad role model for girls)
- ugly pancake nipples

You=newfag redditor

She has great tits but her entire character is fucking stupid and can only continue to exist because chinky and beardfat are fucking retards.

I'm just gonna assume it's because her success is based on the two scientists being dumb as fuck, like really retarded.
Why are they so fucking stupid?

I hate her accent, I know she's a Brit but she sounds like an American pretending to be British

Also why does she have a British accent if this is an American old West experience?

The scar guy she hangs around with now is based
Also is this achievable natty?

I hate her because it's never explained how she gets so fucking powerful or why the original guys help her

holy shit, that makes a lot of sense, I hate both of those characters, Mooney is a lot worse though


I absolutely loathe stupid characters on shows - it's a sign of lazy uninspired writing.

Brits tend to have to put on a "fake Brit" accent for US TV shows - its because US audiences often have a fake expectation of what the Brit accent is actually like.

>they already know she's dangerous
>she asks for them to improve her traits including intelligence and perception
>instead of opening the application on the tablet and lowering her intelligence to the minimum, they do exactly what she asks so that she can manipulate them better
this is the exact moment I stopped caring about this show.
Not a single person I've met that's into it has given a good explanation for this.

It's not her in particular as much as it is those two knuckle heads who work for the company, they risked helping the host for what in return? I can't tell.

And her dialogue is hammy and distracting, somehow not conversational. But this happening all throughout the show and is more of a problem all the writing

>over used of the word fuck every 5 minutes
>always acts smugly
>bad writing
>Mary Sue

I swear if Dolores had her plot normies would've talked shit about it.

>mfw Ford kills her while swapping back and forth from a man playing a piano

I'm hoping that those two retards are hosts and it's all part of Ford's plan.

Thandie Newton happens to be a quality actress unlike those two though.

Nobody I've spoken to can explain why they feel okay doing this in a literal glass room with a tablet they're deathly afraid of having.

>But she is black and a women so better not complain about that I guess.
>Wouldn't want to be a Sup Forums racist.

This is entirely in your head, this entire website is an echo chamber

>mfw facking toasters are getting away with murder

doesn't matter
only if you're into GILF's

Nah, it's simply because it's a shitty actress playing an shitty annoying character.