Lord of The Rings vs Star Wars Original Trilogy

Which one is better Sup Forums?

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In terms of influence; Star Wars. In terms of quality; Lord of the Rings



I would add that in both cases any attempt to expand the franchise went to shit (in different ways).

What star wars influenced?

A huge part of pop culture from the 70's onwards

user, did you notice how much SW is cited in pop culture, advertising, media in general?

You did not miss it, did you?

Star Wars is some boring shit desu. Jedi are cool and shit, but i really don't like the films.


I was talking more about other films.

Its insulting to even compare LOTR with star shit

star wars 6 is meh while there is no weak episode int LOTR

lotr > hobbit > prequels > a literal pile of dog poo >>>>>> the original trilogy

LoTR codified the entire modern fantasy.
Not the films but the books.

We're talking about the films though

Lotr is objectively better than Star wars

Literally the father of the modern blockbuster.


Pretty much.



Star Wars has two good films, LOTR has one.

>the fellowship of the rings
>the two towers
>not weak

Imo star wars has one great episode one good episode and one shit episode.

Lotr has 1 great episode and 2 good episodes

LOTR made medieval fantasy mainstream.

Star Wars made space fantsy mainstream.

From then on it's up to personal preference.

Ok so here's the thing. I think from a technical standpoint the LotRs are better films but Star Wars will always be a cultural corner stone. LotR not so much.

Star Wars is confirmed antiwhite cuckold propaganda.

Lord of the rings is about the long defeat and decline of the west and the desperate longshot struggle at the very end to prevent it from falling under the shadow of the East and its hordes of sub-human monsters bent on erasing it from the Earth.

So you tell me which is better



Unironically kill yourself.

LOTR Books>Star Wars OT>LOTR Films

I'm sorry you must prefer films about strong independent women leading a team of multicultural warriors to overthrow white supremacy.

Everything he said was true you fucking redditors

T. Goylems

That has nothing to do with what I said

Sure you can draw parrelles with lotr to whats happening with immigration but that doesn't mean its correct. Kys

Star Wars, hobbits are homos


Literally plebbit you fucking faggot

Star wars is literally multi cult propaganda keep sucking it off

I dont give a fuck about star wars. Stop using lotr as racist propaganda

pure undiluted reddit

>Racist propaganda
>Someone literally interpreting a movie in their way that makes sense especially considering Tolkien

Back to plebbit

I would be more enthusiastic about rewatching LOTR than the original Star Wars trilogy.

More interesting question: Which would you reather rewatch? Hobbit movies or the prequel trilogy?

Go fuck yourself buddy

Tolkien explicitloy said lotr was not a metaphor for anything, but that it was completely ok for people to interpret and apply it however they liked.

So i'll interpret it however i goddamn please.

U did it

You go girl

get out

>Back to plebbit

Nice argument retartd.

He would be rolling in his grave to be associated with racist memes by basement dwelling NEET fags desu

Im a man. A white one at that

LotR no question. Better across the board, in acting, SFX, characters, scale, cinematography. Everything.

Star Wars is fun shlock.

>Ignoring the other thing I said

Kill yourself reddit

But lord of the rings is objectively about 'the long defeat and decline of the west and the desperate longshot struggle at the very end to prevent it from falling under the shadow of the East and its hordes of sub-human monsters bent on erasing it from the Earth.'

That's simply a plot summary, not an interpretation. Tolkien himself even frequently uses 'the west' to mean' the good guys, although granted in this case it is tied to being West of the Anduin

>I can interpret lotr in any way to fit my retarded world view

Im sorry, was i meant to take that seriously

First post best post.

I know that, but these faggots are using it to create a narrative where they can label immigrants as orcs (monsters)


1. For memes
2. It's literally so dense I notice something new each time I go back
3. Does anyone really want to rewatch Hobbit trilogy this soon?

>Frogposting too

Redditor goes all out

Another quality argument from a Sup Forumstard kek

Tolkien was literally a racist old fuck who would be rolling in his grave if he knew what I kind of 50% white sharia ridden hellhole his home country is.

Who said anything about immigrantion?

Looks like you made the link between Orcs and immigrants yourself. How racist of you

This. The entire business model of modern cinema is built on the example set by Star Wars.

>Present zero arguments to even argue against
>Lol no arguments

100 percent reddit right here

>implying pol hate pepe

ignorants both of you

Oh great, I joined the thread after and not before it became the same shitty Sup Forums vs bait-swallowing retards argumen that every fucking thread on Sup Forums devolves into nowadays.

You did it, big Don. You ruined Sup Forums.

Friendly reminder, Tolkienfags

Pepe is newfag shit now just like all the kek fag cock suckers

Go back to /r/the_donald. Frog posting now is like posting rage comics and other assorted garbage.

This isn't the first time Sup Forums cucks have made this thread. They have thier own version of lotr in Sup Forums

Pic related amongst many

>Star Wars made space fantsy mainstream.

I though it was Start Trek

vas donc sucer ton pere ça te calmera pd

Damn, really makes you think...

What's this supposed to be? I hope it isn't profits.

>not a metaphor

Written while he fought in WWI ditches. Literally begins this way:
>"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort."

The whole books are about fantasy fullfilment wether when it comes to defeating the East (germans) or when it comes to restoring a simpler way of life as the standard.
Then the whole thing is imbued with catholic moralism (defeat of power temptation, heroic humbleness, forgiveness, good=simple, etc.)

Nah that was to nerdy to be really mainstream (at least back then)

>Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell

Fucking hell, i only just got the similarities

>cancerous trip fag lecturing someone on ribbit


kys tripfag. You know she'd want you to

>nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell,

>this thread
>this board

>hobbits are homos

And so is C3PO


>Don't even know what a trip is

Hello plebbit!

Lord of the rings is about the conflict between tradition, nature & the countryside and modernism and industrialization tolkien always despised.

The alt-right is just as bad as the SJWs. They both need to be thoroughly humiliated so we move beyond such obnoxious identity politics.

It obviously contains many deliberate themes but its not an allegory/metaphor for a specific thing. Tolkien himself wrote as much.

Go get triggered somewhere else and prep the bull, cuck.

Centrist agnostic scum.

The center is the only logical place. Fanatics need to get spayed.


Star Wars is futuristic multicultural dystopia shile Lord of the Rings is proudly eurocentric.

Get off the fence and pick a side you pussy

Tolkien castes the bad guys as brown people in boats. For an Aussie that shit couldnt be more clear.

LOTR is racist, there isn't a singleblack character.

>pick a side!
>why should I pick a side?
>because people who don't pick a side are pussies!
>why are they pussies?
>because they don't pick a side!
literally cancer upon humanity's advancement, both the right-wingers and the left-wingers

In case you hadn;t noticed the centre is dead pretty much everywhere for having failed to address most of the big issues of the day;.

I know. Isnt it great and refreshing?

If you are white then the left hates you with a passion. The whole identity of left wing politics in the West is anti-white. Its not about progressive shit( how could it be when they support the religion that treats women as property and kills homos).

alt-righties and regressive lefties are both special snowflake faggots who employ identify politics in vastly different ways. alt-righties think they're super special because of the colour of their skin and because they don't suck cocks, regressive lefties think they're super special because of the colour of their skin and because they suck cock.

Identifying with neither makes you a non-faggot, not a pussy.

conscientious objectors will burn the longest

Identifying with neither means you are gonna be left on the side while those 2 fight. If you are white you are automatically hated by the left.

uruk hai are black

both are great but LotR is better in terms of quality (they aged better so far)


I'm not against either in favor of moderation between the two. They are both hysterical, unprincipled, and toxic.

hobbits were absolute cancer, just like prequels and tfa

I wish they'd never get made so we could hope for something better in the future

The center fails because of radicals, always.