Can I pass as a native in your country?



hittitian anatolian not t*rk

From left to right
No, No, Maybe.

No, You are..... a little bit asiatic, Arent you?

i am fully Oghuz Turk from Blacksea.

Manlet Roach



It is related that Abu Hurayra(Radiyallahu Anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “The Final Hour will not come until you fight the Turks, who have small eyes, red faces and flat noses. It is as if their faces were shields covered with skin. The Final Hour will not come until you fight a people with hair sandals.” Sahih Bukhari Hadith 2770

NRW or Berlin: yes
rest: no

idk but youre really beautiful. Not as a native but as an Americanized Hapa

Over here in my region, yes. You could pass for hazara



Unironically yes, but yet you are suhuman

You look like a chinese Chad (Wang?).


Yes you can

Actually anyone can pass as a native in BR

wtf :-D

i am not asian that much, you overestimate

ebin tirad


You've got that Eliot Rodger vibe going.

Can I pass as a native in your country?


You are at ideal age to get married

Yes my fellow mongol.
