India lost ANOTHER fighter jet

>India lost ANOTHER fighter jet.

Can poo-in-loos into flight?

Other urls found in this thread:–present)

they have a space program not a fighter jet program

thats a pretty old aircraft prob with more flight hours than it should

>old as mammoth shit crashed
oh what a surprise

They also lost a few SU-30 recently.

2 0 3 0

7 SU 30
30.04.2009, 13.11.2009, 13.12.2011, 19.02.2013, 14.10.2014, 19.05.2015, 15.03.2017.

What is it?

Lack of maintenance, build quality?

>7 in 8 years
is that considered bad?

idk Russia lost 2
1 on Le Bourget in 1999 because of pilot mistake and 1 from engine failure

>just 2–present)

He didn't count the other jets.

It's just seem too much on India, every now and then i read about a plane of IAF crashing somewhere.

I mean SU30s

>What is it?
>Lack of maintenance, build quality?

"Russian engineering"

Aircrafts need maintenance
remember this

Aren't some built by HAL.

BMWs look progressively shitter

Most of the fighters that crashed are MiG-21 and MiG-23, they are really outdated, though they served us well in the previous wars, in the current year they're relics from the past.
It's mostly attrition mixed with incompetent maintenance that is responsible for 60-70% of these crashes.

>Aren't some built by HAL.
afaik HAL is mostly responsible for maintenance of imported fighters. Due to all these crashes we are developing our own light combat aircraft "Tejas" which is currently 60% developed indigenously.
There has also been a deal with burgers this year to phase out the MiGs with
F-16s built mostly in India

Forgot to add that HAL is responsible for overseeing the LCA "Tejas" project.

Pretty sure the F-16 line moving to India isn't set in stone. It depends on India selecting the F-16 over alternatives like the Gripen to replace the old MiGs.

>mig 23

India bought modern french Rafale unlike Brazil.
Prepare your anus soon, india is modernizing

Kinda scary how common these crashes are becoming.

Losing fighters is something more or less "normal", due to their unstable aerodynamic behavior. They are extremely hard to control and the pilot needs to be trained excessively.
Although India really has some troubles with their crashing aircraft. I blame the pilots, since the Russian aircraft are rock-solid.

>Pretty sure the F-16 line moving to India isn't set in stone
Yes no deal is, irrespective of the country, I'm just posting news that I've seen here in my cuntry. Let's see how this plays out

Russian aircrafts always lack maintenance from countries that use them ( even russia or germany )

>expensive a fuck in general
>can only use french ammo and weaponry
>no tech transfer or license to build here

I'm fucking glad we went for Gripens, Dassault offered the worse of all agreements.

>due to their unstable aerodynamic behavior
but they have on-board computers to actually control them

I know they aren't your average aircraft in terms of flying it.

My point is how fucking common it happens there. Our F-5s are old as shit but they're still flying without major problems, of coure some of them also crashed due problems.

It all depends on the allocated budget.
Example: Austrian pilots have only very little training with the Eurofighters, due to tight budgeting.

Fun fact: The Eurofighters can only take off when two Americans (stationed in Zeltweg, near Graz) give the codes for each and every single mission.

>The Eurofighters can only take off when two Americans (stationed in Zeltweg, near Graz) give the codes for each and every single mission.
dafuq? I guess you guys don't expect a war anytime soon

>The Eurofighters can only take off when two Americans (stationed in Zeltweg, near Graz) give the codes for each and every single mission.
what the fuck

But what's wrong with exclusively french products ? That's quality, bro.

Center of gravity and aerodynamic center are very close together, making it unstable. Of course fly-by-wire is a necessity to control such instabilities, but there is also a pilot in this aircraft. The pilot is there to fly the maneuvers, which sometimes bring the aircraft into a state where it cannot be recovered by electronics within sufficient time. Then it crashes.

>The Eurofighters can only take off when two Americans (stationed in Zeltweg, near Graz) give the codes for each and every single mission.

the absolute fucking state of Yuro """"""military""""".

hahahahaha fucking cucked beyond belief

Uncle Sam pissed in our beer and is now watching us drinking it. We are the purest imbeciles.

But then why don't you buy fighters from France, Germany or even Sweden?

>be Austro-Hungarian Empire
>invade Serbia because retarded imperialism, anti-Slavic sentiment and hatred for the concept of nation states, despite the fact that everybody in Yurop tells you not to
>"lmao who cares all the serbias are belong to us"
>cause death and destruction on a scale never before seen
>get off the hook with light consequences; you lose your """""Empire""""" but Austria itself is mostly intact

>be given a second chance as Austria
>join Nazi Germany
>genocide half of Yurop

And you wonder why the civilized world won't let you do what you want anymore?

We even pay for that service. €500k a year, which are probably the salaries of those two guys. Thank you, Uncle Sam. Please also shit in my mouth, thank you so much.

There is a huge corruption scandal. We had better and cheaper offers, but our corrupt government back then chose the Eurofighters.
Right now they are trying to sweep the incident under the carpet. Shockingly enough: even the opposing political parties don't want this shit to be unveiled, because everybody was obviously part of this.


But pricing and tech transfer were the key and only SAAB and Sukhoi were willing to.

Also the fact that can only use French munitions are pretty bad for sales.

>We even pay for that service. €500k a year, which are probably the salaries of those two guys.

>Fun fact: The Eurofighters can only take off when two Americans (stationed in Zeltweg, near Graz) give the codes for each and every single mission.


>We even pay for that service. €500k a year

that's ireland not india

god damnit why won't summer fags leave?


Two reasons.
1) So that they can't be used against the USA and allied forces, or against forces backed by the USA.

2) Austria once refused to let NATO transport war machinery over/through its territory. We have neutrality in our constitution.

He is an idiot. They can take off without any problem. The USA handles the IFF codes for NATO as it’s the country least likely to be invaded.

>There is a huge corruption scandal.
I feel you user, we had our fair share of them too.
I mean it's one thing to skim off from education or development budget but corruption when it happens in defense deals is absolutely inexcusable.

>Navigation, Funkverschlüsselung und Freund-Feind-Erkennung
>navigation, radio encryption and Identification Friend or Foe

How exactly are you gonna take off in a jet without these things?
That's like traveling by catapult.

Wtf so no control over your own air-force?

>Wtf so no control over your own air-force?

Exactly. I mean, we can have the best air-force on the planet, but for that we need pilots that can fly deaf-mute and blind.

is there even a reason why you all need an airforce? the point is, your safety record will be impeccable if you don't have as many training flights/missions as some other cunt who has to deal with real world problems

Can't reverse that? Or politicians don't care?

We have shitload of resources that in future will be in the eye of some. That alone is enough reason.

Also drug planes entering the cunt.

Quit using NATO services. It’s unlikely you would be shot down.

>Can't reverse that? Or politicians don't care?
2 000 000 000 €
We don't have that money.

It's not compatible to anything else.

Iran still apparently uses F-4 Phantoms.

What, a fine?

Actually almost all modern aviation electonics enhancements were about to remove pilots from piloting as much as possible cos its VERY diffiuclt naturally for humans to do that instead average person think.

Ladas must be amazing to maintain.

And one of them was downed by a fucking ZU23

they're absolute asspain to maintain

We don't make the Eurofighter. They use our navigation and friend/for identification system though.

I should mention this, there was a bollywood movie released in 2006, it basically revolves around the MiG crashes happening in the country that time, coupled with the bureaucratic corruption in my cunt as viewed through the eyes of a group of friends.
I would definitely urge you to watch this movie if you get a chance

I hear it's almost impossible to find parts

how unintuitive

Don't MiGs have toilets inside them?
Maybe he got scared and crashed.

Bullshit you still have regular radio and can encrypt to your own channels and IFF. Your navigation will lose the P-code for the gps but would still be as accurate as a civilian system. Besides we have not scrambled GPS since 2004 and are unlike to soon. Even fucking Brazil pays for this shit. If you want to not pay build your own GPS system. It costs over a billion a year. Fucking ungrateful asswhole.

Ladas were sold in LATAM so you have a chance.


Good taste bro. :)

They also fly Tomcats.

Both shit on streets.

The difference is one is drunk and other is afraid of toilets.