Suffering on another lonely Friday evening edition
>he's here
The state of the Algerian acting Billy big bollocks because he doesnt understand English
what snacks you lads got for /crystal maze/
he looks like a fish or some kind of amphibian
like some failed human created by some mad scientist in a lab
about to fire up the weed boys
>the time remaining until toil resumes can readily be measured in hours
The Last of Us
Assassin's Creed 1/2/Brotherhood
MGS 1/2/3
so what the fuck did he say then
fucking hate teases
>and you
This is what native english speaker consider a full and complete sentence.
likewise pal
fresh from the rolling machine
look how small he is
>twitter giving Verified symbols to literally who journalists
choon and cute lad
algerian is 15x more alpha than any of you runtoids will ever be
This is a good photoshop
not only is alan a manlet, and balding, but hes an arab so its biologically impossible for his dick to be over 5.5inches absolute maximum
will obliterate anyone who mentions weed in my presence
it gets the point across so why add pointless words?
literally had the exact same exchange with several coworkers this afternoon myself
>it gets the point across so why add pointless words?
I remember when blue ticks were a symbol of status now every cunt's got one
*presents my bollocks*
instead of war on poverty, theres a war on drugs so the police can bother me
he's rock hard pointing at an eleven year old girl
How do we fix London?
hurts to admit but Alan reminds me of myself somewhat with his attitude towards the world (not politically)
not a nonce though
have any of your good lads gone out to a normie bar and tried to talk up a girl? i kinda want to do that and laugh at myself later thinking about it
now time for a classic game:
nonce or no nonce?
yank nonce hunters
is it true there are no free refills in europe? lmao
>it's your round
shop around, there are plenty of cheap places.
Seems reasonable, what's to fix?
stupid phone autocorrect
I went into a bar in london that charged me 7.50 for a bottle
do not go to london
really miss the 5.3% pear cider they used to sell in Lidl. used to get proper buzzed off it compared to the 4.5% one they sell now
our country's obsession with nonces is weird
here's a question that makes you think though
is there more nonces in Britain or is it just easier to get away with in other countries?
>so why add pointless words?
I don't know, preserving the language of your forefathers. Doubt William Shakespear said "and you" to his mates. There's no point to get across, it's all pleasantness and civility anyway. No one if going to have a good weekend just gecause you told them so. So why not keep it civil and make some fucking effort.
we're not all fat sacks who drink 2L of fizzy drinks in one sitting
Every single American girl and many European girls now are pursuing the fat ass as a new beauty standard. This goes hand in hand with the “twerking” craze, which, from what I can tell, simulates a she-boon’s mating dance from the jungles of the Congo.
Also, a few words on “thicc” women. “Thicc” is a meme from Black Twitter. It’s not a real thing for White people. Girls can’t be thick; they can only be chubby. If you like chubby girls, just admit it and don’t try to create some sort of new gentleman’s fetish out of what is clearly a result of having few options.
More American and European women are becoming walking hogs at a faster and faster rate. This is only a good thing for Blacks and Browns because, well, that’s what they like.
Sometimes you gotta stop and ask yourself what kind of world we live in today lads
>fck cps
what do they have against cups??
Hope some bunda gets posted in response to this tbqh
we kek ass
cheap by hk standards tbqh
These are the so-called victorian "slums" yet would cost upward of £5 million today
lmao lys
thicc is optimal. you prefer this?
do you have blue eyes
Lad at my spoons its £3
languages have evolved
how would you phrase it then or how do you usually reply when a colleague says to have a good weekend?
are you the Hong Kong mong or the brit living there?
Honestly think tinder is broke and for some reason is not showing people my profile or registering likes
Thanks, you too.
one last trip before the aids finishes him off
i want to put my DICK in that aloe vera leaf
like the cool kids
>even with the shop I am shredded as fuck
Makes you think
what do you think 40 year old "thicc" women look like? nowhere near as good as that.
slapping, punching and screeching
Easy stories for tabloids
Putlet needs to fuck off
this italian tennis players so fit
pissing all over my wall
>40 year old women
blue yes or no
they're all good looking
fuck off yank
the stream's not live
don't like andy murray's face
dont care
because Kim Kardashian and the Jenner girls are the standard for western beauty right now, and have been throughout the 2010s
your perception of good looking is a result of that social trend
care a bit
Allehandro allehandro
Allyallyhandro allyqllyhandroooooo
guffawing at this post for some reason
Can honestly say as a white male I am proud of having brown eyes instead of cucky blue eyes
hazel eyes (NOT brown)
>shapely, with full lups, olive skin and lustrous dark brown hair
when has this not been the ideal?
more effort than it was worth
*makes you care*
>Cursed is the ground because of you;
>through painful toil you will eat food from it
>all the days of your life.
>It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
>and you will eat the plants of the field.
>By the sweat of your brow
>you will eat your food
>until you return to the ground,
>since from it you were taken;
>for dust you are
>and to dust you will return.
love the algerian
love danelad
hate thailad
simple as