Why so much cp comes from eastern europe?

why so much cp comes from eastern europe?

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Why do you know that?

because Russia is a shithole where noone cares about human rights

tor imageboards.

Because they poor as fck nigga

Red pill me on child porn, never saw it

Are they raping the kids or are the little shits enjoying it?

is mostly their dad fucking their daughters or some uncle.

Go to Sup Forums

Can under 10 year old puccies even take dick?


what is wrong with these people

Dad fucking some uncle isn't cp though

Welcome to 4cham

No cp on Sup Forums. Newfigs sperg out even on loli breads and mods are faggots

How do you even know it's from Eastern Europe?

where do you find russian girls in some shitty commie house?

You're on a short list, buddy. Maybe it's a good thing you live in a lawless shithole where no one cares.

They can reach you even in Colombia

>never saw it
and you never should desu
i basically had to watch some in a university class regarding police psychology. the lecturer literally got a sealed box from the justice department with video material that was used as evidence against some pedo ring or something. it served as an example for us of what some police officers have to watch and document in order to gain clues of who the perpetrators are, what their apartments look like and other shit. most children were crying and begged the people to stop. since i saw the video i don't think so ill about the death penalty anymore.

i left Sup Forums a year ago
is the polish cp guy still around?

He isn't, thankfully

what the fuck

Colombia pls


nigga pls

Its just one pole that has it and posts it form areas he knows the wi fi passwords.

Why do they always fuck the girls in the ass in russian porn?

I wanted to ask the same question about the Brazilian girls.
For the russian and ukrainian ones, i believe they have passed the porn actress exam if they can take a fist up the ass.
Strict rules i guess (Isabella Klarke, Hot kinky Jo...)
But the Brazilian girls invented the ass implants long ago, first one with the demand for such.
I still wonder why does every Brazilian lesbian porn video include lesbians doing anal, mostly ass licking and rimming.

I'm giving a tip to the DIJIN right now, dude.
Enjoy eating shit in jail

Just go to Sup Forums when there's a rolling thread.

Saw some years and years ago on Sup Forums, still not forgotten it. You know the people who complain about 2d are retards because its not remotely the same.

He got arrested

Do you mean real childporn, or child models?
There is a huge difference between these two.
KC is full of child models.

You don't need to go to the darknet for child models t.Cunnychon when it existed and other ones which actively exist.

>that german guy that posted cp during big matches on Sup Forums last world cup


90% of it now in 2017 is produced by children, for other children

Nobody wants to talk about it though its all MUH INNOCENT BABY

Society thought giving every kid a smart phone with HD camera and 24/7 web access was a good idea

>All paedophiles must hang
>Most eastern euros myst hang


Most of it is american but only the russian stuff gets reposted because american kids are fat niggers or beaners

you do realise that the fbi has ties in colombia too right?

You posting that with that picture gives me chills

Get a grip

Excellent post

No shit, Hans.

Some faggotss here have been arrested for taking part in internationals networks of cp distribution.

Yet pedophiles insist that there's nothing wrong with them "loving" psychologically and physically unprepared individuals.

I saw him about a week ago, the mods were pretty quick on him though.

They're poor.

I knew someone who worked in law enforcement and he said it's surprising just how many people view CP. They span all races, socioeconomic brackets, and age groups too from teenage boys to elderly men.

Depends on the individual.

Yeah, because a big portion of men are pedos/hebes.

Will you get arrested for viewing CP in your country?

No, he got v&, his last post said he was escaping the cops on r9k



Serves him right

We'd get shot

The only time you get arrested for CP here is if you bring it with you to a surprise Chris Hansen interview

You'd have to do something stupid like go onto an obvious honeypot in the deep web.

The adult vagina is very tough and it has folds in it to flex during intercourse and childbirth but they don't develop until puberty. A little girl could be badly injured by intercourse and also most of the vagina's self-cleaning abilities don't exist yet in children, meaning they're more prone to infection.


CP is a very loose category that can on paper cover anyone up to the age of 17. In fact the age group which is most prone to sexual exploitation are 12-17 year old girls.

CP isn't technically illegal in Russia, sometimes CP producers have been busted for child abuse but there isn't a law against it per se. It's also legal there to possess CP.

It is illegal in Ukraine but law enforcement is almost nonexistent there.

>eastern europe
>not Thailand

this desu, not everything is childporn. Some people are just interested in what girls do


t. pervert

Maybe in 2010.

el pedofilo seƱores

You sir win the internet. Screencapped.

and his flag didn't help either

Hold the fuck up, this kid has makeup on

In all honesty, my time on the internet has convinced me that a huge minority to a small majority of men are into (way too) young women. Luckily most of them seem to be okay with suppressing it like most other people who are into taboos.