Why does eastern Europe have such a shitty infrastructure?

Why does eastern Europe have such a shitty infrastructure?

Why are they bad at everything?


Ask the dumbasses wearing Che Guevara and CCCP shirts.

>light blue

>what is Estonia, Croatia, Czech Republic and Slovenia

I'm trying to guess, and failing. Tell me.

They have this handy little baby there.

norway and ireland have no excuse desu

Historically a different breed but still. It's not that they're incapable, if they had the Marshall Plan which Western Europe enjoyed, they'd probably be richer than many Western countries.

to be fair, Norwegian infrastructure is extremley expensive.

Oh and eastern europe has not had a good time with the Russians.

this map is bullshit
no way R*ssia has better infrastructure than Poland or any other EU country

>fucking islander telling us its easy, imagine a fjord or a fucking mountain every few km.

Norwegian infrastructure sucks, though. Especially because of speeding truckers. The roads are too fucking narrow and you can always fall off the mountain. Swedes kinda have the proper infrastructure with wider roads but they don't have to deal with this crap.

Oure infrastructure in the long run is one of the best in Europe.
>fresh water everywhere
>hydro power
>oil & minerals
Oure problem is the roads indeed. Thats not going to change anytime soon with these conditions.
>sweds cheat with nuclear power

>and you can always fall off the mountain.
Well shit. Its not like we want to ruin the landscape to save a few idiots.

scotland has fjords and mountains, stop making excuses

Blasting through mountains just to make roads is ridiculously expensive.
Whatever their faults may be, shit roads is probably the easiest to excuse.
They have them, but their entire country isn't composed of them.

I'm not saying Norwegian roads are crap but the truckers should be somehow dealt with.

>Kosovo in same bag as s*rbia

Separate us so they can become redder while we can be bluer.

How is it possible that the US is in the top 20? Our infrastructure is shit.

We still haven't promoted Boyko to the rank of God-emperor. Only then he will be able to build all the highways he wants to build.

Because making a massive transcontinental highway system gives you points for effort

Who makes these retarded maps?

Look at the image you idiot, the World Economic Forum which holds the Davos summit. Swiss.

>Why are they bad at everything?

Because they are white trash