What are the worst lines on the whole project?

What are the worst lines on the whole project?

when he rhymes "n-word" with "antwoord" lmao

>I'm so narcissistic, when I fart I sniff it
>Do a fake dab to smell my armpits with it

River's got some real gems
>It's a chess match, she's on his back like a jet-pack
>Says maybe she'll be my Gwen Stacy, to spite her man

>her booty heavy duty-like diarrhea
>pressure increases--like khakis

>spent 3 racks on balmain
>my bitch love do cocain

That's actually fire.

>On the floor when I pop up on some Whac-A-Mole shit
>In search of a chick who stacked them so thick
>And implants are so big
>She can hang me up on that rack, big ol' tits
>Like Anna Nicole Smith

Hot references, Marshall.

this dude literally puts words together just to rhyme, like there's no substance, he's like a malfunctioning robot, and these outdated pop culture references are insane

Get capped in America like Steve Rogers

It's a clever punchline but it's on a song about the plight of black people in white america it's not a good time

>But everybody knows fake tits are still better than real ones
I never was offended by an Eminem line before but this shit is just facepalming. What did he mean by this?

Pick any single line from it and it is bound to be not good.

Eminem is trash

Actually it is. Eminem isn't just someone but the guy who made a career saying whatever he wanted in a way he wanted. Jokes and wordplay in a serious track about serious issues is what makes him him. Hence the funny lines from the racist cop POV work well too.

That's also why Like Home sucks, where he tries to play a normal concerned person. It just doesn't work, specially when he later goes on about having Ivanka in his trunk.

Eminem doesn't use punchlines like that in literally any of his other politically driven tracks. There are no jokes on tracks like Mosh or White America

On Mosh he had a funny line about:
>Strap him with an AK-47, let him go
>Fight his own war, let him impress Daddy that way

White America was full of tongue in cheek lines, in the second and third verse. Take:
>Look at these eyes, baby blue, baby just like yourself
>If they were brown, Shady'd lose, Shady sits on the shelf
>But Shady's cute, Shady knew Shady's dimples would help
>Make ladies swoon, baby (ooh, baby!) — look at my sales!

Why does are his vocals so compressed but super airy? It sounds unmastered

i agree this is actually good
rest of the stuff in this topic is shit tho

hes old. thats how old people sound.

The hook on Offended ruins the entire track, which is actually pretty dope. I get what he was going for but goddamn, just make that the skit before or after the track.

tongue-in-cheek line =/= shitty, unrelated joke or reference



lol is that what passes as good with nig hop

no wonder the entire genre is trash