
/brit/ the general, can we fix it? Can we fix it? Yes we can! edition

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Beautiful edition


>not speaking french, german, icelandic, mandarin and arabic fluently
fucking brainlets



we gonna rock down to:

might wank to Sophie Dees chebs tomorrow lads

i'm 5'8 laugh at me

>he wastes his time learning other languages rather than learning actual knowledge
it is YOU who is the brainlet

Why isn't there more sjw outrage at the media portrayl of dwarves? They are commonly portrayed comically and made fun of and nobody seems to care

Hate Drumpf love minions simple as
Not a facebooker just dont like him

Nick Frost's twitter is cringey with full of muh labour and le fuggg TRUMP XD le fugg MAY XD shite. i liked him before.

>learning another language as an Englishman
>thinking so little of yourself that you view yourself as equal to JFs or less



learning Japanese from anime lads

wtf those lips are so unnatural looking

hate it when that happens

VERY good post

*tells you to fuck off in 19 different languages*

nth for the coming race war

does anyone want to wathc afilm



and now he works for an american company making a show for americans becausr the bbc wouldn't let him jus bee urself

i like them a lot

depends if it's a flick or cinemá

>he can't learn real things whilst picking up a few languages on the side
not only are you a brainlet, you're also lazy



wasn't born, with a silver spoon in her mouth
she probably had, less than every one of us
but when she knew, how to walk
she knew, how to bring the house down
can't blame her for her beauty, she wins with her hands down

jacob rees cuck

Dumb cringy drunk 19 year old slags are outside again

Think its just 1 person. no idea how she has any friends she is so fucking irritating

use drugs as a coping mechanism

the irony

thats my favourite feature of hers

Can't get enough of socialism

Keep telling myself to go easy but I can't help it

define 'real things' sweaty

/brit/ the general
Can we fix it?
/brit/ the general
Yes we can!

Thailad and poley, lisicki too
Phimo and turtle join the crew
/brit/ and the lads, have so much fun
Working together, they get the yanks gone

FUCK OFF YANK (fuck of fat twat)
FUCK OFF YANK (no-one likes you)

ah good tim's now angry some car parked outside his house

i can do this all day everyday la xx

got no social capital so I can't offer people anything

here's my impression of an american
*speaks in incredibly obnoxious nasal tone*
hey, i'm an american

This is terminalogical inexactitude

fantastic post
love are sade

off to work lads

bit sad desu

seems besides the point but i do chemeng and learn icelandic and arabic on the side

Dr Jordan B Peterson is creating lectures about profound psychological ideas

Reminds of the brit-nigerian exclusive ex-gf. First girl I ever came inside. We used to listen to Sade while swinging in ahammoc in my old flat and we watched Spike Lee's entire filmography over the two months or so we were together. She went to Central St Martin btw and did some modellig too. She was so fucking classy.

same but I don't even live in nordic elf country

why what is satdy
you could have wathc a film


oh you inhabitants of the british isles, a thousand curses upon thine ilk. surely those accursed plots of land are part of the devil's kingdom, surely those men are his army, surely those women are his concubines.

may each day of your life be filled with dread, may each night chill your bones, may you choke on the filth you created, oh you destroyers, oh you defilers.

Foreigners literally aren't even human
If I could replace the entire planet with British people I would

anyone else here spend a lot of time at work thinking about /brit/
always think of really good posts and narratives but never remember them by the time I'm at home and on /brit/



do u want watch film



>putin has a watch on his right hand

did you make this

putin clearly has a slight smile on and is about to reach out and grab his hand though

really made me think


is thailad from oxford? he has a similar accent to timothy james byrne here at the rented flat


wait what so donald trump is Keyser Soze?

i can imagine myself having sex with any cute lady but i can't imagine fucking a girl that i am in love with. does it happen to you too?

he's never posted voice

oi josie remember me hahaha you good yeah?


you shouldn't say this, there might be some people ITT that still haven't seen the usual suspects and you are completely spoiling the film for them by saying kevin spacey is keyser soze

Peter Kay puts on a good show xx


newcunt twat

doing a post lads

sorry do i know you?

unironically how I type

yeah what film

Nah not me lad
I'm having a good hoot in a yank cops thread though

Other way round xx

Let's take a trip down memri lane

that wasn't me, but yeah he has

Drumpf is going to jail for treason


are you talking about the thread livestreams he used to do

I like to think that this girl tastes of butterscotch

How do I get a Monica wife?


Who needs Ben Garrison?

>he thinks he will have a profitable career in petrochem with his knowledge of Arabic

wew lad I know where this is going

Take some advice from a lad who actually works as a ChemE and has had many dealing with arabs. You deal with them by being dominant because they by default look down on you because you're not Arabic. Guess what sweaty, you don't show your dominance by speaking Arabic. No, your mediocre knowledge of the language will not help you know what they're talking about, they are wise to westerners trying to do that and it will backfire. If you insist on learning a language learn German or Spanish, those are at least beneficial to know.


the absolute state of hamburg

>drink alone almost every night

bet klumpf feels up putler's scrote with his foot and pretends it was an air bubble

you do but can't say haha


top bants

i'm not trying to learn it for petrochem lad i just like learning languages, if it helps it helps