Your country

>Your country
>Why do you hate Poland and Poles?

>be turk
>go google
>type poles
>see this
>face palm

we didn't genocide żmudzins in time when we had a chance :(

sorry, world...

>muh winged hussars greatest warriors Eva
>muh 1683 muh saviour of Christian Europe
>muh 99% white no refugees poland is gonna better than all of Europe greatest country in the world
They're shit yet they act so condescending

i don't

because they hate me.
really simple

Why I most certainly do not! From whom have you heard such drivel?

>tunisia calling anyone shit

tunisia is how poland would look like after multiple nuclear armageddons


But they make potato. Me love potato.

1683 was a mistake

Litteraly better infrastructure than Poland an eu country
You aren't so great yourself bar Budapest
It was

>I don't hate them.

actually the guy who you replied to is swedish

fuck off tunisia. don't you have to go bomb some show or something?


>nobody hates polan

>I don't, because they are a pretty blunt people and generally aren't sjw. Plus their distaste of Russia is generally amusing.

'facepalm' is when you put your palm on your face
when you put your palm on your dick it's a 'fap'
they both start with an F so it might be a bit confusing

I don't. Surprised Lithuanians hate them Because they live close to poles in Chicago

>Turkey doesn't hate Poland
>Western Europoops hate Poland
best frenemy confirmed again, is right