Opposite day lol

Opposite day lol

Doesnt this happen ever G6/20 event ?

Why are poles such trashy people?

are people stupid? why don't they steal the monitors or things that are truly expensive, or even get the money from the cashier. I mean there was a guy that stole just a beer

They probably have tvs at home already
They are 1st world rioters

disgraceful really

The shattered windows were more expensive than the stuff they stole


it seems to be the way of it whenever a g(x) event takes place

curious people in balaclavas and tight black jeans seem to spontaneously generate in its wake

niggers already get gov gibs in germany.

this act of subhumanity is not becuase they're in need of money, it's just in their blood to be apes

What did they mean by this? What are they trying to achieve?

If these people were black, this thread would be filled with the "fucking niggers" posts lmao
Classic white fags with their double standards.

t. Autistic weeb

Hello nigger

Except this is either slavs (who are already trashed) or anarchists (leftists who endorse nignogs). Just like how blacks can be honorary whites by acting civil, whites can be honorary niggers by doing this kind of shit.

This is the future of millennials, since they've been brought up exactly like problematic blacks: spoiled, having everything paid for them by the government and never facing consequences.
Wouldn't surprise me if this was some kind of "social protest" planned at some university.

>stealing beer and food
fucking idiots, go for the electronics

spot on. wh*tes on int cant handle these AT ALL.

Another reason why wh*tes must be wiped out

t. filthy shitskin
They're all western lefties.

What does "t." mean? I'm kinda new here.

t. Newfag

>They're all western lefties.
Thanks for proving my point.

And me pointing out to slav behavior is not banter, it's factual. Russia is white Brazil with guns.
I still consider slavs the ultimate masterrace, but they're prone to these acts, unlike Hobbitses to the west.

Are they giving back the merchandise that they stealed?

t. ignorant murifat

t. wh*te

Kek I knew it
White "people"
Feels good to be black watching this 2bh
Too bad these are not american whites
But pretty close

you know how at the end of e-mails or letter you say
well in finnish the word for regards is terveisin, abbreviated with t.
so when someone replies to you and says t. Newfag, they mean that's what you are
t. spoonfeeding professional


It means greetings in Finnish.

t. Albertini Barbosoglio

Shut up monkey.

> t. Newfag, they mean that's what you are

>t. spoonfeeding professional
but that's what you are. not what i am.
this is fucked up. if i say
t. american
that would mean this is my signature
but if i say
t. italian
that would mean you, not me
so a lot of times when people sign as
t. faggot
are they calling themselves faggots or are they replying to faggots?

Daily reminder these are the people that control Europe and by extension control all eu countries :)
not using fat boy and little man on Germany has been USA greatest mistake

Honourary White is such a badhanded compliment to say to a person you hueman

it's complicated to explain, just lurk more and you'll get it eventually

t. faggot

t. wetback

It's not a compliment, it's just a label, I'm just describing a behavior concept.

At any rate, in Brazil we used to call decent blacks "A black man with a white soul" up until the late 90s.

They're leftists. Sup Forums hates them more than blacks, so they'll just talk shit about the left in this case

Te equivocaste. :v

>t. italiano
Am I doing it right?

where from? mexico?

because it's full of redditors that can't even meme properly
you have to greentext it
>t. amerilard (you)
t. meme autist (me)

yes but you'd be wrong
I'm romanian

>another Reichskristallnacht

ok so is it

>t. (something about me)


>t. (something about you)

It's the bottom one.

There are always protests in some capacity but I don't think it has been this bad since Toronto.

So this user got it wrong? >t. spoonfeeding professional
he is obviously referring to himself

Wait. Now I'm confused.

if you put it at the end of your post you are obviously referring to yourself, put it at the beginning or make a post that contains only with "t. whatever" and you're obviously referring to the user you replied to
can't believe I'm explaining memes to strangers at 2 in the night

Actually. That user is right. If you want to refer to yourself, you don't use green text. You use green text to refer to someone else.

You're doing (any nondenominational) God's work.

why thank you
i am not a stranger i am your friendo

t. is some stereotype you look like to them or you can tell a poster that when you think its obvious he is pretending like someone else or trying to be edgy, hiding his identity or who he really is. you can use it for yourself like inb4 as well

t. not a weeb

anytime my dudes

masterrace my ass.

The last time we had riots, noone stole anything and the result was barely a torched transmission van of the lugenpresse and few ripped sidewalks


Fucking white subhumans