After today's scenes in hamburg, what are the pros and cons of killing all left-wingtards?
After today's scenes in hamburg, what are the pros and cons of killing all left-wingtards?
fuck off nazi
>only nazis hate left wingtards
no, every rational person who doesn't want our countries to turn into third world muzzie shitheaps hates you limp wristed cunts. fuck off back to /r/politics
>tumblr filename
>browses the 'dit
Time to stop posting and take a stress pill mate.
Pros are you save Europe. Cons are you lose workers and taxpayers.
>workers and taxpayers
>I despise left-wing fascist ideals
>I am going to impose right-wing murderous fascism
Doesn't seem morally consistent
hello leftypol
This guy is literally browsing both Tumblr and Reddit and I'm the one from leftypol?
the ends justify the memes
>Sup Forums constantly talks of day of the rope, killing niggers and kikes
>can't do shit except shitpost from their basements
>antifas actually come out to the streets to protest against globalist kikes and brawl with the cops
Pathetic bootlickers
google image search is full of tumblr images bro. not everyone is going to spend time changing the filename so you don't get the wrong idea
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
I thought balts were cool
Pros: no more violence or drama in this world
Cons: less hedonism
I don't get it
You'd find that filename on google anywhere
What's the point of attacking cops again?
And I'm pretty sure the right wing is winning or growing everywhere. Breaking down the old left wing systems.
>Reich office reviews your personal internet history (VPNs are banned) and determines that you were on a degenerate internet forum with transexuals
>arrests you and sentences you to slave labour or death
>determines you're mentally disabled because of autism
>arrests you and sentences you to slave labour or death
No, right wingers believe in freedom. While the left wing tries to invade our lives. Killing off left wingers would be self defense. And afterwards our freedom would be restored.
>right wingers believe in freedom
A bit idiotic from you, considering nearly every global and historical right-wing regime is authoritarian and despotic
>implying the protesters are wrong
The Netherlands has had a right wing party in the government since we could vote.
And we've been a beacon of freedom to this world since our founding.
if only leftards put that much effort into destroying the groups in society who actually do the most damage - niggers, mudslimes and other third world filth who need to be deported
isn't trump also against globalization
the biggest con with killing lots of people you don't like is that you become something worse than a social blight
go back to leftypol you dumb fucking somali nigger
In fact, our current prime minister is of our most right wing party.
That's because right wing parties in the Netherlands are probably centrist or leftist compared to others worldwide
>when trump opposes globalisation and elitism, it's good
>when lefties do, it's bad
really makes tose neurons tingle
>antifas actually come out to the streets to protest against globalist kikes and brawl with the cops
remember berkely?
that time where a bunch of antifa faggots got the shit beaten out of them
Also, I realized you're talking about similar modern right wing parties, and not African-tier genocidal regimes like others ITT
I don't know what the pros would be, but the main con is that it would be mass murder.
The Netherlands doesn't even have free health care or free education.
You can hardly call us more left wing than other european countries.
Cheap labor force from 3rd world countries is the product of global capitalism. These boys on the streets are doing the right thing.
The elites don't give a shit if you stay white or turn black or muslim. The just want profit.
Left wing activism is hip and vibrant.
Right wing activism is secluded to the basement of trap and cuckold porn watching hermits.
Yes, the man who makes billions off cheap labour and import parts hates globalization.
Keep drinking the koolaid, dipshit.
fuck off mars
Stop creating memories. The "strong" right wingers needed protection by authorities.
Quality ain't free.
>Hospitals in the Netherlands are mostly privately run and only for profit, as are the insurance companies
>In 2015 the Netherlands maintained its number one position at the top of the annual Euro health consumer index, which compares healthcare systems in Europe, scoring 916 of a maximum 1,000 points. The Netherlands has been in the top three countries in every report they have published since 2005. On 48 indicators such as patient rights and information, accessibility, prevention and outcomes, the Netherlands secured its top position among 37 European countries for the fifth year in a row.[6] The Netherlands was also ranked first in a study comparing the health care systems of the United States, Australia, Canada, Germany and New Zealand
>implying any of those studies actually mean anything substantial, and aren't just about someone's feefees about how they were received
for all we know, those studies might just be about how good the staff was at minding everyone's pronouns, and not about saving lives
I'd get upset too if I were you.
if this were the case, then all the government-mandated and single payer hospitals would be top of the list, jamal
>implying politically correct postmodern thought and free market capitalism aren't intimately intertwined
In Dutch we have this concept called the moldeable society. Which means that politicians often think they can mold society into what they want it to be. People who believe that use tools such as censorship to steer the public opinion.
Germany is cursed with politicians who believe in the moldeable society. But we have rejected it.
But it has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism per se. Although socialists tend to favour it more often.
in other words, you're fine with it as long as private corporations are the ones doing the molding.
There is no contradiction in being on the right and siding with these protesters here
No, in general Dutch people, who lean towards liberalism, believe in live and let live. Which is pretty different from American and Swedish progressives who want to mold society.
And if you dont like what a corporation is doing you can vote with your wallet.
How do we get Germans to finally reject it and stop trying to mold/ruin Europe?
>vote with your wallet
t. edgy neoliberal
you most likely also think that democracy is inherently populist, and that the functions of democratic institutions should be taken over by private corporations.
I do not believe a free market is possible in every branch. Some branches tend to be monopolistic in nature.
The same goes for branches that rely on international competition, which can be cut off at the whim of a political leader.