South America RULES

Why is South America literally the best part of the american continent?

Also, fuck the USA

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oo ooo ooo aa aaa aa aa aaaa aa aaaaa aaaa

United States of Mexico
>People are ok with calling it just Mexico
United States of America
>People are ok with calling it just America
what is your problem shitskin. Call a Colombian or a Paraguayan "American" and you'll get your ass kicked

Mexico isnt a continent
America is a continent
Your country just has one of the shittiest least original names ever, UAE tier

>United States of Mexico
Wrong, it is United Mexican States
We tried to change our name to just Mexico several times already
Also this

The Americas is the continent. America is the country. When you have a better short name for the US, let us know, otherwise stay mad because when people hear "America" they immediately think of the United States.


>Why is South America literally the best part of the american continent?
Superior culture
Superior literature
Superior cousine
Superior music


Iberian Empires are gone (and historically irrelevant in the North American continent), Anglo's remain supreme. United States of America for the win lads.

>superior culture
drugs and crime, and stolen Spanish WE WUZ. You also have just as many degenerates as we do
>superior literature
name one
>superior cousine
>superior music
American music is statistically more popular.

>be LatAm
>get cucked by CIA


panama who
america is way better than south america shit

shut up England you understand what I am trying to tell these ""Iberians"".

thanks bro

>be american
>get shot

>No that upper big mountain with watter in Venezuela
>No Patagonia
>No the Zocalo of México
>No that ocean of salt in Bolivia
>No Yucatán Beach
Bullshit m8

>>superior literature
>name one
Gabriela Mistral
Pablo Neruda
Gabriel García Márquez
Mario Vargas Llosa
Jorge Francisco Luis Borges

>>superior cousine
Not that hard to have better food than the US.

>American music is statistically more popular.
You know what else is extremely popular and even more shit. Des-

Why couldn't you just have a nice comfy South American thread without sperging out about the US, m8? Was that really necessary?

Literally who? Are these authors known outside of your continent,on par with Hemingway and Twain?

>Not that hard to have better food than the US
we have literally all kinds of food,just look closer
>you know what else is extremely popular and even more shit. Des-
Panama you need to calm down. This thread is Brazils fault and you dont need to be offended.

>tfw you literally has a bunch countries with upper butthurt and you don't know a fuck

Was this post even English?

The fuck you just say to me,paco?

no really im confused

They has a lot of reasons for hate the US

Europe>Australia>North America>Asia>South America>Africa>Antarctica

Great post. I think I actually agree with it completely.

Europe>North America>Asia>Austraila>South America>Antarctica>Africa

People wouldn't get America and the Americas confused if literally every single country in the Americas besides the USA (and Canada love you bro) wasn't a crime filled 3rd world shithole who are completely irrelevant on the world stage

>American education

But the USA is a crime filled shithole

Dumbass. We got it from Europeans. Iberians, italy and france call the whole continent "America". We were colonized by them. We descend from them. We got the name from them.

Volta pro DCE, macaco.

Only the Southern half,including Southern California. As opposed to your entirety.

America is a crime-filled shithole and Uruguay is unironically the whitest country in this hemisphere.

So did we so shut up SOPA

>And here we see another vira-lata in his natural habitat. Look at how he moves. Look at his behavior trying to get accepted. Look at how he is ready to suck the big gringo dick at any moment. It's remarkable.

>the whitest country in this hemisphere.
Who cares? Seriously

I don't but a lot of people around here do.


>people unironically selectively contextualise the word america to strawman their opponent and make them look like they think the us consists of the entire continent
How is life on the spectrum?

Dude, I am pretty damn sure "Cien años de soledad" has been readed a lot more than any Twain or Hemingway work.

>Literally who?
>we have literally all kinds of food,just look closer
holy shit is this fatfuck serious

>Literally who? Are these authors known outside of your continent,on par with Hemingway and Twain?

If you weren't an illiterate mongrel, you would know Marquez and Borges' stories are very popular, possibly even more popular than Twain (not Hemingway though, you're right about that).

>superior cousine in US
le bacon pizza lasagna x'D!!

>let's name the country
>I know, let's grab the name of the whole continent for us
And then you complain when people complain.

I mean, the whole argument is dumb. At this point I wish we could agree to just rename the continent already.

>historically irrelevant in the North American continent
Given that your second largest city is called "Los Angeles", I really must differ.

>united kingdom
>the same as england
Wow, you really are american aren't you?

>Literally who? Are these authors known outside of your continent,on par with Hemingway and Twain?
american education

The actual ultimate redpill is knowing that Latin American countries during the last decade of the XIX century and the first half of the XX century were as rich as European countries and sometimes even world powers like the Mexican Empire, Argentina and Gran Colombia.

I legit thought Russia was the best country at fucking up until i read about Argentina in the XX century.
I doubt you could do so bad even if you tried. "JUST" can't even begin to describe it.

I can't imagine it either. They went full JUST NEGRO MY COUNTRY UP F A M just because of a dictatorship. Not even us did that.