He's going to make it

He's going to make it

Litterally who

Kirk Douglas and the Joker

did they have work done that has now gone to shit? or is it just their regular aging? because theire faces look like melted plastic




old people are disgusting

wtf I hate old people now!

damn aging fucking sucks

also, micheal > kirk

why do women have no sympathy?

h-he's been dead the whole time

Does he still continue to molest children nightly?


>tfw you're positive you'll never age

things to look forward to I guess

it's a jewish male thing

i don't think they are jewish


This is why no one should be allowed to live past 90. After that you should just be put down.

wtf he's not even dead and he's already decomposing.

more likely it melted off

Stan needs more souls.