Where the fuck do you find out about new music? I used to use pitchfork but after years of steadily getting worse and worse they are now officially pure toilet and I need a replacement.

I'm not interested in crawling through a dozen shitty blogs, just one site I can check every now and then for new music recs.


Rym new release list
Rym album of the year chart
Albumoftheyear.org new release list
Google "bandcamp releases 'date'"


be oldschool and check out other artists from labels of an artist you like

Watch interviews of artists you already like, see who they mention and what said.
It's more direct and legit than finding other people on the internet who just talk about shit and do nothing else.

OP here

RYM is great but a lot of good stuff is overlooked on their lists.

Unironically youtube recs

For example?

Just from this year, some of my favorite albums- Thundercat, Visible Cloaks, Mac Demarco, Bing and Ruth, Kelly Lee Owens- are all outside of the top 100.

>top 100
Wut, it goes to 1,000 and then ones that aren't there can still be found in genre charts.

Some pretty heavy digits you're dropping

Tiny mix tapes, Amoeba and BBC residency
Theres definitely some better ways, but I find these are efficient enough for now

>tiny mix tapes
this desu

Fantano (so that I know what new stuff is out)
Youtube sometimes

Go on wikipedia

already listened to it all, and have to be honest, not a fan.

>New music

2018 in music
2018 albums

kinda funny

That's literally the trashcan of information

rym for sure, it automatically recs you stuff so digging thru an obscure genre is really easy

Nme and iHeartRadio

Last.fm recs, specific rym charts, metacritic new release list, bandcamp new releases.

Before people give me shit for metacritic, my method for using that site is I will either use it to find new releases for artists I already know, or if I find a band/album name that sounfs interesting ill look up a song by them and if I like it I'll download it

This. Also occasionally allmusic and metallum

Oh yeah metallum too good call. I wish I could use the allmusic new release list but its absolutely flooded with literally every single new edition.

this, discogs + finding out what music influenced my fav artists

Usually from last fm and spotify recs

unironically unironically this
also discogs for specific label/genre releases

Rough Trade

Yeah I'm consistently impressed with the mixes that spotify plays after my album is over.


unironically spotify

their algorithm for discovery coupled with search keywords make finding new music so pz a normie could do it

adblock the wrb player n ur set

discogs, youtube recs and talking to people.

what year did pitchfork go to shit? What's the cutoff point where I can safely ignore their lists?

I use Spotify. Start at an artist that I like then I get drunk and get lost by clicking on related artists related artists until I find something new. Either that or I will just look up a band that I all ready like and learn who they tour with.

melon man

I think a good indicator is when they started to suck off kanye when yeezus was released. so 2012/2013.

Is that even a question? You have the fucking internet, everything is on your hands so pick and choose. Easy as fuck.