I don't see the problem

I don't see the problem.

Thats because there arent any

The problem is we need to spread the Leaf, everyone must embrace it.

What is going on here

Canada under conservative leadership

Please... carry on

So, in conservative Canada everything is on fire and there are gigant zombie mooses?

Here is conservatism at the municipal level



Here is our liberal PM for comparison

you forgot the geese shitting on everything below.

How the fuck are so many kids these days conservative? Do you just not get along with the liberal normies at your schools and this is how you rebel?

Our flag looks better flying in real life than on the Internet.

Canada is part of the commonwealth; your nation was the aborted mistake, user.

Being emotionally involved in politics makes you as steeped in normalfaggotry as one can possibly be, user. Politics at it's core is tribalism, which is the basis of normalfaggotry.

i prefer my provincial flag, but the maple leaf is okay - it's a traditional symbol of canada, simple as

>tfw the union jack on the BC flag is stretched out and awkward looking

That's what happens when you don't use the good ol' corner cuckstamp

BC's flag is great, man.
>simple as

it represents how asian people see the union jack

Conservatism is now the new counter culture if you will but mostly i think it has to do with shit like kathleen wynne being an absolute fucking retard and Trudeau giving a literal fucking terrorist 10.5 million dollars. Im really torn between the two to be honest. The conservatives are big business cock suckers that are socially backwards and want to gut healthcare but the liberals spend like theres no tomorrow, cant stop sucking minority cock and constantly virtue signal and pander.

Its just a revolving door of shit same as everywhere else.

NS flag is preddy gud, although i prefer my own a tad more
